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T O P I C    R E V I E W
demonic Posted - 03/31/2014 : 00:36:04
Hi Benj,

I noticed tonight that the search box is playing up - it's being very picky about the results it will find and display. My example from tonight - the new film "Calvary"... typing that into the box produced no results, which would make sense if the film wasn't in the database, but it comes up on the old site (I found it earlier today when searching on my phone - I tend to use for mobile use as it is less graphic heavy and easier to navigate screens without the swipe screen). Back to the new site, and a search for Brendan Gleeson under the artists tab as an alternative way to access the film page, but the search box produces no drop down results and a blank page of results if you hit return for Brendan, or Gleeson, or both words. Any thoughts? I suspect this is a much bigger issue I've stumbled on. Thanks!
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demonic Posted - 04/01/2014 : 02:29:24
Extra big thanks, having just realised the search box is smart searching now, which it wasn't before - in other words updating with each additional letter rather than requiring whole words. That is awesome.
demonic Posted - 03/31/2014 : 19:35:19
Aha! Yes, that would explain it. Thanks Benj. :)
benj clews Posted - 03/31/2014 : 09:51:34
Originally posted by demonic

Quite separately Benj, but something I just noticed - I got "Calvary" into my flagged films list on the new site by clicking on the blue bullet on the old site which worked like it should, but it reminded me to point out that the "arrange by date added" in the flagged films list has never worked on the new site. The addition of the film to my list tonight has put it where it should be, at the top of the list, but usually it drops it entirely randomly into the list. Small fish, I know, but in case that hasn't come up before...

This might be down to a confusingly labelled link. Currently Date Added refers to the date the film was added to the site and not when it was added by you to your flagged films list. I'll have to see about changing this as clearly the latter makes a lot more sense.
benj clews Posted - 03/31/2014 : 09:45:03
Thanks for letting me know about the search- should be working again now.
demonic Posted - 03/31/2014 : 00:52:56
Thanks Sean, I did notice the site was down first thing this morning but didn't make the connection.

Quite separately Benj, but something I just noticed - I got "Calvary" into my flagged films list on the new site by clicking on the blue bullet on the old site which worked like it should, but it reminded me to point out that the "arrange by date added" in the flagged films list has never worked on the new site. The addition of the film to my list tonight has put it where it should be, at the top of the list, but usually it drops it entirely randomly into the list. Small fish, I know, but in case that hasn't come up before...
Sean Posted - 03/31/2014 : 00:45:54
Yeah it seemed to happen after the update. I mentioned it here

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