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"Welcome back, Billy Buck"

Posted - 12/20/2006 :  19:25:11  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I've created a lot of accolades. I've completed them all (I consider it an obligation to complete your own accolades). All "number of acheivers" stats are not including myself.

Accolade of the Living Dead
"They're coming to get you, Barbara." Have some respect for the dead...and stay the hell out of their way as you complete this list of great zombie films! Stay away from the window.
22 films, 2 achievers

Armchair Athlete
I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm not very athletic. I couldn't hit a fastball to save my life and even Shaq's got a better shot at hitting a free throw than I do. So instead of playing, I love to watch sports - and sports films. Step up to the plate and take shot at this collection of sports-related movies. Then hit the showers.
42 films, 2 achievers

Better Than The Original
Remakes of films that surpass the originals.
14 films, 3 achievers

Comic Book Superhero
Collect all these comic book inspired movie titles! Sorry Mr. Lee, we've got some DC Comics here.
29 films, 4 achievers.
(Note: another FWFRer has a larger "comic book accolade." I am aware of this. Some films are based on comic books that are rather obscure. I'm being a little more selective here)

The Continuing Adventures of the Rolling Stones
They've been consistantly popular for over 40 years now. They've never made a "comeback," because they never left! Through the hippie 60s, the disco 70s, the glam 80s, the hip-hop 90s...they've always been at the top of the music world. They are simply the greatest Rock 'n Roll band of all time. And they're on film, too.
11 films, 1 achiever

Enter the 36th Chamber
These are the films that inspired one of the greatest rap franchises ever, the Wu-Tang Clan. Aside from being great sampling material, these movies are fantastic examples of kung-fu and martial arts filmmaking (especially anything with Liu).
17 films, 3 achievers

Everybody Loves a Good Scare
Admit it: it's fun to be scared sometimes. And scary movies are the best way to do it. Horror flicks, thrillers...they get our adrenaline pumping! Here's a collection of some of the best, from all eras.
39 films, 2 achievers
(This is one of my favorite accolades)

Fistful of Movies
Clint Eastwood stars as "The Man With No Name"...a mysterious stranger wandering the American west, surviving by using his surprisingly quick mind and an even quicker gun. These true 'Spaghetti Westerns' are quite possibly the greatest Westerns ever made. Enjoy.
3 films, 22 achievers

Galactic Empire
From his throne room in Napa Valley, George Lucas has slowly built himself one of the most powerful empires in the film industry. Only with the force at your side can you hope to face all these films he wrote, produced, or directed!
21 films, 6 achievers

Human Oddities
The classic sideshow may have been a victim of Political Correctness, but it lives on in these films. Try not to stare.
5 films, 3 achievers
(Another favorite of mine)

It's The End Of The World As We Know It
Plague, disaster, monsters, but mostly nuclear war. Who doesn't love this fabulous film sub-genre? Explore these visions of the end of the world.
47 films, 1 achiever
(Yet another big favorite of mine)

Junk Food and Beer
Eat, drink, and be merry. Just don't forget the alka-seltzer.
4 films, 7 achievers

Life Sucks
A guaranteed formula for box office success: teen angst. Review all these films featuring teenagers feeling sorry for themselves.
10 films, 4 achievers
(No trophy!)

Madonna: The Immaculate Collection
Madonna managed to get casted in all of these films. Can you manage to watch them all?
16 films, 3 achievers

Music Festival
One festival ushered in an era of peace and love, another defined that era, and a third brought it to a tragic end. Watch all three documentaries, with another from across the pond, and maybe you can figure out why your parents are so messed up. Then check out the 90s Woodstocks! At least '94 worked out okay...
6 films, 4 achievers

Oh the places you'll go!
Theodore Seuss Geisel. You grew up loving him as Dr. Seuss. His wonderful imagination took us to incredible places, with his books and now in film. But when will they adapt "The Lorax" for film?
5 films, 10 achievers

Pretty In Pink
Peter Sellers was a comic genius. It may not have been his truly finest work, but the Pink Panther franchise made him famous. Review all these films...if you can stop laughing long enough. This list will NEVER include the bastards of the series! If it doesn't have Peter Sellers, it's NOT the Pink Panther...I don't care how funny Alan Arkin or Steve Martin are.
6 films, 7 achievers

Punk You! A Sunday matinee
A collection of the best punk and hardcore documentaries available. Anyone know what DMS actually stands for?
6 films, 3 achievers

Really Loooooooooooooooooong Movies
The shortest movie on this list clocks in at just under four hours. The longest? About three and a half days. Good luck. Don't bother pointing out that "Cleopatra" is only 192 minutes...the director's cut is over 5 hours!
8 films, 6 achievers

Red Menace
Some of these films were made by Soviet filmmakers (including some truly great examples of film making). Others are in some way about the former Soviet Union. All of them will probably get you a permanent file with the FBI.
9 films, 3 achievers

Signs of Evil
The lines are being drawn. The time grows near. Can you prevent the end of the world in our time? Stop Damien!
5 films, 2 achievers

Worldwide Leader In Sports
All these films premiered on ESPN. Is that interesting? Maybe not. But they're actually not bad films.
6 films, 3 achievers

You Are Terminated!
Your mission is to eliminate these movies one by one. You can't be bargained or reasoned with, and you simply will not stop!
3 films, 100 achievers

And of course there's my personal favorite films accolade. This one just keeps growing
Take A Ride Downtown
213 films, 3 achievers

I know that Alan Smithee has at least one of my accolades. Good for him!

Edited by - Downtown on 12/20/2006 23:17:41
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Conan The Westy 
"Father, Faithful Friend, Fwiffer"

Posted - 01/09/2007 :  04:39:05  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I've created 22 accolades but still haven't achieved all of them. Six currently mock me. Time to hunt them down... but how much Keanu can one man take?

Alby Mangels, He's Our Man
Films 3
Achievers 5

The World Safari movies of the 1980s are of legendary status in Australia. Alby would journey around the world with his dog and particulary hot young ladies. Little wonder so many young Aussie blokes wanted to be Alby.

Apted's Up For It
Films 7
Achievers 5

Michael Apted has been involved in a fascinating ongoing documentary series following the lives of some British children as they grow. Every seven years he pops in for an update of how the kids (now adults) are travelling on the road of life.

As Game As Ned Kelly
Films 5
Achievers 10

Despite his origins as a horse-thief and cop-killer, the bushranger Ned Kelly has become an Australian icon. The Story Of The Kelly Gang, produced in 1906, is hailed as being the first continuous narrative film of any significant length in the world. After that early foray into stardom, Ned has been parodied, pilloried and even played by Mick Jagger. Hasn't he suffered enough?

Aussie Acting Oscars
Films 5
Achievers 10

Australia has a rich tradition of film. This award is to celebrate the Aussie actors/actresses who have received the recognition of the Academy for their outstanding performances. This list contains the movies in which they earned the Oscar.

Aussie Technical Oscars
Films 18
Achievers 6

Australia has a rich tradition of film. This award is to celebrate contribution of Aussies who have received the recognition of the Academy for their outstanding work behind the camera in such areas as Costume Design, Art Direction, Visual & Sound effects, and Cinematography. This list contains the movies in which they earned the Oscar.

Ben's still owin' Wilson
Films 9
Achievers 4

These goofy guys are building quite a comedy partnership. Review their movies from C to Z.

Conan the Westy's DVD wish list.
Films 99
Achievers 4

These are the films I can watch over and over. Some are guilty pleasures (Pauly Shore is very rarely seen on any favourites list), others are dramatic biographies, while others include the fantasy genre. This list will evolve as my tastes mature (or further deteriorate).

Conan's Crushes
Films 21
Achievers 3

A complete rip off of AC's idea but these are some movies containing actresses that get my pulse racing.

Conan's Weepies
Films 8
Achievers 6

I must be getting softer as I age (not just around the middle either). These days if I take tissues to a film they're not always for my wife. These are films that made me cry (not because they were so bad that I chewed my arm off to escape, otherwise Pokemon would be included). Spotswood (an Aussie comedy) may seem unusual but Alwyn Kurts reminded me of my late grandfather.

