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aahaa, muahaha 
"Optimistic altruist, incurable romantic"

Posted - 06/03/2012 :  07:20:46  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Once I submit a review and go to the pending reviews to edit it, clicking on the pen icon makes the review disappear. Refreshing reveals the review but it cannot be edited still as it again disappears. I could edit it on the old site though. This seems to be a new bug because I was able to edit/ add explanations for pending reviews on the new site before.
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benj clews 

Posted - 06/03/2012 :  11:23:52  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by aahaa, muahaha

Once I submit a review and go to the pending reviews to edit it, clicking on the pen icon makes the review disappear. Refreshing reveals the review but it cannot be edited still as it again disappears. I could edit it on the old site though. This seems to be a new bug because I was able to edit/ add explanations for pending reviews on the new site before.

Thanks for letting me know- should be working again now.
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"I like to watch."

Posted - 06/03/2012 :  20:18:15  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by benj clews

Originally posted by randall

benj, bump? I'm still not getting credit for newly completed accolades. None of 'em.

Yep- I'm working on this. I could easily enough sort out your accolades but I want to fix *why* this is happening before that (and those accolades currently being non-completed is part of the debugging process).

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aahaa, muahaha 
"Optimistic altruist, incurable romantic"

Posted - 06/05/2012 :  22:06:58  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by benj clews

Originally posted by aahaa, muahaha

Once I submit a review and go to the pending reviews to edit it, clicking on the pen icon makes the review disappear. Refreshing reveals the review but it cannot be edited still as it again disappears. I could edit it on the old site though. This seems to be a new bug because I was able to edit/ add explanations for pending reviews on the new site before.

Thanks for letting me know- should be working again now.

The problem now is slightly different - I am able to click the pen icon and then the = icon and put an explanation. However, when I do the same a second time, the original explanation is not visible.
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benj clews 

Posted - 06/05/2012 :  23:24:07  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by aahaa, muahaha

The problem now is slightly different - I am able to click the pen icon and then the = icon and put an explanation. However, when I do the same a second time, the original explanation is not visible.

Nice spot! Think it's fixed now. Also, despite the fact you couldn't see them before, your explanations should still have been saved when you last submitted the reviews.
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"I like to watch."

Posted - 06/06/2012 :  20:34:53  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I'm having trouble adding a photo to a new accolade. I followed all instructions on the new site, the photo appeared in the box just fine, but it's not there any more, and when I tried to go in to edit, I got

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a005e'

Invalid use of Null: 'cstr'

/accoladewizard/details.asp, line 38

Also, it claims I have reviewed none of the films in the accolade, which is incorrect. Something's rotten in Denmark.

EDIT: The acc is "Woh: Yeoh!"

Edited by - randall on 06/11/2012 21:41:02
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"I like to watch."

Posted - 06/11/2012 :  22:01:28  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by randall

Originally posted by benj clews

Originally posted by randall

Is there a problem with the accolade function? There are a few which I've completed, but they haven't been placed in my trophy case. But when I check which films I'm missing, the answer is always 0. Please don't say I have an atrophy case!

Will check- which accolades are you seeing this on?

Josh the Cat's Lost Accolade and Grey Area, for two...

EDIT: Also the long Tarzan one. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa or something.

ANOTHER EDIT: Also Planet NPH. I'm not getting credit for any of these.

benj, bump? I'm still not getting credit for newly completed accolades. None of 'em.

IT'S FIXED!!! The accolades are credited now!
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"I like to watch."

Posted - 06/11/2012 :  22:05:06  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by randall

I'm having trouble adding a photo to a new accolade. I followed all instructions on the new site, the photo appeared in the box just fine, but it's not there any more, and when I tried to go in to edit, I got

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a005e'

Invalid use of Null: 'cstr'

/accoladewizard/details.asp, line 38

Also, it claims I have reviewed none of the films in the accolade, which is incorrect. Something's rotten in Denmark.

EDIT: The acc is "Woh: Yeoh!"

Now: how do I edit an existing accolade on the new site? Specifically, I want to try again to add the photo for the trophy.
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"Necrosphenisciform anthropophagist."

Posted - 06/11/2012 :  23:20:38  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by randall

Originally posted by randall

I'm having trouble adding a photo to a new accolade. I followed all instructions on the new site, the photo appeared in the box just fine, but it's not there any more, and when I tried to go in to edit, I got

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a005e'

Invalid use of Null: 'cstr'

/accoladewizard/details.asp, line 38

Also, it claims I have reviewed none of the films in the accolade, which is incorrect. Something's rotten in Denmark.

