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"I like to watch."

Posted - 05/16/2007 :  02:24:13  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hear, hear!
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"Here four more"

Posted - 05/16/2007 :  04:29:48  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
That reminds me. I need to update my Accolade with sounds in the movie title
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"Long mired in film"

Posted - 05/16/2007 :  22:26:51  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Cogratulations Randall on passing my Anger Management accolade.
Now just stay on your meds and stay calm.
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"I like to watch."

Posted - 05/17/2007 :  22:49:49  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by lemmycaution

Cogratulations Randall on passing my Anger Management accolade.
Now just stay on your meds and stay calm.

I so enjoy "closed-end" accolades, that is, the work of one specific director...that is, until you put some more Angers in there! But unlike most of these whelps, you'll have to do it by hand -- so bring 'em on! [Or maybe you want to start one that has every movie with the word "anger" in it. Wait, I think I've just given Sally an "idea"...]

Your accolade reminds me of the days when Andrew Sarris ruled the earth!
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Josh the cat 
"ice wouldn't melt, you'd think ....."

Posted - 05/17/2007 :  23:02:22  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Randall
[I so enjoy "closed-end" accolades

Then you will love the Oscar Extravaganza collection when I have fully populated it, the timescale for population is dragging a little but I am working on it.

I am having to add a mass of films before building each accolade, I will get there.

Josh the cat
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"I like to watch."

Posted - 05/18/2007 :  00:03:30  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Josh_the_cat

Originally posted by Randall
[I so enjoy "closed-end" accolades

Then you will love the Oscar Extravaganza collection when I have fully populated it, the timescale for population is dragging a little but I am working on it.

I am having to add a mass of films before building each accolade, I will get there.

Josh the cat

Josh, I fully respect those particular accolades, because you have to tend them by hand. [It's become much easier now that you can add your own films, though, but I'm carping.]

Think about shoon's vaunted SNL accolade, which sprang to more than 1000 films, each one of them lovingly added by hand. Now THERE was an accolade worth attempting! [Now, of course, like so many others, it's become another Lucy's football...]

Unlike Charlie Brown, I will simply not be back for another go next year. My interest in accolades is slowly fading.
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"Always entranced by cinema."

Posted - 05/18/2007 :  08:34:56  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Randall

My interest in accolades is slowly fading.

Rats, Randall Brown! I've been depending on you!!

PS mine are ALL hand-knitted

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"I like to watch."

Posted - 05/18/2007 :  14:47:26  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by BaftaBabe

Originally posted by Randall

My interest in accolades is slowly fading.

Rats, Randall Brown! I've been depending on you!!

PS mine are ALL hand-knitted

As of 5/18/07, I am but two reviews away from both Josh's huge Documentary Dilemma and your huge Sibling accolade. Once I get those four reviews approved and hoist those trophies JUST ONCE, I may never be able to again. But Lucy's holding the football on both of those, and I'm running toward her...
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"I like to watch."

Posted - 05/18/2007 :  20:16:19  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Josh_the_cat

Originally posted by Randall
[I so enjoy "closed-end" accolades

Then you will love the Oscar Extravaganza collection when I have fully populated it, the timescale for population is dragging a little but I am working on it.

I believe I shall wait on completing them until they actually are closed-ended.
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Josh the cat 
"ice wouldn't melt, you'd think ....."

Posted - 05/18/2007 :  21:52:36  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Randall
I believe I shall wait on completing them until they actually are closed-ended.

If you wanna tackle the complete ones start at the first I am populating them that way 1st to last.

Josh the cat
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"I like to watch."

Posted - 05/18/2007 :  22:59:32  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Josh_the_cat

Originally posted by Randall
I believe I shall wait on completing them until they actually are closed-ended.

If you wanna tackle the complete ones start at the first I am populating them that way 1st to last.

Josh the cat

Assuming you are not Lucy in disguise [with glasses! -- reference only for our mid-boomers from the mid-Sixties], I may take you up on this one day. But I must still wait to see how things shake out before I go chasing some ball of string that my "master" has just thrown out in front of me. I ain't no cat, Josh!