Cracking Claymation, Gromit
Films 10
Achievers 6

Currently a list of claymation classics from Aardman and more recently Adam Elliot. Please remind me of any I've missed and I'll rouse myself from playing with the plasticine to rectify my oversight. Edit Delete

Cusack Kudos
Films 48
Achievers 3

John Cusack has the range to play across the acting spectrum from early teen romps to romantic comedy to stirring drama. Recap the career thus far of one of the more intriguing leading men in Hollywood.

Dead Man, Walken
Films 5
Achievers 10*

A pun so delicious that four reviewers came up with it independently for four different movies. Shame it's only three words as that spoils the symmetry somewhat. In addition Cheese Ed came up with a clever variation on the theme. Review these films where the dead man is Walken.

Dude, Where's My Brain?
Films 23 (2 films recently added)
Achievers 0

Ashton & Seann have further excavated a niche in the Moron Cave formerly inhabited by Wayne & Garth and Bill & Ted. Their catch-cry of "Dude, Where's My Car" has inspired FWFR reviewers to new heights or new lows. Check out some of the "Dude...." clones (and let me know when any new additions are approved).

Eat Up Your Veggies
Films 27
Achievers 3

What do you get when Christians who have watched too much Monty Python set up a show for children? VeggieTales. Sunday Morning Values, Saturday Morning Fun!

Goldfields' Movie Rush
Films 7
Achievers 4

Ballarat (and the surrounding Victorian Central Highlands) was home to one of the world's richest gold rushes. Now the historic buildings and beautiful surrounds have been discovered as a backdrop for a growing number of films. Check out the Goldfields' Movie Rush.

Lock up your children
Films 24
Achievers 2*

Jeffrey Jones: great character actor, lousy character.

Lowdown on Lohan
Films 10
Achievers 3

Currently a supernova in the teen scene only time will tell whether her career will disappear into a black hole.

Mary-Kate & Ashley
Films 11
Achievers 5

We've watched them grow from toddlers to mega-rich young ladies. A Tween empire has blossomed and some creepy old guys have started to watch their acting endeavours (for the artistic merits I'm sure). Watch all the Olsen's movies and see if you can spot any differences.

Never Jack of Hugh, man.
Films 14
Achievers 1

He sings, he dances, he shakes his maracas and wears sequins... Don't jump to conclusions or Wolverine will have to sort you out. Review all the movies of the versatile Mr Hugh Jackman,

Pearce off, Guy's here!
Films 15
Achievers 4

Whippet-thin, cheekbones sharp enough to carve a roast. Equally at home mincing around in feathers or covered in tattoos murdering people he can't remember. Who is this graduate of Neighbours? Why Guy Pearce of course. Review his movies to see how far this TV soap star has travelled from his humble beginnings in Ramsay St.

The Mahogany Oscar
Films 42
Achievers 0

This Oscar is awarded to an actor whose woodenness is legendary. Keanu Reeves please accept your Mahogany Oscar. Review all his movies but watch out for splinters.

What Magic is Hugo Weaving?
Films 20
Achievers 3*

Despite being born on the Dark Continent, Hugo is a dinky-di Aussie. After displaying his acting range through many small Australian films and miniseries, Hugo was "discovered" camping in the desert with Guy Pearce and Terence Stamp. Now he is an established international star with pivotal roles in two of the biggest trilogies in movie history. Check out his earlier offerings as I endeavour to have more of his filmography included in FWFR.

Edited by - Conan The Westy on 01/10/2007 05:29:50
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"Always entranced by cinema."

Posted - 01/20/2007 :  11:46:16  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

All these accolades contain films which feature siblings of other actors. They're divided into eras/decades/years.

when you've completed one of these accolades. Because in addition to
these adorable trophies for your collection, I award a vote bonus!
FIRST TO COLLECT: The Amazing Randall!

PART I: The Early Years
43 films 1 achiever

PART II: The 1940s
25 films 1 achiever

PART III: The 1950s
36 films 1 achiever

PART IV: The 1960s
80 films 1 achiever

PART V: 1970-75
75 films 1 achiever

PART VI: 1976-79
66 films 1 achiever

PART VII: 1980-84
73 films 1 achiever

PART VIII: 1985-89
143 films 1 achiever

PART IX: 1990-93
163 films 1 achiever

PART X: 1994-96
128 films 1 achiever

PART XI: 1997-99
145 films 1 achiever

PART XII: 2000-02
166 films 1 achiever

PART XIII: 2003-05
122 films 1 achiever

PART XIV: 2006-07
29 films 1 achiever

Edited by - BaftaBaby on 09/07/2007 20:12:20
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"Necrosphenisciform anthropophagist."

Posted - 03/04/2007 :  01:32:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
OK, here are mine:-

Toilet Graffiti - This is the only 'reviewer' accolade I've created, i.e., a collection of movies that are fun to review, not watch.

Francophilia - I like their food, wine, painters, actresses ... and movies. Here are some of my favourite French movies.

Jackson Splatter-Meister - Peter Jackson's movies.

Nipponese Nightmare - Japanese / Korean / Hong-Kong / Thai horror collection.

Pengaholism - Self explanatory.

Studio Ghibli - Everything ever made by them, an awesome collection of movies.

Dystopia - A hard one to nail down. There was a discussion about it here for those interested.

That's four years of accolade creation by me.
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"Welcome back, Billy Buck"

Posted - 03/09/2007 :  03:44:34  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Rovark

My Accolades

A boy named Marion
Well pilgrim, are you gonna review every film of the one and only Marion Morrison? or are you gonna Duke it out with me here and now. That'll be the day.
90 films 1 achiever

I just want to make it clear that those of you who keep adding new John Wayne movies to the database will never succeed in keeping this one out of my trophy case. As far as I'm concerned, I own this accolade!
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"Welcome back, Billy Buck"

Posted - 03/19/2007 :  19:52:18  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Salopian

Thanks all.

You're still missing "Spaceballs."
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"Always entranced by cinema."

Posted - 04/22/2007 :  08:20:52  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Many accolade chasers choose their next challenge by how many films are required for completion. So, as a public service, I've compiled all my 250 accolades in size order. All these accolades are listed on
Page One.



Going Pottery 3
Hail to the Duke 3
That Kid is Barking! 3
The Shortest Accolade Title 3

Don't Bust a Vonnegut! 4
Ecstatic 4
Lost? 4
Wasted on the Young 4

Che Bella Fiorenze! 5
Elementary, Dear Wontner 5
Oh-Dessa! 5
Poor Pina 5
Stick 'Em Up 5


6 animals: 2 fly, 3 swim, 3 walk, 3 lactate 6
A Guy Called Alice 6
Caught By The Tentacles 6
Disaster? That's A Laugh! 6
Getting Your Goat-Man 6
Ida Good Mind ... 6
In The Habit 6
Monumental! 6
More Than A Sausage 6
Peace & Love Man 6
Straight On To Morning 6
The Late Great Robert Williams 6
Trike 6
Who You Calling A Ham? 6

Be My Valentine 7
I'd Like To Thank ... 7
London Calling 7
The Color Oscar 7
The Great Escape 7
Vive Le Partnership 7
Yo Mama! 7

Fuck and Tell 8
Hopper Given Direction 8
Living In The Pass 8
Whole Can of Worms 8
Yes, We Have No Bananas! 8

Adorabots 9
A Little Tug 9
Baby Huey 9
Boop-Oop-a-doop 9
Blowing Up A Storm! 9
Exotic Maria 9
Let's Get Quizzical 9
Somnambulism 9
Throw Rotten Eggs @ Actors 9
Throw Rotten Eggs @ Actresses 9
Trapeze 9
What Do You Mean -- Baby?! 9
Whose Sari Now? 9
Your Bouquet 9
Your Chariot Awaits 9

100 Years Ago 10
Dishes Your Accolade! 10
First Words 10
Go With The Floe 10
Gotta Start Somewhere - Part 1 10
Gotta Start Somewhere - Part 2 10
Lava Lamps Welcome 10
Rapidly 10
Slippery When Wet 10
Songs of the People 10
Worship at Feet of Clayton 10


Farm Gals 11
In Living Black & White and Color 11
In The Frame 11
Musical Origins 11
Silent But Deadly 11