EDIT: The acc is "Woh: Yeoh!"

Now: how do I edit an existing accolade on the new site? Specifically, I want to try again to add the photo for the trophy.

On your accolades page, click the grey pencil on the top right of the trophy image. That'll take you to the edit page, click the photo there and it should open up a folder where you can pick a new image. (I just checked now and it works fine with Firefox.)
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"I like to watch."

Posted - 06/12/2012 :  12:21:08  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Sean

Originally posted by randall

Originally posted by randall

I'm having trouble adding a photo to a new accolade. I followed all instructions on the new site, the photo appeared in the box just fine, but it's not there any more, and when I tried to go in to edit, I got

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a005e'

Invalid use of Null: 'cstr'

/accoladewizard/details.asp, line 38

Also, it claims I have reviewed none of the films in the accolade, which is incorrect. Something's rotten in Denmark.

EDIT: The acc is "Woh: Yeoh!"

Now: how do I edit an existing accolade on the new site? Specifically, I want to try again to add the photo for the trophy.

On your accolades page, click the grey pencil on the top right of the trophy image. That'll take you to the edit page, click the photo there and it should open up a folder where you can pick a new image. (I just checked now and it works fine with Firefox.)

Worked like a charm. Now the beauteous Ms. Yeoh graces her trophy. Thanks so much.
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"I like to watch."

Posted - 06/13/2012 :  21:32:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
TO benj: The more I use the new site, the more I like it. [Funny, that's exactly what happened last time you redecorated!]

Thanks for the groovy countdown clock, too! By request!

Edited by - randall on 06/13/2012 21:33:30
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"Necrosphenisciform anthropophagist."

Posted - 06/22/2012 :  23:10:11  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Fourum auto-logouts

I know this has been mentioned in the past, but thought I'd mention it again.

I haven't been auto-logged-out of the main site ( for a long time, so there's no problem there any more. But, I'm auto-logged-out of the fourum on a daily basis. It's like a fourum login is on a 24-hour timer. Could this be fixed?

I use W7 with Firefox 13.0.1

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"Long mired in film"

Posted - 06/22/2012 :  23:46:33  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Sean

Fourum auto-logouts

I know this has been mentioned in the past, but thought I'd mention it again.

I haven't been auto-logged-out of the main site ( for a long time, so there's no problem there any more. But, I'm auto-logged-out of the fourum on a daily basis. It's like a fourum login is on a 24-hour timer. Could this be fixed?

I use W7 with Firefox 13.0.1


I smell a can of worms. I have been auto-logged out of for a few days.
W7 and IE 9.
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"Striving lackadaisically for perfection."

Posted - 07/04/2012 :  20:28:19  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by lemmycaution

Originally posted by Sean

Fourum auto-logouts

I know this has been mentioned in the past, but thought I'd mention it again.

I haven't been auto-logged-out of the main site ( for a long time, so there's no problem there any more. But, I'm auto-logged-out of the fourum on a daily basis. It's like a fourum login is on a 24-hour timer. Could this be fixed?

I use W7 with Firefox 13.0.1


I smell a can of worms. I have been auto-logged out of for a few days.
W7 and IE 9.

Me too. I've now tried clicking 'don't remember me' in case the site's being perverse.

I use a Mac with Safari.
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"Always entranced by cinema."

Posted - 07/09/2012 :  10:57:49  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by benj clews

Originally posted by aahaa, muahaha

The problem now is slightly different - I am able to click the pen icon and then the = icon and put an explanation. However, when I do the same a second time, the original explanation is not visible.

Nice spot! Think it's fixed now. Also, despite the fact you couldn't see them before, your explanations should still have been saved when you last submitted the reviews.

Uhm - benj, could you please take another look at this - I'm having the same problem described by aahaa, muahaha. Also, if I go into a review submitted a day or more ago in order to add an explanation - the review then registers as being a Pass one submission on the later date [i.e. today]. So, theoretically, that could affect my weekly quota, couldn't it?

ALSO - for us loyal players of TA:MOU ... is there an easy fix to the following:
We'd like to isolate ALL our reviews for any one film and be able to copy the url of that page. At the moment, we can isolate our own reviews, but copying the resulting url, pasting it into the TA:MOU page to solicit votes, just brings the clicking person back to all the reviews for that particular film.

At the moment, that means we have to provide a number of urls to cover multiple reviews. Or, this week, I'm trying to separate my multiples with urls to the old site. But it would be great if the isolation/url thing could work as before on the new site.

Hoping you've got some time for this, benj.

Big thanks in advance!!

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