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 Reviews that are mixspelled.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
MguyXXV Posted - 11/28/2004 : 23:52:18
Inspired by the camaraderie of the "Reviews that are wrong" thread, I thought maybe there's a place to point out simple things that can be corrcted easily and not risk having a review deleted (unless correcting the error results in a review that exceeds four words). I mean things like obviously unintentional punctuation, misspellings, missing spaces between words.

    (1) I've noticed that pointing out problems in the fourum leads to getting them fixed fairly quickly;
    (2) I saw one the other day and I was going to message the user, but I don't remember the film, though I remember the user, and since the user isn't in the top 100, there's virtually no way to find her;
    (3) I noticed that noncentz has picked up on my propensity for numbered lists;
    (4) But no one pays attention to list items exceeding three, so why are you reading this far anyway?

All of which is to say: Little Old Lady from Dubuque, did you mean to write "sthick" in your recent review, or did you mean "schtick"?

Also, I fear that some folks do not correct typos likely because they fear having to wait to have them reapproved. Mightn't there be some remedy for that?

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
AC Posted - 06/22/2011 : 20:42:24
He re-submitted it.
Larry Posted - 06/22/2011 : 19:01:33
Originally posted by MguyX

My review for "The Music Lovers" was misspelleded (must be the MERPS! ). So I thought I would correct the spelling and resubmit it (to benj, and the MERPs !)

Would one of you MERPs please be a dear and re-approve it? Thank you.

Fixed! Thanks you wonderful MERPs!

(But don't get all happy just yet: I'm sure I can complain about you soon enough. )

How did you do that? Mine, right above yours (initially posted in September of last year, and re-posted in April of this year) still hasn't been acted upon. Perhaps because I asked benj to do it instead of the MERPs. Seriously, I'll take help from anyone.
MguyXXV Posted - 06/21/2011 : 07:50:32
My review for "The Music Lovers" was misspelleded (must be the MERPS! ). So I thought I would correct the spelling and resubmit it (to benj, and the MERPs !)

Would one of you MERPs please be a dear and re-approve it? Thank you.

Fixed! Thanks you wonderful MERPs!

(But don't get all happy just yet: I'm sure I can complain about you soon enough. )
Larry Posted - 04/14/2011 : 03:54:01
Originally posted by Larry

Another misspelling: the first review here should be limitation instead of limitiation. Thanks.

This one never got sorted out.
Demisemicenturian Posted - 04/14/2011 : 00:12:11
Nine separate people here don't know how to spell Gandhi. Or don't they? It seems very coincidental that one wrong spelling is all at the beginning and one is all at the end...
Demisemicenturian Posted - 11/06/2010 : 22:32:22
Here are reviews which were submitted with the correct spellings but which were wrongly changed by the MERPs.

At least one still needs addressing.
Larry Posted - 09/10/2010 : 15:59:24
Another misspelling: the first review here should be limitation instead of limitiation. Thanks.
Larry Posted - 03/30/2010 : 00:35:11
Originally posted by benj clews

Originally posted by Larry

A good friend pointed out that I misspelled margarine in my review for A Substitute for Butter.
Can you fix it, benj or somebody?


Cheers, benj.
benj clews Posted - 03/30/2010 : 00:13:32
Originally posted by Larry

A good friend pointed out that I misspelled margarine in my review for A Substitute for Butter.
Can you fix it, benj or somebody?

Larry Posted - 03/26/2010 : 12:14:15
A good friend pointed out that I misspelled margarine in my review for A Substitute for Butter.
Can you fix it, benj or somebody?
Demisemicenturian Posted - 12/12/2009 : 02:28:34
Yep, I've checked on my own computer now (which I don't mainly use as the keyboard is faulty) and it looks O.K. on that too. It obviously must depend on the language settings. So long as it looks all right on English-language computers then that will do. It's annoying that such things can vary though. How does it look correct on Wikipedia? Does that site's language settings override the computer's? (If so, could the same be applied here somehow?)
demonic Posted - 12/11/2009 : 14:33:08
Yes, it looks right to me.
Demisemicenturian Posted - 12/11/2009 : 11:50:24
The accent on the first e in melee here has come out wrong (at least to my view). I submitted it correctly, as I copied and pasted it from Wikipedia. I can see an e with a tail, which is a Polish character. Can anyone else see an e with the proper circumflex?
Demisemicenturian Posted - 05/15/2007 : 09:15:43
Originally posted by BaftaBabe

can I be the only one who's reported my own spelling error only to have my fwfr sit for months back in the pending pile?

If you used the Report button instead of resubmitting, this would not happen.
I guess for safety, if you submit a delib error you can always note that in the explanation bit.

Yup, I don't like having to do this, but do do so from time to time, e.g. recently with antidiluvian.
BaftaBaby Posted - 05/15/2007 : 07:50:00
Originally posted by Tori

Here's a question...if the MERPs notice a spelling mistake do they have the ability/permission to change it?

What a great question! I once had a MERP change a typo of mine, but since then a couple of mixspellings have slipped through. I'd be MORE than happy to be corrected -- can I be the only one who's reported my own spelling error only to have my fwfr sit for months back in the pending pile?

It might be a tough call, though, since some mixspells are deliberate to make a point/pun ... so there would need to be some kind of discretion. I guess for safety, if you submit a delib error you can always note that in the explanation bit.

What does anyone else think?

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