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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Demisemicenturian Posted - 11/27/2006 : 14:15:19
A film has been auto-added here that I do not think Rovark will want. (Other Cleopatra films are not there.)
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
demonic Posted - 02/23/2011 : 19:48:50
Watchmen is a DC property, so the first is correct.
Demisemicenturian Posted - 02/23/2011 : 18:40:09
Watchmen is in both of these accolades...
Demisemicenturian Posted - 02/10/2011 : 15:41:01
When I said to put them in the general Accolades thread, I meant the general Accolades thread, not the Accolade correction thread.
demonic Posted - 02/10/2011 : 14:25:22
Oh, should I have created a special 'accolade suggestion' thread for you?
Demisemicenturian Posted - 02/10/2011 : 06:48:04
Thanks, although those are accolade suggestions, not corrections.
demonic Posted - 02/10/2011 : 01:34:47
Following our conversation elsewhere- here are some missing films for your "On Anon" accolade Salopian.

Rebecca (the one that made me think of writing in the first place - the classic example of an unnamed lead character)
Fight Club
Chungking Express
The Passenger
Layer Cake
Hiroshima Mon Amour
maintcoder Posted - 02/06/2011 : 19:58:41
Originally posted by Cracovian

I often come across broken trophies, so I thought I'd list them here.

Accolades whose trophies can nearly be copied from others
Best Picture Nominees - 1960

This accolade has been fixed.
Conan The Westy Posted - 02/05/2011 : 09:12:06
I'm very, very sneaky.

(There might have been a loophole in the coding years ago that allowed me to leave the "upload a picture" part blank).
Demisemicenturian Posted - 02/05/2011 : 09:00:40
Originally posted by Conan The Westy

The trophy was left without a picture to emphasise the moronic nature of the subject matter, therefore nothing is actually broken (but it probably is incomplete).

How did you manage that? When one creates an accolade one has to either upload a trophy or use the standard one...
Conan The Westy Posted - 02/05/2011 : 08:49:00
Objective: Ashton & Seann have further excavated a niche in the Moron Cave formerly inhabited by Wayne & Garth and Bill & Ted. Their catch-cry of "Dude, Where's My Car" has inspired FWFR reviewers to new heights or new lows. Check out some of the "Dude...." clones (and let me know when any new additions are approved).

If people see new examples of Dude-style reviews, let me know which film and I'll add it but as I'm finishing off my Masters at the moment I haven't spent much time on FWFR in the past year or so. The trophy was left without a picture to emphasise the moronic nature of the subject matter, therefore nothing is actually broken (but it probably is incomplete).
Demisemicenturian Posted - 02/05/2011 : 07:18:16
Originally posted by wildheartlivie

I'm not sure what happens when the images go away. I had images on all these when they were made. They just go on walkabout, I guess.

It has happened to me before as well: I've added identical trophies for different accolades and then sometime later I've found that one has inexplicably corrupted.

N.B. The last post before yours is also about an accolade for you to update.
w22dheartlivie Posted - 02/05/2011 : 07:06:02
Fixed the two I had listed above. I'm not sure what happens when the images go away. I had images on all these when they were made. They just go on walkabout, I guess. Thanks for letting me know.
Demisemicenturian Posted - 02/05/2011 : 05:44:44
This is now incomplete.
Demisemicenturian Posted - 01/19/2011 : 04:42:55
Lots of films on the site are missing from this.
Demisemicenturian Posted - 01/19/2011 : 04:38:35
This won an Oscar -- aren't there some accolades that it should be in?

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