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T O P I C    R E V I E W
rockfsh Posted - 06/15/2007 : 20:45:29
I was reading an old article on entitled
The Best Writers at the New York Times They write better by writing shorter.
By Jack Shafer

wherein it is written: "Rivaling the Times for succinctness and cheek are the Web smarty-pants who contribute to the Four Word Film Review "

Web smarty-pants now that I must check out, so I checked in about a month ago

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
noncentz Posted - 02/10/2012 : 22:15:24
Turned left at IMDb.
[matt] Posted - 05/22/2009 : 20:36:12

I can't actually remember where I read about it, but it was probably either mentioned in Empire (?) or on some kind of list of good time-wasting sites. I remember thinking "That's a great idea," and checking it out. I spent a few minutes in awe of the puns and wordplay, but then I had to do something so had to get off the site, and I forgot about it for several months. Then I randomly remembered it and thought I'd have another look. I decided to try my hand at it and submitted these. I'm quite proud of just how ambitious my first film name pun attempt was!

Just over one month later came my now top-voted review.

Gentleman Ghost Posted - 07/08/2008 : 20:28:26
I was tipped off to it by Satyr69, who lost interest in it shortly thereafter.
thefoxboy Posted - 05/09/2008 : 03:04:37
Originally posted by BloodWynde

I don't remember how I found this site "way back when" (about three, maybe four computers ago). I know it had something to do with "Army of Darkness" or Bruce Campbell, but after that, I'm not sure. In those days it was just a long list of semi-organized reviews that were done by a single guy or gal on a(aqua? yellow?) background of questionable color choice.

Now though, I re-discovered it through a newsletter that I subscribe to called "The Mouthpiece." Much better.

PS <---I like this one. :)

Welcome to our four word world BloodWynde.
Threw you some votes, hope to see more reviews from you soon.

BloodWynde Posted - 05/09/2008 : 02:30:30
I don't remember how I found this site "way back when" (about three, maybe four computers ago). I know it had something to do with "Army of Darkness" or Bruce Campbell, but after that, I'm not sure. In those days it was just a long list of semi-organized reviews that were done by a single guy or gal on a(aqua? yellow?) background of questionable color choice.

Now though, I re-discovered it through a newsletter that I subscribe to called "The Mouthpiece." Much better.

PS <---I like this one. :)
Montgomery Posted - 03/27/2008 : 21:44:23
Originally posted by BiggerBoat

I first came here after the puppet masters at the FBI gave me the assignment of getting close to one Benj Clews. Among the standard contents of the file (photographs, biography, known associates, pscyh assessment, gun) was a small note about a website called FWFR. My objective was to pose as a new user and to lurk around the forums picking up information about the shadowy Clews. I quickly integrated myself with the fourumites by being generally chatty and impressing them with my reviews (all created by the FBI's Artificial Intelligence computer).

After I killed my boss and detonated my safe house I went on the run for a while under several assumed identities. I thought that seeing as I was now a renegade agent there was no need to continue the surveillance on Clews but I had become strangely enamoured by the FWFR site and its assortment of geeky cool users. And so I continue to contribute now and then whenever there isn't too much heat on me. My reviews are shit now I've got to make them up myself though.

You're funny.

EM :)
Canklefish Posted - 01/06/2008 : 08:52:53
Originally posted by Tori

I completely forgot about it. Then about six or so months later (I'm guessing here) I was searching the web for info about Teen Wolf and this site popped up. I registered and started writing. About a week into it, I realized I'd been here before and submitted but couldn't remember what. LOL

If you were searching the 'web' for info about 'Teen Wolf' Tori then you are as addicted to the world of film as I am... it was only a matter of time before we crossed paths on this great site. That goes out to all the other fine reviewers who grace these pages... you know who you are!
Whippersnapper. Posted - 11/27/2007 : 22:35:30

At last the truth! Now it all begins to make sense!

BiggerBoat Posted - 11/27/2007 : 18:02:35
I first came here after the puppet masters at the FBI gave me the assignment of getting close to one Benj Clews. Among the standard contents of the file (photographs, biography, known associates, pscyh assessment, gun) was a small note about a website called FWFR. My objective was to pose as a new user and to lurk around the forums picking up information about the shadowy Clews. I quickly integrated myself with the fourumites by being generally chatty and impressing them with my reviews (all created by the FBI's Artificial Intelligence computer).

After I killed my boss and detonated my safe house I went on the run for a while under several assumed identities. I thought that seeing as I was now a renegade agent there was no need to continue the surveillance on Clews but I had become strangely enamoured by the FWFR site and its assortment of geeky cool users. And so I continue to contribute now and then whenever there isn't too much heat on me. My reviews are shit now I've got to make them up myself though.

Conan The Westy Posted - 10/13/2007 : 05:35:20
Originally posted by Markandlain

Courier Mail newspaper in Brisbane mentioned it. Had a look. Laughed a lot. Told my brother, who morphed into Conan and the rest is history.

What he said.
Went absolutely sick on the site for the rest of 2003 with over 2100 reviews approved by benj in under 6 months (the first 1000 in less than a month).
My combined reviews for 2004-2007 have just passed 2000.
Animal Mutha Posted - 10/13/2007 : 03:22:52
I got bored one day at work and stumbled across this site:

I too started one of these threads when I joined.
Stalean Posted - 10/13/2007 : 01:47:23
It has been so long ago, but I have been racking my brain, and I think I first saw FWFR listed in a cool sites section in my Sunday newspaper's entertainment section.
shoon Posted - 10/13/2007 : 00:40:37
I was trying to find out who the woman was in Meet Joe Black, and this was the second result behind IMDb. Submitted loads of reviews in 2005, smaller amounts in 04 and 06, and hardly any so far this year.
ragingfluff Posted - 08/25/2007 : 18:34:04
You don't find FWFR; FWFR finds you
LadyMeerkat Posted - 08/20/2007 : 09:30:50
I was looking up references to Halle Berry's infamous book reading, breast flashing scene in Swordfish and this site came up in google.

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