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 Happy quarter century, F.W.F.R.!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Demisemicenturian Posted - 10/26/2024 : 19:46:04
And happy somethingy-somethingth birthday, MguyX!
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
MguyXXV Posted - 11/19/2024 : 05:02:26
... And I just now noticed: it's official -- everyone else has grown up and stopped changing their screen names to include the birthday-site's age. Looks like it was only you and me this year, Demisemicenturian.

Well, I'm keeping mine for at least the obligatory 30 days (translation: get off my lawn).
TitanPa Posted - 11/07/2024 : 18:28:26
Originally posted by MguyXXV

Originally posted by benj clews

Originally posted by TitanPa

We hit a milestone. We�ve turned silver. Here�s to 25 more. It seems FWFR is showing its age more. Sometimes Benj has to give it a hard kick to stay working lol

True. 25 is, like, 1000 in tech years so it�s not surprising the site occasionally falls over and needs to be helped back up into a comfy chair. Still going though, dammit

... and it's repeating itself.

History always repeats itself lol
MguyXXV Posted - 11/06/2024 : 07:18:46
Originally posted by benj clews

Originally posted by TitanPa

We hit a milestone. We�ve turned silver. Here�s to 25 more. It seems FWFR is showing its age more. Sometimes Benj has to give it a hard kick to stay working lol

True. 25 is, like, 1000 in tech years so it�s not surprising the site occasionally falls over and needs to be helped back up into a comfy chair. Still going though, dammit

... and it's repeating itself.
benj clews Posted - 11/04/2024 : 23:23:51
Originally posted by TitanPa

We hit a milestone. We�ve turned silver. Here�s to 25 more. It seems FWFR is showing its age more. Sometimes Benj has to give it a hard kick to stay working lol

True. 25 is, like, 1000 in tech years so it�s not surprising the site occasionally falls over and needs to be helped back up into a comfy chair. Still going though, dammit
benj clews Posted - 11/04/2024 : 23:22:26
Originally posted by TitanPa

We hit a milestone. We�ve turned silver. Here�s to 25 more. It seems FWFR is showing its age more. Sometimes Benj has to give it a hard kick to stay working lol

True. 25 is, like, 1000 in tech years so it�s not surprising the site occasionally falls over and needs to be helped back up into a comfy chair. Still going though, dammit
TitanPa Posted - 10/30/2024 : 02:00:33
We hit a milestone. We�ve turned silver. Here�s to 25 more. It seems FWFR is showing its age more. Sometimes Benj has to give it a hard kick to stay working lol
MguyXXV Posted - 10/28/2024 : 02:09:10
XXV. I'm XXV Demian. At least that's what I tell myself. Thank you!

Happy birthday FWFR. You should be finishing up your gap year(s) by now and deciding on a real career (or you can still goof around with trying to get into the movie business). You could still be an educator, you know. It's also not too late to look into law or medicine.

By the way: you're going to have to start paying rent next month.

(Get a real job ... and get off my lawn!)
lemmycaution Posted - 10/27/2024 : 23:11:27
A milestone!

Hope to see more of you, Demi.

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