"teil mann, teil maschine"
Posted - 03/22/2014 : 12:18:38
Another in a series of rambles about obscure films. UK readers of a certain vintage may remember a programme called "The aeronauts" which was aimed at children. Not sure if was on air elsewhere. In the 60's the BBC would buy a lot of foreign language schlock, put a cheap dub on and put it on in the summer. After all the children were outside so we can put any old tat on! "The Aeronauts" was such a product, appealing to boys as it featured a lot of footage of the Mirage Fighter. The two lead actors were best mates - one handsome and one an idiot. Every week they would protect la Republique from low rent Baddies and occasionally woo the ladies ( Ooh La La ! ).
Fast forward to the 21st century and despite Gallic protests about "Le Royale" they follow the Americn lead when it comes to TV remakes. The Big Screen version of "The Aeronauts" was marketed over here as "Sky Fighters" and disappeared down the gurgler. Which is a pity because in one respect it is the Gallic Top Gun. The flight sequences are astonishing and look as if they were largely real - if not then the CGI was amazingly integrated. It's the old formula of Jet fighters and Cod Rock but it is viscerally moving.
Just as well really as the rest of the movie is a lot of old poisson. Laced with measures of chauvinism and Benny Hill sexism it is almost laughable. The females fall into three categories
{ Includes SPOILERS in case anyone is foolish enough to watch it! )
1. Ice maiden Ball Buster - who predictably becomes a girlie-girl at the very twitch of Colonel Aero's Spiv-like mustache!
2. Latino Hottie Pilot - Not only an ace pilot but also an ace....Pole Dancer! I kid you not! In one toe-curling sequence she puts on an erotic striptease atop an old WW2 fighter.
3. Ex-Girlfriend - The American pilot who is Colonel Aero's ex. She's a wrong-un and not just cos she's a Yank ( well, it is a french film ). Turns out she is working for a criminal cartel who want to take out the President.
Oh Well, you just know that Colonel Aero and his idiot sidekick will win and remain best Buddies. In and ending that would have Tarantino on full "queer-reading" alert they fly in close formation with their Mirages while romantic music plays!
Zat is all , folks! |
Edited by - Airbolt on 03/22/2014 12:23:58 |