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"Necrosphenisciform anthropophagist."

Posted - 03/07/2012 :  20:33:05  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Sean

A couple of issues to do with Messaging.

a) When on someone's page and I click "Send message", logic would suggest that when the messaging window pops up their name should be in the "To" field rather than popping up with the general messaging window (where you enter a user's name and pick from the list of similar names that pop up).

Fixed. Thanks mate.

Another messaging issue. Message content displays fine when reading from this page

but when reading them from the MyFwfr page the messages have had all line breaks removed. Should be an easy fix.

Edit: Well that's weird. I just received another message and this one displays fine from my MyFwfr page. Either you're (benj) the fastest website fixer ever, or something weird is going down.

Edit2: OK now it's gone back to line breaks removed on the next message to come in.

Edit3: OK now I'm not sure it always displays fine here
some messages have had line breaks removed, some haven't. They all display fine in my mail client (Outlook 2010).

Edited by - Sean on 03/07/2012 21:20:30
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benj clews 

Posted - 03/08/2012 :  01:01:04  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Airbolt

I don't know if this has been covered before but the voting system is not immediately clear. Of course, once you know that the faint outline of a star can be rolled over to vote then it's apparent. It's not immediately apparent that a review can be voted on especially to a casual or new viewer.

As this is intended to be constructive could the icon for voting be visible at all times and have some indication on it? ( perhaps the word "vote" )

I've actually tried a good number of different styles of vote button in getting to this stage (perhaps I'll bore you all with the many, many mockups I've accrued developing this over the last two+ years). I've tried quite a few combinations of making the vote buttons more visible but always found the page to look very busy (yes, even more busy than it already looks- to some at least ) once you had this highly visible image on every single review all down the page. Likewise having the word Vote written near each review, only worse in that I consider it quite patronising explicitly spelling something out like that over and over again on every page.

Yeah, I can appreciate it's not immediately obvious but, like you say, once you know it's apparent. Perhaps the simple solution would be to have a quick introduction to how the site works upon first log in?
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"Necrosphenisciform anthropophagist."

Posted - 03/08/2012 :  01:45:48  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by benj clews

Originally posted by Airbolt

I don't know if this has been covered before but the voting system is not immediately clear. Of course, once you know that the faint outline of a star can be rolled over to vote then it's apparent. It's not immediately apparent that a review can be voted on especially to a casual or new viewer.

As this is intended to be constructive could the icon for voting be visible at all times and have some indication on it? ( perhaps the word "vote" )

I've actually tried a good number of different styles of vote button in getting to this stage (perhaps I'll bore you all with the many, many mockups I've accrued developing this over the last two+ years). I've tried quite a few combinations of making the vote buttons more visible but always found the page to look very busy (yes, even more busy than it already looks- to some at least ) once you had this highly visible image on every single review all down the page. Likewise having the word Vote written near each review, only worse in that I consider it quite patronising explicitly spelling something out like that over and over again on every page.

Yeah, I can appreciate it's not immediately obvious but, like you say, once you know it's apparent. Perhaps the simple solution would be to have a quick introduction to how the site works upon first log in?

I like the new vote function, having it almost hidden (like the Edit pencil thingy) was a good move. People should only need to learn this once. And the "how the site works" idea is also a good one.
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benj clews 

Posted - 03/08/2012 :  14:53:34  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Sean

Originally posted by Sean

A couple of issues to do with Messaging.

a) When on someone's page and I click "Send message", logic would suggest that when the messaging window pops up their name should be in the "To" field rather than popping up with the general messaging window (where you enter a user's name and pick from the list of similar names that pop up).

Fixed. Thanks mate.

Another messaging issue. Message content displays fine when reading from this page

but when reading them from the MyFwfr page the messages have had all line breaks removed. Should be an easy fix.

Edit: Well that's weird. I just received another message and this one displays fine from my MyFwfr page. Either you're (benj) the fastest website fixer ever, or something weird is going down.

Edit2: OK now it's gone back to line breaks removed on the next message to come in.

Edit3: OK now I'm not sure it always displays fine here
some messages have had line breaks removed, some haven't. They all display fine in my mail client (Outlook 2010).

I'm wondering if this is something as simple as where the message was sent from: the old site or the new. Will investigate.
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benj clews 

Posted - 03/08/2012 :  15:07:31  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Yep- old site fine with carriage returns, new site not. Will let you know once the fix is live.