Alp Yourself 12
Clocking In 12
Excellent Casting 12
Growing Up Fast 12
Liking Leisen 12
Mae Be! 12
Mr & Mrs Sleuth 12
Till Dr/Death Do Us Part 12

At Last 13
Buzzzzzzzzzzzz! 13
Bite Me 13
Bombay Boy 13
Boo-Hoo 13
Carbon Neutral 13
Don't Sit On A Tack 13
Haute Cuisine 13
Lassoing Laughter 13
Parlate Magnani? 13
Strange Changes 13
The Horrible Beginning 13
Welcoming 13

Deskbound 14
I'll Be Dammed! 14
Uhmph! Work It! Uhmph!14
Wax Job 14

Cluckin' Hell! 15
Conduct Yourself Properly 15
Cuppa Java 15
Foxed! 15
James Paul McComposer 15
Run For Your Life! 15
Solidarity! 15
Stand-up and Laugh 15

� as good 16
Accolade Over Troubled Waters 16
Grahame's a Cracker! 16
Just Say YES! 16
Morgan Spurlock's Award 16
Mr Bojangles Dance 16
Primatology 16
Somewhere Over The Rainbow 16

Deloneliness 17
Don't Move 17
Garbo Lives! Talks! Laughs! Dies! 17
Land Ho! 17
Make it Snappy! 17
Once Upon A Time ... 17
When Marty met Thelma 17

All Pigs But Porky 18
Dairy Diary 18
Iz a Diamond 18
Life on Wheels 18
Playthings 18
Vive La Difference! 18
What a Milestone! 18
What's a Cubit? 18

Beep-Beep 19
Bloomin Lovely! 19
Featuring Veggies 19
Uncle Bob and Jake 19

An Accolade is Born! 20
It'll Kill Ya! 20
Whale of a Tail 20
Living Room Furniture 20
Poor Little Orphans 20

Pulling the Wool 20
Regarding Henrys 20
Tomorrow Never Comes 20


A Bunch of Roses 21
Hail to the Chief 21
Totally Wrecked 21

Listen To This Movie 22
Neccessity Is My Mom 22
Well Preserved 22

Arise, Sir Knight 23
Busby! 23
Delicious Fry-up! 23
Hop To It! 23
It's Like They Were In The Same Room 23
Space Invaders 23

Looking Peaky 24

Taking Steps 25
Your Yankee Doodle Majesty 25

42: Answer to life, the universe and everything 26
Add S 26
Bach or Orbach 26
It's for You-Hoo! 26
Living It Small 26
Weigh In 26

Gratitude 27
The Raspberry 27

BreadLine 28

How Do You Do? 29
Live Animation 29
Squaring the Circle 29
Ten Out Of Ten 29

Flying High 30
One Lump or Two? 30
Razzie-Dazzie 30


Man You're Stinky! 31
Unlocked! 31

#*%$#@!! 32
All The News That Fits! 32
Bridal vows 32
I Land on an Island 32
You In To Ewan? 32

All Day Diner 33
Oh, Nurse! 33

Murder Weapon? 35

Brooklyn: On Borough Time 36
Gollum's a Wiseman? 36
Poles Apart 36
Two Cra-zee Dames! 36

Studio to Penthouse 37

Candy Sweet Candy 38
Seaside Fun 38

Author, Author! 39
We'll Always Have Paris 39

Goody-Goodies 40

Dealer's Choice 41
Eriction 41

About Face42

ChooChoo! 44

Out Back in Oz 47

Shuffle Off To Buffalo 50


Ready, Willing and Abel! 51
White Coat Syndrome 51

Macy Sale 54
Mitch! 54

Seeing the Light 55

Stop Bugging Me! 57

Up in the Air 59

Appealing To Your Palette 60

Here's Looking At You 66

Up and Out in LA 69

Apple for the Teacher 74


Dino Saw Us 76

Bubble Sez: Meow! 77

And The BAFTA Goes To ... 78

Same But Different 80

Fun n Games 83

Accolade One Won 86

Directress 87
Get Nekkid! 87

Get The Picture 98


Rising Star ... Oops! 103

Under Construction 107

Weather or Not 108

H2O Splash! 109

Blanc Canvas 112

Mood Indigo 122


EmotIcons 175

Serve Your Sentence 195


Menagerie 279

Love Stories for Valentine's Day 315

Credit Where It's Due 508

Sibling Amity: Not For the Fainthearted! 1346
NB This mammoth accolade has been split into bite-sized chunks further up this page.

Edited by - BaftaBaby on 07/10/2010 19:24:05
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"Laugh, Love, Cheer"

Posted - 07/26/2007 :  23:05:54  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have 2. They involve my favorite games


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"Welcome back, Billy Buck"

Posted - 08/07/2007 :  11:57:10  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I'd just like to point out that at this moment I do own the John Wayne accolade trophy. No doubt whip or someone else will add more of his movies just to screw me out of the trophy, but oh no...I will not be denied.
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"Currently lost in Canada"

Posted - 08/28/2007 :  15:41:54  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Here are the only two I have.

One for those interested in the, ahem, relationship between Man and Machine

One for Ethan Hawke to make him ask himself "What the **** was I thinking when I walked away from this?!?"

Edited by - ragingfluff on 08/28/2007 17:16:56
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"Here four more"

Posted - 10/02/2007 :  21:28:33  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Here are the accolades I have created and ever expanding. I give simple explanations. You must view the accolade to get a better understanding. Notice my 'Acronym' accolades never contain the same movie for different Fwiffers.

'Back to the Future' Twist - Review these movies that have the title "Back to the Future" twisted in the reviews
26 movies, 0 achievers

1 - Lonely Movies:
40 movies, 0 achievers

12 - In Honor of the special day 12-12-12. Movies only made up to that point in time:
31 movies, 0 achievers

2012 - The World might end in 2012. Review these movies before that happens!:
10 movies, 0 achievers

A Crew of Arquettes - Reveiw all the movies of all the realitives of the Arquettes who still have the last name:
175 movies, 0 achievers

Accolade: The Accolade - Review all The Movies and get The Accolade which is an Accolade:
191 movies, 0 achievers

Accoladey - Review the movies of the famous cat named Orangey
7 movies, 0 achievers

Added Character - M - Start with a letter. Every time a character is added a new movies is made.:
3 movies, 0 achievers

Added Character - P - Start with a letter. Every time a character is added a new movies is made:
4 movies, 4 achievers

Added Character - R - Start with a letter. Every time a character is added a new movies is made:
4 movies, 1 achiever

Adventure of an Accolade- Movies with Adventure in the title:
127 movies, 0 achievers

Alan Smithee'd - Alan Smitheee connected to these movies:
43 movies, 0 achievers

ALI - Acronym of Fwiffer ALI:
3 movies, 4 achievers

Ali - Aykroyd - degrees of seperation between Ali Larter and Dan Aykroyd:
7 movies, 10 achievers

All Over The House - Titles with rooms in a house:
36 movies, 0 achievers

American Idol 1 - American Idol Contestants. Winners and Losers (Season 1):
21 movies, 0 achievers

American Idol 11 - American Idol contestants. Winners and Losers. Season 11:
3 movies, 0 achievers

American Idol 2 - American Idol contestants. Winners and Losers. Season 2:
13 movies, 0 achievers

American Idol 3 - American Idol Contestants. Winners and Losers. Season 3:
30 movies, 0 achievers

American Idol 4 - American Idol Contestants. Winners and Losers. Season 4:
8 movies, 0 achiever

American Idol 5 - Contestants from American idol. Winners and Losers. Season 5:
26 movies, 0 achievers

American Idol 6 - American Idol Contestants. Winners and Losers. Season 6:
10 movies, 0 achievers

American Idol 7 - American Idol Contestants. Winners and Losers. Season 7:
2 movies, 1 achiever

American Idol 8 - American Idol Contestants. Winners and Losers. Season 8:
11 movies, 0 achievers

American Idol 9 - American Idol contestants. Winners and Losers. Season 9:
9 movies, 0 achievers

Amy - Alda - degrees of seperation between Amy Aquino and Alan Alda:
5 movies, 10 achievers

