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T O P I C    R E V I E W
JeddtheJedi Posted - 06/27/2012 : 15:26:58
Hi everyone, I've checked in the fourum for a similar thread, but haven't found one. Recently, I have submitted several reviews that were declined, and I added an explanation at the request of the moderator/administrator vetting the entry. However, these reviews were declined again, and I was told that no explanation was provided. It seems that there may be a glitch or error in this system of adding explanations to a previously declined review. Thanks for having a look at this.

7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Sludge Posted - 12/28/2012 : 23:50:28
Okay, I did have lengthy explanations before. Per MERP comment on the reviews, I have resubbed with shorter wording and it appears to have gone through.

Sludge Posted - 12/26/2012 : 18:57:34
Oops, just posted this in another thread. I'm having the same problem in multiple browsers and platforms.

Stalean Posted - 07/04/2012 : 14:34:58
Sorry to say it is broken again. The little reel to the far right just keeps turning without submitting the explanation. I guess my clearing the cache and cookies stopped working. Tried clearing them again, but didn't work this time. And, it dropped my review to the bottom of my queue!
w22dheartlivie Posted - 07/03/2012 : 04:58:15
That happened to me a few times back in my big push to break 3000 (YAY, winning!!) I even gota comment once when it was still declined about why I resubmitted the same thing with no explanation or change. My solution was to go over to the old version of fwfr and put the explanations through that way. It worked. :)
JeddtheJedi Posted - 06/28/2012 : 15:55:47
Originally posted by benj clews

Can you give me an example review of yours (either post here or email me) that this happened with- I'll see if I can find any sign of the explanation being lost.

Thanks for replying to the topic. An example would be my review for "The Amazing Spider-Man" - "Doesn't Garfield Hate Spiders?" This was turned down once without an explanation for why it was declined, then turned down again with the message that no explanation (from me) was received, even though I had attached an explanation that got lost. This explanation was something like "The comic-strip character Garfield has a famous dislike of spiders, so it is ironic that an actor sharing his name plays Spider-Man in this film."
benj clews Posted - 06/28/2012 : 10:51:52
Originally posted by JeddtheJedi

Hi everyone, I've checked in the fourum for a similar thread, but haven't found one. Recently, I have submitted several reviews that were declined, and I added an explanation at the request of the moderator/administrator vetting the entry. However, these reviews were declined again, and I was told that no explanation was provided. It seems that there may be a glitch or error in this system of adding explanations to a previously declined review. Thanks for having a look at this.

Can you give me an example review of yours (either post here or email me) that this happened with- I'll see if I can find any sign of the explanation being lost.
Stalean Posted - 06/27/2012 : 17:59:19
I've had the same problem recently, but when I cleared my cache and cookies in my browser, it all resolved itself. It was very frustrating for a while until I did the above to see if it would help... and it did! Hope this helps you, JeddtheJedi.

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