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T O P I C    R E V I E W
demonic Posted - 01/04/2016 : 17:56:29
I've been having problems with updating and creating accolades recently - the most obvious issue I've found is adding an image. On the old site there were always rules of image type and size to adhere to, but on the new site nothing seems to take - it always returns an error message. Attempting to add images to accolades on the old site now produces the same result - error page.

I've also noticed that progress counts aren't tallying up with approved reviews. Looking specifically at the last three accolades I've created they all say I have reviewed 0 of, for example, 10 films in the accolade, which isn't the case at all. Looking elsewhere I can see my progress isn't updating on other accolades I've been chasing, perhaps since the summer? I think completing it updates the accolade, adds the ribbon and jumps the tally from 0, or wherever it was, to the complete figure.

Any thoughts, similar experiences or potential fixes appreciated!
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Demisemicenturian Posted - 09/12/2017 : 23:20:52
(1) How can I add It to an accolade? The title is so short that it produces an error.

(2) Benj, please could you approve this film so that I could add it to the same one? The I.M.D.B. says that it is filming, but this site says that it is unconfirmed. However, neither is true since I saw it in the cinema tonight. Definitely the same film. I just think that the I.M.D.B. is not so much of a thing in South America.

Sludge Posted - 03/09/2017 : 11:37:38
That was awesome. She just said part of what Benj said and then reminded me I've grown too fat.

demonic Posted - 03/08/2017 : 15:47:18
Ummm. Weight watchers points calculator? Anyone else a mite suspicious of that post...
w22dheartlivie Posted - 03/07/2017 : 00:35:24
Demisemicenturian Posted - 08/11/2016 : 18:29:18
Benj, when you're back from holiday please could you look into this?
Demisemicenturian Posted - 05/03/2016 : 08:54:52
Any progress on this, Benj?
benj clews Posted - 03/11/2016 : 13:37:31
Actively looking into the image uploading issue folks. It's a bit fiddly but will post here when I've made progress.
Demisemicenturian Posted - 01/18/2016 : 03:05:54
The old site is letting me edit accolades there again now, but neither it nor the new site will let me add an image (the same one that I already have for other accolades).
Demisemicenturian Posted - 01/10/2016 : 04:13:16
Problems here too. I use the old site whenever I can, as it is just much easier to use and to look at, but every so often something drops out of working there. This has now happened to accolades, which I'm pretty heartbroken about in all honesty.

There are numerous disadvantges with how they are presented on the new site, but the most crucial issues are with attempting to edit them. I have just tried to add Legend and The Walk. It could only find the latter when I searched for just walk instead of the walk, and it cannot find the former at all. Another issue making this problem much worse is that it doesn't return the results in alphabetical order, unlike the old site, so one has to read through the whole list carefully (only sometimes for the films to not even be there -- that would at least be easier to identify if the order were just alphabetical).

While I'm here, I hate how the Save and Delete buttons are right next to each other. On a touch screen I am so scared of accidentally losing my whole year's records. The old site did have the disadvantage of not double-checking when one hit Delete (and also had the Edit button next to it), so unless that has changed in the new site (which is obviously a hassle to test) then it's a big problem. I've always found it annoying that something like a whole accolade can get accidentally deleted whereas it laboriously makes you confirm that you want to delete a simple Fourum post.
lemmycaution Posted - 01/04/2016 : 20:30:01
I have noticed a number of issues similar to the ones that you point out.

Here's hoping benj can address the problem.

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