Ask Nicely - Movies with polite titles:
39 movies, 0 achievers

AUSSIE CANUCK - acronym of fwiffer AUSSIE CANUCK:
12 movies, 2 achievers

Awake at Camp - The Sleepaway Camp series of movies:
6 movies, 0 achievers

Barbara - Boyd - degrees of seperation between Barbara Billingsley and Billy Boyd:
8 movies, 3 achievers

BATTY - Acronym of fwiffer BATTY:
5 movies, 2 achievers

BENJ CLEWS - Acronym of fwiffer BENJ CLEWS:
9 movies, 2 achievers

BENNYR81 - acronym of fwiffer BENNYR81:
8 movies, 2 achievers

Beyond the Accolade - Go beyond these movies to get the Accolade:
68 movies, 0 achievers

Bi-Polar - Are you BiPolar? This accolade is. So review all these polar movies:
9 movies, 0 achievers

BIFE - acronym of fwiffer BIFE:
4 movies, 7 achievers

Big Bang Accolade - Review these movies that include the actors from the American TV show. The Big Bang Theory:
85 movies, 0 achievers

Big Project - Your project is to review movies with Project in the title:
82 movies, 0 achievers

Book of Accolades - Review movies that have 'Book of' in the title:
35 movies, 0 achievers

Brunettes - I previously made an Accolade about Blondes. Now let's give Brunettes a turn
3 movies, 0 achievers

Bud & Lou -Review the movies with the comedy team duo:
45 movies, 0 achievers

Bunch-ed in an Accolade - The entire Cast of the original Brady Bunch in movies:
61 movies, 0 achievers

CALMER - Acronym of fwiffer CALMER:
6 movies, 2 achievers

Campy Movies - Review these movies with Camp in the title:
73 movies, 0 achievers

Carol - Connors - degrees of seperation between Carol Channing and Chuck Connors:
12 movies, 7 achievers

Case of the Missing Accolade - Movies with the word CASE in the title:
37 movies, 0 achievers

Catch Me! - Review these falling movies:
30 movies, 0 achievers

Catch Me If YOu Can - Achieved by AC - Contest to where I added 2 movies each week until someone caught the accolade. Winner got to name the accolade. First Achieved by AC:
10 movies, 4 achievers, 1 winner
(am I doing it again???)

CHEESE ED - Acronym of fwiffer CHEESE ED:
8 movies, 2 achievers

Cold, Hard - Review movies with Steel in the title:
34 Movies, 0 achievers

'CMIYC - Part 2 - This is the "Catch Me If You Can" Accolade. Ive done this before and AC won it. Im ready to do it again, because your all not ready. Shhhh. I wont even mention of this. I will start out with 6 movies and every week add 2 more movies. You need to review all these movies to win. If you see that you won this accolade or actually try to catch this accolade. You can name it anything you like. The thing is.....I will never mention it, acknowledge it, or tell you its here. You must see it for yourself. Just message me if you have it. I won't tell you you have it. ITs top secret. There might be tons of movies on here before you realize this is an accolade. Good Luck All!! P.S. I also decided that I will give out 20 votes to the winner. NOW CLOSED! I got tired of Updating. First one to get it wins:
60 movies, 1 achiever, 1 winner

Common Questions - These are common questions you use to find anything out that you're investigating:
5 movies, 0 achievers

CONAN THE WESTY - acronym of fwiffer CONAN THE WESTY:
13 movies, 2 achievers

14 movies, 1 achiever

Curse of the Accolade - Movies with Curse in the Title:
56 movies, 0 achievers

DAMALC - Acronym of the fwiffer DAMALC:
6 movies, 2 achievers

Dawn's Growing up - Michelle Trachtenberg who played Dawn Summers Buffy The Vampire Slayer on TV is growing up. Review her movies:
16 movies, 0 achievers

DDD- Movies that are made in 3D are now using the name "3D" in the title. Review these 3D titled movies:
95 movies, 0 achievers

Dear Diary- Today I decided to review all of the movies that have Diary in the Title. I just love Accolades. I need to get more:
51 movies, 0 achievers

Do Blondes have more fun??? - Movies with 'Blonde' in the title:
42 movies, 0 achievers

Doris - DeVito - Degrees of seperation between Doris Day and Danny Devito:
8 movies, 7 achievers

Enchantment Under The Sea - Review these Enchanted movies:
15 movies, 0 achievers

Face It - Well, you better face it. You need to review all the 'Face' movies to get this accolade:
143 movies, 0 achievers

Fanning the Flame - Dakota Fanning Movies:
41 films, 0 achievers

Faris Wheels - Anna Faris Movies:
33 films, 0 achievers

Farrah - Forrest Degrees of seperation between Frederic Forrest and Farrah Fawcett:
7 movies, 5 achievers

'Feel Like I'm............. - Review all these Forgetting movies:
10 movies, 0 achievers

Feli-City of Angels - Review the movies starring Felicity Jones:
24 movies, 0 achievers

Flawed Time Travel - Time travel movies with flaws:
8 movies, 2 achievers

Forbidden -Who Authorized these movies? Review them and get the Forbidden Accolade:
6 movies, 0 achievers

Fun with Fractions - Fractions in the title:
19 movies, 0 achievers

FWFR Release - Movies released in America the same day FWFR was born:
4 movies, 1 achiever

G Lovers - Donald? Danny? Crispin? John? Ah heck with it! We will just lump them all in one Accolade
216 movies, 0 achievers

Garber of Fame - Matthew Garber had a short life. He appeared in only 3 movies. He died at the age of 21. He was made a Disney Legend in 2009. Review his movies:
3 movies, 0 achievers

Get Up! - Weather they are up and coming or got knocked down. these movies are on the rise. Review these movies to get to accolade:
26 movies, 0 achievers

Ginger - Goodman - Degrees of seperation between Ginger Rogers and John Goodman:
9 movies, 3 achievers

Give a Hoot - Review movies with Owl in the title
16 movies, 0 achievers

Give me an...... - Fight Fight Fight, Win Win Win. Review These movies with Cheerleader in the title. We're rough, we're tough, we're in the Groove, Lets write reviews:
22 movies, 0 achievers

God of Love - YOu will love this Accolade! Review movies with Cupid in the title:
13 movies, 0 achievers

Goin' Rogue - These movie have gone rogue and are seperated from the pack. Review them to bring them back:
26 movies, 0 achievers

Good vs Evil - These movies have Good and Evil in the title:
3 movies, 0 achievers

Goofy - Review all the movies involving Pinto Colvig, the voice of Goofy:
37 movies, 0 achievers

Guest Vader - Darth Vader makes guest appearances:
4 movies, 10 achievers

Hail to the Chief - Presidents in Movies:
708 movies, 0 achievers

Hailee - Seinfeld - Degrees of Separation with Hailee Steinfeld and Seinfeld:
5 movies, 0 achievers

Hold Your Horses - Dont wait:
35 movies, 0 achievers

Holi-days - Review movies with American recognized days/holidays:
8 movies, 2 achievers

Home Run King! - 'Home' in the title of the movie:
38 movies, 0 achievers

Horray For - Hollywood:
138 movies, 0 achievers

Hows the Weather? - Weather like conditions:
25 movies, 0 achievers

I Do! - Review all the films with Wedding in the title:
96 movies, 0 achievers

I Got Troubles - review all these troublesome movies and get the accolade:
14 movies, 0 achievers

It Came From Ron Howard - Bryce Dallas Howard Movies:
25 movies, 0 achievers

It's a Squeeze - Review these movies with 'Juice' in the title and get the Accolade. Just look out for OJ:
7 movies, 0 achievers

It's Wonderful for Edward to Die at Home -
Movies loosely based around Christmas, but you would never know it from the titles:
7 films, 9 achievers

Jonas Briders - Review movies starring the brides of the Jonas Brothers:
50 movies, 0 achievers

JOSH THE CAT - Acronym of fwiffer JOSH THE CAT:
10 movies, 3 achievers

Just an accolade - 'Just' in the movie title:
8 movies, 1 achiever

KEN - Acronym of fwiffer KEN:
3 movies, 3 achievers

Killer Accolade - Review the movies of the famous Orca, Keiko
4 movies, 1 achiever