Should be fixed now.
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"X marks the spot"

Posted - 03/08/2012 :  18:46:45  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
If already reported *sorry*:

I can't change My details on new site, so I've been going to old one for that.
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"Necrosphenisciform anthropophagist."

Posted - 03/08/2012 :  22:57:20  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by MguyX

If already reported *sorry*:

I can't change My details on new site, so I've been going to old one for that.

Did you click that fat greyed-out pencil thing in the top right under "logout"? That's where I go to change my details.
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"Necrosphenisciform anthropophagist."

Posted - 03/09/2012 :  11:23:23  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
This film has 3 reviews, all on 0 votes, and one of them is green rosetted as "Top voted for this film". I guess it doesn't matter much but thought I'd point it out.

This one has its top 3 reviews all on 21 votes, the 3rd one (when sorted by votes) is marked as "Top voted for this film".

I guess this is the usual issue where there's a tie, but it looks like ordering by votes on movie pages doesn't use the same criteria as when picking the one for the green rosette.
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benj clews 

Posted - 03/09/2012 :  12:21:27  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Sean

This film has 3 reviews, all on 0 votes, and one of them is green rosetted as "Top voted for this film". I guess it doesn't matter much but thought I'd point it out.

This one has its top 3 reviews all on 21 votes, the 3rd one (when sorted by votes) is marked as "Top voted for this film".

I guess this is the usual issue where there's a tie, but it looks like ordering by votes on movie pages doesn't use the same criteria as when picking the one for the green rosette.

Yes, a few others have flagged this with me. I'll be looking at this once I've sorted the diacritics
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"Me, nice Elf, aye."

Posted - 03/09/2012 :  20:42:08  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
At the risk of appearing a complete numpty,~ it wouldn't be the first time~ how do you find the latest reviews on the new site?
I think the new site is very eye-catching, and when I get used to it will no doubt navigate easily around it, but at the moment I am having a bit of difficulty finding things. Is there a *beginner's guide* somewhere that I've missed?
Admittedly, it's been a while since last I submitted a review, however I do still vote occasionally and chuckle at some of the threads in the fourums.
With best wishes to you all,
Stevie ( E.l.f)

*coughs politely* Umm, Could someone please point me in the right direction to the correct thread for my question?

Edited by - E.L.F on 03/10/2012 18:32:15
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"Necrosphenisciform anthropophagist."

Posted - 03/09/2012 :  21:23:51  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by benj clews

Originally posted by Sean

This film has 3 reviews, all on 0 votes, and one of them is green rosetted as "Top voted for this film". I guess it doesn't matter much but thought I'd point it out.

This one has its top 3 reviews all on 21 votes, the 3rd one (when sorted by votes) is marked as "Top voted for this film".

I guess this is the usual issue where there's a tie, but it looks like ordering by votes on movie pages doesn't use the same criteria as when picking the one for the green rosette.

Yes, a few others have flagged this with me. I'll be looking at this once I've sorted the diacritics

Oops, I missed that.
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"Here four more"

Posted - 03/10/2012 :  17:34:01  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
question: when a review is declined how do you send it back with a explanation? I see how it is edited...but where does the explanation go? It may be simple....but Im just trying to find it.
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benj clews 

Posted - 03/10/2012 :  17:42:36  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by TitanPA

question: when a review is declined how do you send it back with a explanation? I see how it is edited...but where does the explanation go? It may be simple....but Im just trying to find it.

Edit the review, then click the two horizontal lines icon on the right side of the comment box. The background of the review editing area should change to a lined yellow paper kind of look. You can type your explanation into that. To switch back to editing the review, click the speech bubble icon that now sits in the place of the two horizontal lines icon.
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benj clews 

Posted - 03/11/2012 :  14:55:19  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Right, I *think* diacritics is fixed. It was pretty complex and I may have still missed something so let me know if you spot anything untoward.
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"Here four more"

Posted - 03/11/2012 :  16:13:19  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by benj clews

Originally posted by TitanPA

question: when a review is declined how do you send it back with a explanation? I see how it is edited...but where does the explanation go? It may be simple....but Im just trying to find it.

Edit the review, then click the two horizontal lines icon on the right side of the comment box. The background of the review editing area should change to a lined yellow paper kind of look. You can type your explanation into that. To switch back to editing the review, click the speech bubble icon that now sits in the place of the two horizontal lines icon.

Thank You Benj
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