Edited by - randall on 05/18/2007 23:00:42
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"Luck-pushing, rule-bending, chance-taking reviewer"

Posted - 05/26/2007 :  10:35:34  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Josh_the_cat

Originally posted by Randall
I believe I shall wait on completing them until they actually are closed-ended.

If you wanna tackle the complete ones start at the first I am populating them that way 1st to last.

Josh the cat

That Darn Cat

At the moment I've got 7 Oscar Extravaganza accolades 'cos they're only populated by films already on the database. But I can see Josh filling out the accolades and already approaching my earliest year so I'm going to start losing them over the next couple of days.


Bad cat, Josh. Bad cat.
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Josh the cat 
"ice wouldn't melt, you'd think ....."

Posted - 05/26/2007 :  12:41:05  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Randall
[As of 5/18/07, I am but two reviews away from both Josh's huge Documentary Dilemma and your huge Sibling accolade. Once I get those four reviews approved and hoist those trophies JUST ONCE, I may never be able to again. But Lucy's holding the football on both of those, and I'm running toward her...

I'm gonna make your day here Randall. I am making the JtC'sDD closed at 1000 films as I am adding the oscar films I'm adding documentaries at an alarming rate. It could grow stupid so 1000 is where it stays.


Josh the cat
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"I like to watch."

Posted - 05/29/2007 :  00:22:01  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Josh_the_cat

Originally posted by Randall
[As of 5/18/07, I am but two reviews away from both Josh's huge Documentary Dilemma and your huge Sibling accolade. Once I get those four reviews approved and hoist those trophies JUST ONCE, I may never be able to again. But Lucy's holding the football on both of those, and I'm running toward her...

I'm gonna make your day here Randall. I am making the JtC'sDD closed at 1000 films as I am adding the oscar films I'm adding documentaries at an alarming rate. It could grow stupid so 1000 is where it stays.


Josh the cat

Thanks, Josh, but my whole point has always been:

if you'd had to slowly add them one by one, like shoon did with his SNL accolade, the DocDilemma wouldn't be anywhere near 1000 films. The fact that it's only by your just-expressed good graces that I even have a chance at completion is precisely what's wrong with accolade construction just about now. But thanks anyway.

EDIT: BTW: remember how irritated you were that people retained their suddenly-improper posts in your sticky accolade thread after its rules had been subsequently changed? [Even after you asked quite politely for their removal.] That's exactly how I feel about postmodern-era open-ended accolades in general.

[Your Oscar lists seem to be hand-tended, and I salute that. But it's much easier now that you can add films yourself...]

Edited by - randall on 05/29/2007 00:35:51
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Josh the cat 
"ice wouldn't melt, you'd think ....."

Posted - 05/29/2007 :  10:42:43  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Randall
Thanks, Josh, but my whole point has always been:

if you'd had to slowly add them one by one, like shoon did with his SNL accolade, the DocDilemma wouldn't be anywhere near 1000 films.

As a matter of fact I had to search and add each one individually, there is no way of adding a film category/genrethem auto, not that I would, anymore.

The hardest part was working out which were already in and therefore didn't need adding again, it was a blooming 'orrible job on the last update took hours and hours.

Originally posted by Randall

Your Oscar lists seem to be hand-tended, and I salute that. But it's much easier now that you can add films yourself...

Does something being easy to create make it worth less or even worthless, because I don't agree with that. Your right, I am adding massive amounts of films to make these oscar accolades and yes it is easy to add films but it still takes time and effort to make them and they have a purpose which is something you have personally expressed a desire for in all accolades previously.

If an accolade has a film based reason, wether it is easy to make or not it still has value only pointless accolades like "The accolade" which AC put up to make a point to other fwfrers are pointless.

I have some auto update accolades, e.g. the ones based around a single actor, they took little to create and require no / little attention yet I still believe they are worthwhile and valid.

and no I am not in a bad mood or upset/annoyed I just want to clear things up a little.

Josh the cat

Edited by - Josh the cat on 05/29/2007 15:25:39
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