KOLO - Acronym of fwiffer KOLO:
4 movies, 5 achievers

LARRY - The first letter of each othe these movies spell out the acronym Larry. Review these fils and get the LARRY award:
5 movies, 2 achievers

Laura - Lee - Degrees of seperation between Bruce Lee and Laura Linney:
5 movies, 7 achievers

12 movies, 2 achievers

Look Out! -Heads up:
16 movies, 0 achievers

Lost and Found - 'Lost' movies:
82 movies, 0 achievers

Lotsa' Women - 158 1/2 females here (and 2 guys):
11 movies, 2 achievers

Loud Franchise - Review all the scream movies
6 movies, 1 achiever

Lucy - Lovett - Degrees of seperation between Lucy Liu and Lyle Lovett:
6 movies, 10 achievers

Marilyn - Manson - Degrees of seperation between Marilyn Monroes and Marilyn Manson:
5 movies, 10 achievers

Mary-Louise Parker - Mary Louise Parker Movies:
32 movies, 0 achievers

MELISSAS - Acronym of Fwiffer MELISSAS:
8 movies, 3 achievers

MGUYX - Acronym of MGUYX:
5 movies, 4 achievers

MONTGOMERY - Acronym of fwiffer MONTGOMERY:
10 movies, 2 achievers

Movies Inc. - It's your BUSINESS to review these Movies with Inc. in the title:
26 movies, 0 achievers

MTV Movie Awards - Best Fight - MTV award for movies with best fight:
25 movies, 0 achievers

MTV Movie Awards - Best Kiss - MTV award for movies with best kiss:
30 movies, 0 achievers

My Accolade - Movies with 'Mine' in the title:
12 movies, 0 achievers

New Recrite - These movies are forming a squad. Review them and get to accolade:
50 movies, 0 achievers

No Respect - Rodney Dangerfield deserves some respect. Review the movies he's been a part of and give him the respect he deserves:
18 movies, 0 achievers

NONCENTZ - Acronym of fwiffer NONCENTZ:
8 movies, 2 achievers

NEW]Norma Jeane Baker[/url] - Born as Norma Jean Baker, she eventually became Marilyn Monroe. She died before her star could shine bright. Review her movies:
50 movies, 0 achievers

Not Quite an Accolade - Movies with 'Almost' in the title:
34 movies, 0 achievers

Nuke Em - Nuke 'Em movies:
5 movies, 0 achievers

OH BOY! - Movies starring 'Quantum Leap' Stars:
77 movies, 0 achievers

Oh the Horror!!! - Movies with 'Horror' in the title:
85 movies, 0 achievers

Oh, Grow Up!! - Growing older or younger overnight:
10 movies, 4 achievers

Olsens - Review all the films that the Olsen sister were in. This also includes the younger sister of the twins, Elizabeth. If anymore Olsens make it, they will be added here:
37 movies, 0 achievers

One Day - Movies with 'One Day' in the title:
34 movies, 0 achievers

Opposites - To get this accolade you must do the opposite of getting it.
9 movies, 0 achievers

Order! - Places of movies from 'First' to 'Last': new movies added
20th movies, 0 achievers

Park It - Review the movie where some people park their car at night:
7 movies, 0 achievers

Parker - Piscopo - Degrees of seperation between Parker Posey and Joe Piscopo:
5 movies, 5 achievers

Place setting - Review all these place settings and get an accolade and a great meal!:
6 movies, 0 achievers

Please Join - 'Club' Movies:
94 movies, 0 achievers

15 movies, 1 achiever

Previously - Review movies from before to receive the accolade:
25 movies, 0 achievers

Proper Grammar - Review these movies starring Kelsey Grammer's kids:
11 movies, 0 achievers

PUZZGAL - Acronym of fwiffer PUZZGAL:
7 movies, 3 achievers

Queen - Quaid - Degrees of seperation between Queen Latifah and Dennis Quaid:
5 movies, 10 achievers

RANDALL - Acronym of fwiffer Randall:
7 movies, 2 achievers

Real World - Movies with MTV Real World cast members:
121 movies, 0 achievers

REDPEN - Acronym of fwiffer REDPEN:
6 movies, 2 achievers

Rene - Reagan - Degrees of seperation between Ronald Reagan and Rene Russo:
6 movies, 6 achievers

Return of the Accolade - Movies with 'Return' in the title:
164 movies, 0 achievers

Revenge! - Get revenge and review all the movies with Revenge in the title:
81 movies, 0 achievers

Review The Parents - Review Mom and Dad movies to get the accolade:
4 movies, 0 achievers

Road Rules Movies with MTV Road Rules cast members:
48 movies, 0 achievers

Rochambeau - Lets play Rock, Paper, Scissors
12 movies, 0 achievers

ROVARK Acronym of fwiffer ROVARK:
6 movies, 2 achievers

RRI1 - Acronym of fwiffer RRI1:
4 movies, 2 achievers

Rules of Accolades - It's a rule that you must review these movies:
8 movies, 0 achievers

Sad - 'Crying' movies:
8 movies, 2 achievers

SEAN - Acronym of fwiffer SEAN:
4 movies, 3 achievers

Shhhh - Movies with secrets:
13 movies, 0 achievers

Shields Up - Review movie titles that are under attack:
38 movies, 0 achievers

Sing! - If there is lots of singing in the movie, It must be a Musical! Review all these musicals to get the accolade:
37 movies, 0 achievers

SLUDGE - Acronym of Fwiffer SLUDGE:
6 movies, 2 achievers

Sound Effects - Movies with Sound Effects as the title:
15 movies, 3 achievers

Spring Break - Take a break:
7 movies, 0 achievers

STALEAN - Acronym of fwiffer STALEAN:
7 movies, 2 achievers

Susan - Scott - Degrees of seperation between Sean Williams Scott and Susan Sarandon:
6 movies, 10 achievers

Take a Selfie - Take a selfie:
4 movies, 0 achievers

Talking Mule - Review the films of the famous Francis the talking Mule. Her actual name was Molly
3 movies, 0 achievers

Teetering - Review these films that are on "The Edge":
25 movies, 0 achievers

Temple of Shirley - Shirley Temple movies:
41 movies, 0 achievers

The Danielle - Review all the fils of Danielle Harris. Once a child star who grew up to be a beautiful woman:
33 movies, 0 achievers

The End - Movies with 'Final' in the title:
99 movies, 0 achievers

The Fatty Award - Review the movies that involves the character named Fatty. played by Roscoe 'Fatty' Arbuckle:
16 Movies, 0 achievers

The Following - Review movies that happen after:
34 Movies, 0 achievers

The Osments - I never realized the Emily and Haley Joel were brother and sister:
45 movies, 0 achievers

THe Stefani-Rossdales- These movies have either Gwen Stefani or Gavin Rossdale in them who were married Sept 14, 2002. One day this also may include their son Kingston:
12 movies, 0 achievers

THEFOXBOY - Acronym of fwiffer THEFOXBOY:
9 movies, 3 achievers

Thelma - Todd - Degress of separation between Telma Todd and Tony Todd:
8 movies, 0 achievers

This is it - What is it? I'm not sure. Review these movies and maybe you will find out:
42 movies, 0 achievers

Thorne in Hollywood's Side - Review the movies of Bella Thorne
26 movies, 0 achievers

Titanpa Tour - Titanpa gives you a tour of his homestate:
15 movies, 0 achievers

Titanpa's Crushes - THis is in honor of AC's crushed accolade. Here are the movies of my crushes:
162 movies, 0 achievers

Tons! - make reviews galore:
5 movies, 0 achievers

TORI - Acronym of fwiffer TORI:
4 movies, 2 achievers

Toto Recall - Review the movies of the famous dog from The Wizard of Oz, Terry (Toto)
8 movies, 0 achievers]Trigger Happy"[/url] - Review the movies of the famous horse named Trigger
25 movies, 0 achievers

Up and coming #1 - I believe Anna Popplewell will be a big Up and COming actress. SHe has such beauty and talent. She has full gorgeous lips. I believe she will be the next Angelina Jolie. Review her movies. (made before I started dating the accolades...she has yet to break out):
10 movies, 0 achievers

