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 R.I.P. Randall

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Chris C Posted - 02/09/2022 : 19:48:27
I'm sorry to report this, but Randall, aka Tom Dupree, passed away on February 7th from cardiorespiratory arrest. This was posted on his page about 30 minutes ago by his family.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Koli Posted - 02/16/2022 : 21:42:50
Very sad news. Thanks to Chris C for drawing attention to it, and to Sean for reposting the FB announcement. Randall's life story is fascinating. He will be much missed. I'm glad that his words will live on, not just on this site and in the book but in many other places.
Sludge Posted - 02/16/2022 : 06:03:56
This is a tough loss. We joined at almost the same time - I stumbled in about three weeks later. I could not keep up. Reading about his life and all your comments makes me feel even luckier to have rub shoulders with him here.

Randall's Reviews.

Wheelz Posted - 02/14/2022 : 17:12:33
I remember Randall always being an engaging and positive presence here in the fourum. RIP, Tom.
Demisemicenturian Posted - 02/14/2022 : 02:25:31
Rather often lately I�ve for some reason been thinking about how many people with Internet profiles must have died by now and how that could easily happen to someone one has known online without ever finding out. So it�s at least something that we have this time.

I hope that Randall didn�t suffer and that his loved ones know what an impact he had here aside from in real life. I also hope that all of you still here know you�re appreciated for the part you�ve played. Even though the Internet has sadly now devolved into control-maniacal mega-monopolies this site is a great memento of its exciting and fun earlier days.

I�m feeling rather sombre as in a few hours I�ll be spending Valentine�s Day at the funeral of a friend of mine, whose death is also hard to grasp. Life is such an odd concept.
AC Posted - 02/13/2022 : 16:40:18
Originally posted by demonic

It has taken me a while to digest this news, and try to think of a way to pay tribute to our legendary Randall, but honestly the words won't come easily, in four words, or any other number.

As AC already expressed it has been incredibly heartening to come back to the fourum and see so many excellent comments and contributions from so many of the fwfr community - or as Tori so beautiful put it, the fwfr family. Thanks for the heads up Cheese_Ed. It's wonderful to know you are all still out there... all those familiar avatars and signatures that we used to see on a regular basis!

I think Tom was the person I got to know the best in real life after many years of messaging on the site. We met when I was lucky enough to be working for six months on Broadway, nearly ten years ago now, and his huge enthusiasm for not only film but also theatre and all performing and visual arts made us good friends with a lot to talk about. I had the good fortune to stay with Tom and Linda on my next two trips to New York, and we kept in touch to share theatre recommendations on both sides of the Atlantic. I'm really sorry that the last two times he managed to make it across to London for theatre visits I was working away - the last time, just before the pandemic. I'd hoped we'd have met many more times in the UK and US, to share experiences and recommendations, but that's not to be.

He was larger than life - extremely kind, witty, intelligent without being any way overbearing, generous and a fun and fascinating person to spend time with. He's a great loss. Sending very best wishes to all of you, Randall's online family. RIP Tom.

Beautifully put Dom: he truly was the best of us.
demonic Posted - 02/13/2022 : 05:27:41
It has taken me a while to digest this news, and try to think of a way to pay tribute to our legendary Randall, but honestly the words won't come easily, in four words, or any other number.

As AC already expressed it has been incredibly heartening to come back to the fourum and see so many excellent comments and contributions from so many of the fwfr community - or as Tori so beautiful put it, the fwfr family. Thanks for the heads up Cheese_Ed. It's wonderful to know you are all still out there... all those familiar avatars and signatures that we used to see on a regular basis!

I think Tom was the person I got to know the best in real life after many years of messaging on the site. We met when I was lucky enough to be working for six months on Broadway, nearly ten years ago now, and his huge enthusiasm for not only film but also theatre and all performing and visual arts made us good friends with a lot to talk about. I had the good fortune to stay with Tom and Linda on my next two trips to New York, and we kept in touch to share theatre recommendations on both sides of the Atlantic. I'm really sorry that the last two times he managed to make it across to London for theatre visits I was working away - the last time, just before the pandemic. I'd hoped we'd have met many more times in the UK and US, to share experiences and recommendations, but that's not to be.

He was larger than life - extremely kind, witty, intelligent without being any way overbearing, generous and a fun and fascinating person to spend time with. He's a great loss. Sending very best wishes to all of you, Randall's online family. RIP Tom.
TitanPa Posted - 02/12/2022 : 22:36:06
Has anyone tried to reach out to Noncentz?

Canklefish Posted - 02/12/2022 : 21:18:29
I've been gone too long and am now just seeing this post. I can't say that I knew Randall as well as many of you did, but I found him to be kind and generous when we did interact on various posts and forum projects.

RIP, sir... You will be missed!
AC Posted - 02/12/2022 : 18:56:28
Hi, my beloved FWFR family. It's been way way too long since I've checked in and coming back today (thanks Cheese_Ed for the invitation to the obits) I was hoping there would be a thread observing Tom's life. My wife has been Facebook friends with Tom since long after I left Facebook, so passed on the terrible news this week. I met Tom on multiple occasions, and stayed with him on one trip to New York years ago. He was the kindest, most generous man, with a big laugh and a thirst for hearing what you had to say. I am so grateful to this site (and benj in particular) for uniting us all in this way.

It has been so joyous this morning to come back and see all the same names that were on the site when I was last a regular (over ten years ago I'd say): I hadn't visited in so long because I figured that the regulars would have moved on and the site would be used by people I didn't know. But no! So many names (dare I say all the names except for the legendary Noncentz?) from when I was using the site like a madman 20 years ago. I've missed you all. I will try to come back more often, now that I know the community is still here.

RIP Tom. You made a difference in the world.
[matt] Posted - 02/12/2022 : 14:50:54

I never met Randall but this is sad news. Interesting to read about his life.

Sending condolences to his family.
Yukon Posted - 02/11/2022 : 21:03:05
Very sad news.
RIP Randall. :(
Whippersnapper. Posted - 02/11/2022 : 19:41:43
Sad news indeed.
My sincerest condolences to his family.
TitanPa Posted - 02/11/2022 : 18:56:55
Along with my heavy heart, my jaw has dropped. It is a sad day for Fwiffers everywhere. We have lost a Legend on this site. Nay, Royalty! Randall had a way with words. As we can tell with his #2 spot on the Fwiffer list. He could speak so eloquently about any topic. I found it so fascinating and mesmerizing when I read anything he wrote. I only knew him virtually. It pains me that I didn�t know the man himself. He is a brother in Fwiffs. He will forever be etched on this site and in the writing world. Rest In Peace dear Randall. Thoughts and prayers to Tom Dupree�s friends and family.

Candle Lit For Randall.
Tori Posted - 02/11/2022 : 18:39:48
You are all my family, and this was so hard to hear. Tom was such a lovely human. Thank you all for being here the past two decades <3
Corduroy Pillow Posted - 02/11/2022 : 18:29:39
Thanks for posting the obituary, Sean.

Very sad to hear this news. RIP Randall.

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