Up and coming #2 - I think this actress is up and coming:(BTW...I created this accolade before she was in Big Movies. I have learned to date the accolade now when it is made.)
43 movies, 0 achievers

Up and coming #3 - I believe Amanda Seyfried is another up and coming actress. She is so beautiful and talented. She is from the area that I grew up. Review all her movies. (04/06/10):
32 Movies, 0 achievers

Up and coming #4 - I believe Krysten Ritter is another up and coming actress. She is funny, talented and stunning. She is from my home state. Review all her movies. (12/16/10):
25 movies, 0 achievers

Up and Coming #5 - Alexandra Daddario is another up and coming actress:
18 movies, 0 achievers

Up and Coming #6 - Kathryn Newton is another up and coming actress:
10 movies, 0 achievers

Up and Coming #7 - Joey King is another up and coming actress:
26 movies, 0 achievers

Up and Coming #8 - Odeya Rush is another up and coming actress:
12 movies, 0 achievers

Up and Coming #9 - Anya Taylor Joy is another up and coming actress:
18 movies, 0 achievers

Up and Coming #10 - Jenna Ortega is another up and coming actress:
8 movies, 0 achievers

Uphill Battle - VS in the title:
150 movie, 0 achievers

Wash Up - Movies with 'Dirty' in the title:
83 movies, 0 achievers

Way of the Accolade - Movies with 'Way of' in the title:
4 movies, 4 achievers

Ways of the Mouth - Ways the mouth is used:
19 movies, 2 achievers

Wedding Party - Here comes the Bride, the groom, the Best Man, and THe Bridesmaid. Before we cut the cake you better review all the movies:
104 movies, 0 achievers

West of the Accolade - West Of in the title:
11 movies, 0 achievers

What a Pal - Review the movies of the famous dog who was Lassie at times. His name is Pal
6 movies, 0 achievers

When The? - When will you get this accolade. WHEN THE movies are reviewed:
35 movies, 0 achievers

Who's she married to? - Review the movies about peoples wives
25 movies, 0 achievers

Who's watching the kids? - Nannies/Babysitters in movies:
18 movies, 0 achievers

Why - Movies with 'Because' in the title:
10 movies, 0 achievers

Why am I here? - Good question:
2 movies, 10 achievers, NO ANSWER

Working for the Weekend - Movies with 'Weekend' in the title:
42 movies, 0 achievers

YOLO - Review movies with acronyms:
70 movie, 0 achievers

Your Accolade - Movies with 'Your' in the title:
269 movies, 0 achievers

YUKON - Acronym of fwiffer YUKON:
5 movies, 2 achievers

Zuzu's Petals - The girl well known for saying the very famous line in 'It's a Wonderful Life' and for giving James Stewart the petals. (Check out the interesting information I have about her):
14 movies, 0 achievers


More may be added soon

Edited by - TitanPa on 07/21/2023 22:45:25
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"Kitty Lover"

Posted - 06/18/2008 :  05:19:27  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
AFI (American Film Institute) Top Lists Accolades

AFI's 100 Years... 100 Movies TROPHY
The American Film Institute's list of the greatest 100 films of all time.
100 Films, 2 Achiever

AFI's 100 Years... 100 Movies - 2007 TROPHY
The American Film Institute has updated its Top 100 Movies list. Keep up with the AFI and complete this accolade.
100 Films, 2 Achiever

AFI's 10 Top 10 - Animated Films TROPHY
The AFI list of the Top 10 Animated films, from AFI's 10 Top 10. NEW!!!!
10 Films, 11 Achievers

AFI's 10 Top 10 - Courtroom Drama Films TROPHY
The AFI list of the Top 10 Courtroom Drama films, from AFI's 10 Top 10. NEW!!!!
10 Films, 1 Achievers

AFI's 10 Top 10 - Epic Films TROPHY
The AFI list of the Top 10 Epic films, from AFI's 10 Top 10. NEW!!!!
10 Films, 5 Achievers

AFI's 10 Top 10 - Fantasy Films TROPHY
The AFI list of the Top 10 Fantasy films, from AFI's 10 Top 10. NEW!!!!
10 Films, 4 Achievers

AFI's 10 Top 10 - Gangster Films TROPHY
The AFI list of the Top 10 Gangster films, from AFI's 10 Top 10. NEW!!!!
10 Films, 6 Achievers

AFI's 10 Top 10 - Mystery Films TROPHY
The AFI list of the Top 10 Mystery films, from AFI's 10 Top 10. NEW!!!!
10 Films, 6 Achievers

AFI's 10 Top 10 - Romantic Comedy Films TROPHY
The AFI list of the Top 10 Romantic Comedy films, from AFI's 10 Top 10. NEW!!!!
10 Films, 2 Achievers

AFI's 10 Top 10 - Sci-Fi Films TROPHY
The AFI list of the Top 10 Sci-Fi films, from AFI's 10 Top 10. NEW!!!!
10 Films, 6 Achievers

AFI's 10 Top 10 - Sports Films TROPHY
The AFI list of the Top 10 Sports films, from AFI's 10 Top 10. NEW!!!!
10 Films, 1 Achievers

AFI's 10 Top 10 - Western Films TROPHY
The AFI list of the Top 10 Western films, from AFI's 10 Top 10. NEW!!!!
10 Films, 4 Achievers

AFI's 10 Top 10 Genre Films TROPHY
The AFI list of the 10 Top 10 Genre films, from AFI's 10 Top 10. NEW!!!!
10 Films, 8 Achievers

Edited by - w22dheartlivie on 06/23/2008 03:06:09
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"Kitty Lover"

Posted - 06/23/2008 :  01:30:24  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
The Definitive Director Series Updated March 2010

The Definitive Director: Alan J. Pakula TROPHY
My list of definitive Alan J. Pakula films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 2 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Alan Parker TROPHY
My list of definitive Alan Parker films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 3 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Ang Lee TROPHY
My list of definitive Ang Lee films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 1 Achiever

The Definitive Director: Barry Levinson TROPHY
My list of definitive Barry Levinson films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 3 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Billy Wilder TROPHY
My list of definitive Billy Wilder films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 6 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Bob Fosse TROPHY
My list of definitive Bob Fosse films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
5 Films, 6 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Bruce Beresford TROPHY
My list of definitive Bruce Beresford films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
7 Films, 1 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Cecil B. DeMille TROPHY
My list of definitive Cecil B. DeMille films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 2 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Charles Chaplin TROPHY
My list of definitive Charles Chaplin films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 5 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Christopher Nolan TROPHY
My list of definitive Christopher Nolan films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
5 Films, 14 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Clint Eastwood TROPHY
My list of definitive Clint Eastwood films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 4 Achievers

The Definitive Director: David Fincher TROPHY
My list of definitive David Fincher films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
7 Films, 14 Achievers

The Definitive Director: David Lean TROPHY
My list of definitive David Lean films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 2 Achievers

The Definitive Director: David Lynch TROPHY
My list of definitive David Lynch films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
8 Films, 3 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Edward Zwick TROPHY
My list of definitive Edward Zwick films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
7 Films, 2 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Elia Kazan TROPHY
My list of definitive Elia Kazan films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 2 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Ernst Lubitsch TROPHY
My list of definitive Ernst Lubitsch films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 0 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Federico Fellini TROPHY
My list of definitive Federico Fellini films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 3 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Francis Ford Coppola TROPHY
My list of definitive Frances Ford Coppola films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 5 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Frank Capra TROPHY
My list of definitive Frank Capra films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 4 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Frank Lloyd TROPHY
My list of definitive Frank Lloyd films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 0 Achievers

The Definitive Director: George Cukor TROPHY
My list of definitive George Cukor films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 4 Achievers

The Definitive Director: George Lucas TROPHY
My list of definitive George Lucas films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
6 Films, 19 Achievers

The Definitive Director: George Stevens TROPHY
My list of definitive George Stevens films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 2 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Gus Van Zant TROPHY
My list of definitive Gus Van Zant films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
6 Films, 6 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Harold Ramis TROPHY
My list of definitive Harold Ramis films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
7 Films, 5 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Herbert Ross TROPHY
My list of definitive Herbert Ross films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 2 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Howard Hawkes TROPHY
My list of definitive Howard Hawkes films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 2 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Ingmar Bergman TROPHY
My list of definitive Ingmar Bergman films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 2 Achievers

The Definitive Director: James Cameron TROPHY
My list of definitive James Cameron films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
7 Films, 10 Achiever

The Definitive Director: James Ivory TROPHY
My list of definitive James Ivory films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 1 Achiever

The Definitive Director: James L. Brooks TROPHY
My list of definitive James L. Brooks films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
5 Films, 4 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Joel and Ethan Coen TROPHY
My list of definitive Joel and Ethan Coen films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 9 Achievers

The Definitive Director: John Ford TROPHY
My list of definitive John Ford films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 6 Achievers

The Definitive Director: John Huston TROPHY
My list of definitive John Ford films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 2 Achievers

The Definitive Director: John Madden TROPHY
My list of definitive John Ford films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
5 Films, 5 Achievers

The Definitive Director: John Singleton TROPHY
My list of definitive John Singleton films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
5 Films, 1 Achiever

The Definitive Director: John Waters TROPHY
My list of definitive John Waters films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
7 Films, 7 Achiever

The Definitive Director: Jonathan Demme TROPHY
My list of definitive Jonathan Demme films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!
10 Films, 1 Achiever

The Definitive Director: Joseph L. Mankiewicz TROPHY
My list of definitive Joseph L. Mankiewicz films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 2 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Kevin Costner TROPHY
My list of definitive Kevin Costner films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
5 Films, 12 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Kevin Smith TROPHY
My list of definitive Kevin Smith films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
5 Films, 23 Achievers

The Definitive Director: King Vidor TROPHY
My list of definitive King Vidor films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 0 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Leo McCarey TROPHY
My list of definitive Leo McCarey films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 2 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Louis Malle TROPHY
My list of definitive Louis Malle films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 0 Achievers

The Definitive Director: M. Night Shyamalan TROPHY
My list of definitive M. Night Shyamalan films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
5 Films, 20 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Martin Scorsese TROPHY
My list of definitive Martin Scorsese films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 8 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Mel Gibson TROPHY
My list of definitive Mel Gibson films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
4 Films, 16 Achiever

The Definitive Director: Michael Cimino TROPHY
My list of definitive Michael Cimino films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
5 Films, 2 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Michael Curtiz TROPHY
My list of definitive Michael Curtiz films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 2 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Michael Mann TROPHY
My list of definitive Michael Mann films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
7 Films, 6 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Mike Nichols TROPHY
My list of definitive Mike Nichols films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 2 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Milos Forman TROPHY
My list of definitive Milos Forman films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
7 Films, 6 Achiever

The Definitive Director: Neil Jordan TROPHY
My list of definitive Neil Jordan films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
5 Films, 5 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Norman Jewison TROPHY
My list of definitive Norman Jewison films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 2 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Oliver Stone TROPHY
My list of definitive Oliver Stone films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 6 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Otto Preminger TROPHY
My list of definitive Otto Preminger films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 0 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Paul Greengrass TROPHY
My list of definitive Paul Greengrass films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
5 Films, 4 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Paul Haggis TROPHY
My list of definitive Paul Haggis films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
3 Films, 4 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Paul Newman TROPHY
My list of definitive Paul Newman films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
5 Films, 3 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Peter Bogdonavich TROPHY
My list of definitive Peter Bogdonavich films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
8 Films, 1 Achiever

The Definitive Director: Peter Jackson TROPHY
My list of definitive Peter Jackson films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
5 Films, 20 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Peter Weir TROPHY
My list of definitive Peter Weir films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 4 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Quentin Tarantino TROPHY
My list of definitive Quentin Tarantino films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
6 Films, 27 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Ridley Scott TROPHY
My list of definitive Ridley Scott films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 5 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Rob Marshall TROPHY
My list of definitive Rob Marshall films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
2 Films, 19 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Rob Reiner TROPHY
My list of definitive Rob Reiner films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 5 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Robert Altman TROPHY
My list of definitive Robert Altman films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 2 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Robert Benton TROPHY
My list of definitive Robert Benton films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 2 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Robert Redford TROPHY
My list of definitive Robert Redford films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
6 Films, 8 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Robert Wise TROPHY
My list of definitive Robert Wise films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 2 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Robert Zemeckis TROPHY
My list of definitive Robert Zemeckis films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 3 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Roman Polanski TROPHY
My list of definitive Roman Polanski films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 4 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Ron Howard TROPHY
My list of definitive Ron Howard films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 5 Achiever

The Definitive Director: Sidney Lumet TROPHY
My list of definitive Sidney Lumet films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 2 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Stanley Kramer TROPHY
My list of definitive Stanley Kramer films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 2 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Stanley Kubrick TROPHY
My list of definitive Stanley Kubrick films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 17 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Steven Soderbergh TROPHY
My list of definitive Steven Soderbergh films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 1 Achiever

The Definitive Director: Stephen Spielberg TROPHY
My list of definitive Steven Spielberg films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 12 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Sydney Pollack TROPHY
My list of definitive Sydney Pollack films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 2 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Victor Fleming TROPHY
My list of definitive Victor Fleming films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 2 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Vincent Minnelli TROPHY
My list of definitive Vincent Minnelli films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 2 Achievers

The Definitive Director: W.S. Van Dyke TROPHY
My list of definitive W.S. Van Dyke films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 0 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Walter Lang TROPHY
My list of definitive Walter Lang films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 0 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Warren Beatty TROPHY
My list of definitive Warren Beatty films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
4 Films, 7 Achievers

The Definitive Director: William Friedkin TROPHY
My list of definitive William Friedkin films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 1 Achiever

The Definitive Director: William Wyler TROPHY
My list of definitive William Wyler films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 2 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Wolfgang Petersen TROPHY
My list of definitive William Peteresen films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 3 Achievers

The Definitive Director: Woody Allen TROPHY
My list of definitive Woody Allen films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 4 Achievers

Edited by - w22dheartlivie on 03/13/2010 05:50:50
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"Kitty Lover"

Posted - 06/23/2008 :  03:02:54  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Gee, but some of you made some interesting accolades. Here's mine, falling pitifully behind:

$36 Billion Dollars Worth of Films TROPHY
100 Films, 1 Achiever
These films are the 100 top grossing US films since 1977. Make a billion, get a $.

Depp? Mmm-hmm. Yeah, I Would... TROPHY
10 Films, 2 Achievers
Review the 10 that are essential for the discriminating "Yeah, I'd do that" Johnny Depp fan. Mmm-hmm. Yeah, I would.

Football Rules!!! TROPHY
76 Films, 0 Achievers
All of these films have a tie into football in one way or another. Complete the accolade and win the Superbowl!!!

Getting Made TROPHY
174 Films, 0 Achievers
One or more of the GoodFellas appear in each of these films. Finish the accolade and become a made man!

Gilda the Ballerina Award TROPHY
11 Films, 3 Achievers
Gilda Radner was the quintessential Saturday Night Live player, funny, original, full of humor and honesty. Review all the films in which she appeared to win this Best Comedy Actress award.

Gotta Love Liotta TROPHY
43 Films, 0 Achievers
Whether he's playing a mobster, a bad guy, a jerk, or just going shoeless, Ray Liotta has played a long string of variable and interesting characters.

Isn't It A Pitt? TROPHY
33 Films, 0 Achievers
Review all the films featuring the delectable Brad Pitt.

Lemmon Matthau Tribute Accolade TROPHY
13 Films, 0 Achievers
Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau appeared in many "buddy" films, as well as others, creating the ultimate in pictures of friendship.

Livie's Favorite Films By Year TROPHY
79 Films, 0 Achievers
These films have nothing else in common other than they are some of my favorites from each year, beginning with 1927, the first year for which Oscars were awarded. They are eclectic, diverse and inconsistent. Enjoy my favorite films!

Mars Attracts!! TROPHY
32 Films, 0 Achievers
These films are all about Mars, man's most curious planetary obsession. Blast off in 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1..

Meat Loaf Again? TROPHY
28 Films, 0 Achiever
Each of these films has the singer/actor Meat Loaf in the cast. Meat Loaf, a favorite of Shakespeare!! Finish these and get the Shakespeare/Meat Loaf Badge of Honor!!!

Rocky Horror Picture Show Theme Song Accolade TROPHY
10 Films, 1 Achiever
Each of these films is specifically listed in the theme song of the cult film Rocky Horror Picture Show. Complete this accolade and get LIPS!!!

The Definitive Stephen King TROPHY
70 Films, 0 Achievers
All of these films are based on the writings of Stephen King (and sometimes feature him in a cameo role). Take a tour on the dark side!!!

The Edward Norton Challenge TROPHY
20 Films, 1 Achiever
Review these Edward Norton starring triumphs and win my undying admiration!!! (Also, he's just hot)

The J. Patrick McCormack Trophy TROPHY
13 Films, 3 Achievers
J. Patrick McCormack is an actor who has played small parts in many films (and TV shows). His face is recognizable, though his name may not be. Besides, he's a friend of the family :)

The Jenna Elfman Lovefest TROPHY
10 Films, 2 Achiever
Jenna Elfman is a radiant, ethereal beauty who has appeared in some varied and interesting movies. Keep the lovefest going by completing this accolade!

The Tom Hanks Marathon TROPHY
26 Films, 4 Achievers
The Marathon: Review 26 of Hanks Biggest or Most Defining Roles, one mile at a time!!

View Askewniverse Repeat Offenders TROPHY
155 Films, 0 Achievers
Each of these films features actors who appear most often in writer Kevin Smith's ViewAskew Productions. Complete them and win this nifty Askewed trophy. And you can go play skeeball on the boardwalk!

Wildhartlivie's Tearjerker Accolade TROPHY
43 Films, 0 Achievers
Complete reviews for this list of films that never fail to make me bawl like a baby (that old Maxwell Coffee commercial where Bobby comes home on Christmas morning isn't listed, or it would be included too).

Yummy Orlando Bloom Accolade TROPHY
18 Films, 0 Achievers
Review these films starring the delectibly delightful yummy Orlando Bloom!!

Edited by - w22dheartlivie on 06/28/2008 06:38:29
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"Kitty Lover"

Posted - 06/28/2008 :  08:09:35  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
The Definitive Golden Series Updated March 2010

The Definitive Golden Series: Audrey Hepburn TROPHY
My list of definitive Audrey Hepburn films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 3 Achievers

The Definitive Golden Series: Basil Rathbone TROPHY
My list of definitive Basil Rathbone films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 1 Achiever

The Definitive Golden Series: Bela Lugosi TROPHY
My list of definitive Bela Lugosi films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 2 Achievers

The Definitive Golden Series: Bette Davis TROPHY
My list of definitive Bette Davis films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 2 Achievers

The Definitive Golden Series: Bing Crosby TROPHY
My list of definitive Bing Crosby films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 3 Achievers

The Definitive Golden Series: Bob Hope TROPHY
My list of definitive Bob Hope films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 0 Achievers

The Definitive Golden Series: Boris Karloff TROPHY
My list of definitive Boris Karloff films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 2 Achievers

The Definitive Golden Series: Cary Grant TROPHY
My list of definitive Cary Grant films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 5 Achievers

The Definitive Golden Series: Charles Chaplin TROPHY
My list of definitive Charles Chaplin films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 3 Achievers

The Definitive Golden Series: Charles Laughton TROPHY
My list of definitive Charles Laughton films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 0 Achievers

The Definitive Golden Series: Charlton Heston TROPHY
My list of definitive Charlton Heston films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 2 Achievers

The Definitive Golden Series: Clark Gable TROPHY
My list of definitive Clark Gable films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 2 Achievers

The Definitive Golden Series: Doris Day TROPHY
My list of definitive Doris Day films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 2 Achievers

The Definitive Golden Series: Edward G. Robinson TROPHY
My list of definitive Edward G. Robinson films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!

The Definitive Golden Series: Elizabeth Taylor TROPHY
My list of definitive Elizabeth Taylor films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 3 Achievers

The Definitive Golden Series: Elsa Lanchester TROPHY
My list of definitive Elsa Lanchester films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 1 Achiever

The Definitive Golden Series: Frank Sinatra TROPHY
My list of definitive Frank Sinatra films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 2 Achievers

The Definitive Golden Series: Fred Astaire TROPHY
My list of definitive Fred Astaire films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 4 Achievers

The Definitive Golden Series: Gary Cooper TROPHY
My list of definitive Gary Cooper films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 3 Achievers

The Definitive Golden Series: Gene Kelly TROPHY
My list of definitive Gene Kelly films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 4 Achievers

The Definitive Golden Series: Grace Kelly TROPHY
My list of definitive Grace Kelly films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 2 Achievers

The Definitive Golden Series: Gregory Peck TROPHY
My list of definitive Gregory Peck films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 2 Achievers

The Definitive Golden Series: Greta Garbo TROPHY
My list of definitive Greta Garbo films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 4 Achievers

The Definitive Golden Series: Henry Fonda TROPHY
My list of definitive Henry Fonda films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 2 Achievers

The Definitive Golden Series: Humphrey Bogart TROPHY
My list of definitive Humphrey Bogart films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 6 Achievers

The Definitive Golden Series: Ingrid Bergman TROPHY
My list of definitive Ingrid Bergman films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 2 Achievers

The Definitive Golden Series: Jack Lemmon TROPHY
My list of definitive Jack Lemmon films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 2 Achievers

The Definitive Golden Series: James Cagney TROPHY
My list of definitive James Cagney films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 2 Achievers

The Definitive Golden Series: James Dean TROPHY
My list of definitive James Dean films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
3 Films, 20 Achievers

The Definitive Golden Series: James Stewart TROPHY
My list of definitive James Stewart films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 3 Achievers

The Definitive Golden Series: Jean Harlow TROPHY
My list of definitive Jean Harlow films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 2 Achievers

The Definitive Golden Series: Joan Crawford TROPHY
My list of definitive Joan Crawford films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 1 Achiever

The Definitive Golden Series: John Barrymore TROPHY
My list of definitive John Barrymore films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 1 Achiever

The Definitive Golden Series: Judy Garland TROPHY
My list of definitive Judy Garland films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 2 Achievers

The Definitive Golden Series: Katharine Hepburn TROPHY
My list of definitive Katharine Hepburn films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 4 Achievers

The Definitive Golden Series: Lauren Bacall TROPHY
My list of definitive Lauren Bacall films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 3 Achievers

The Definitive Golden Series: Laurence Olivier TROPHY
My list of definitive Laurence Olivier films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 3 Achievers

The Definitive Golden Series: Lon Chaney Jr. TROPHY
My list of definitive Lon Chaney Jr. films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 3 Achievers

The Definitive Golden Series: Marlon Brando TROPHY
My list of definitive Marlon Brando films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 5 Achievers

The Definitive Golden Series: Mickey Rooney TROPHY
My list of definitive Mickey Rooney films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 0 Achievers

The Definitive Golden Series: Raymond Massey TROPHY
My list of definitive Raymond Massey films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 2 Achievers

The Definitive Golden Series: Rita Hayworth TROPHY
My list of definitive Rita Hayworth films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 1 Achiever

The Definitive Golden Series: Rock Hudson TROPHY
My list of definitive Rock Hudson films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 1 Achiever

The Definitive Golden Series: Roddy McDowall TROPHY
My list of definitive Roddy McDowall films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 1 Achiever

The Definitive Golden Series: Spencer Tracy TROPHY
My list of definitive Spencer Tracy films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 2 Achievers

The Definitive Golden Series: Thomas Mitchell TROPHY
My list of definitive Thomas Mitchell films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 2 Achievers

The Definitive Golden Series: Vivien Leigh TROPHY
My list of definitive Vivien Leigh films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 0 Achievers

The Definitive Golden Series: Vincent Price TROPHY
My list of definitive Vincent Price films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 2 Achievers

The Definitive Golden Series: Walter Matthau TROPHY
My list of definitive Walter Matthau films. You don't have to agree, you just have to review!!
10 Films, 1 Achiever

Edited by - w22dheartlivie on 03/13/2010 20:35:49
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