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T O P I C    R E V I E W
redPen Posted - 04/19/2007 : 09:47:12
Here's my idea:
WITHOUT CHECKING IMDb OR WATCHING THE FILM, try to answer the question. The answer is provided in (beige) coloring below the question (just highlight the answer with click-and-drag to view). Then post your own "master-level" trivia!

In Top Gun, many of the pilots' real names are used, but some names of major characters are hardly used at all.

1) What is "Goose"'s first and last name?
2) What is his wife's name?
3) What is his son's name?

1) Goose's real name is never referred to in the film out loud, but in the scene where Maverick takes the photo from the mirror after Goose's death, you can see Goose's ID patch on the dresser. His name, NICK BRADLEY, is clearly visible.

2) Only mentioned once in the film, Goose's wife's name is Carole.

3) Goose's son's name is a bit of a poser. In the "Great Balls of Fire" scene, Goose (on piano) says to his son: "Sing with the family Bradley," but is it meant to be "Sing with the family, Bradley," in which case his son's name would be Bradley Bradley, or "Sing with the Family Bradley," in which case the son's name is never revealed?
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
BaftaBaby Posted - 08/19/2014 : 16:51:13
Originally posted by redPen

I'm a rebel, so I'm gonna keep the string alive, even if it's just me.

This shouldn't be too hard: What do the films "Planet of the Apes (1968)" and "The Bridge on the River Kwai" have in common?

redPen! Great to see you!!
The answer must be Pierre Boulle, who wrote the novels both films are based on. Yes?

redPen Posted - 08/19/2014 : 14:27:14
I'm a rebel, so I'm gonna keep the string alive, even if it's just me.

This shouldn't be too hard: What do the films "Planet of the Apes (1968)" and "The Bridge on the River Kwai" have in common?
Beanmimo Posted - 02/17/2014 : 00:21:37
I have forgotten the answer.
redPen Posted - 02/04/2014 : 04:49:13
Wow, just over FOUR YEARS since anyone's commented? Is the FWFR retiring from the internet???? Say it ain't so!
Beanmimo Posted - 07/01/2010 : 15:39:23

At least I'm a barefaced cheater and not one of those sneaky ones...

Anyway, high time I got a question together.

What links Pretty in Pink to Casablanca in the same way Death Wish 2 is linked to The Fugitive?
redPen Posted - 06/04/2010 : 04:54:38
That's it, Beanie!!!! Each film's director can be spotted in a scene, thusly:

Staying Alive (1983) -- Star John Travolta bumps into director Sylvester Stallone during street scene.
Strangers On A Train (1951) -- Alfred Hitchcock is shown struggling to get an old-style musical bass onto the train.
Alexander (2004) -- Oliver Stone is quickly shown looking up at a statue.
Scotland, PA (2001) -- Billy Morrisette is seen walking his (real-life) dog and waving at the star.
A Bridge Too Far (1977) -- Richard Attenborough plays one of the escaped lunatics in the forest.
Run Fatboy Run (2007) -- David Schwimmer is seen passing the star a cup of water.

Great job (with a mini-cheat assist lol)! You're up!
Beanmimo Posted - 05/28/2010 : 02:14:49

OK here's a stretch, the directors of four all have uncredited appearances in the movies as far as IMBD is concrened, do you know something about Alexander and Run fatboy run that it doesn't!!
BaftaBaby Posted - 05/27/2010 : 16:19:31
Originally posted by redPen

It's been about three months now. Any guesses? Are clues needed? Is there anyone out there? Bueller????

Hey redPen! How great to see you here. I'm a total failure at your challenge, though

Wot about a clue?

redPen Posted - 05/27/2010 : 15:00:55
It's been about three months now. Any guesses? Are clues needed? Is there anyone out there? Bueller????
Beanmimo Posted - 02/23/2010 : 00:40:47
Originally posted by redPen

Beanie, that has to be a joke, right? Tennis is only mentioned in one of these.

No actually, some of the other questions have been pretty devious!!

Ha i'll have another think.
redPen Posted - 02/22/2010 : 20:11:35
Beanie, that has to be a joke, right? Tennis is only mentioned in one of these.
Beanmimo Posted - 02/22/2010 : 19:40:59
Originally posted by redPen

Sorry I've been away so long, gang. Truth is, I've had so many reviews rejected for (in my opinion) minute and silly reasons, I've sort of "retired." Thanks to Beanmimo for reminding me it was my turn!

What do the following films have in common?

Staying Alive (1983)
Strangers On A Train (1951)
Alexander (2004)
Scotland, PA (2001)
A Bridge Too Far (1977)
Run Fatboy Run (2007)

redPen Posted - 02/22/2010 : 14:30:17
Sorry I've been away so long, gang. Truth is, I've had so many reviews rejected for (in my opinion) minute and silly reasons, I've sort of "retired." Thanks to Beanmimo for reminding me it was my turn!

What do the following films have in common?

Staying Alive (1983)
Strangers On A Train (1951)
Alexander (2004)
Scotland, PA (2001)
A Bridge Too Far (1977)
Run Fatboy Run (2007)
ragingfluff Posted - 05/14/2009 : 17:11:37
Originally posted by redPen

Originally posted by ragingfluff

What is the cinematic connection - or perhaps non-connection? - between James Woods, Harrison Ford, Mel Gibson and Kevin Costner?? And how does Costner relate to the following motley collection: Henry Fonda, Patrick Dempsey, William Petersen, Martin Sheen, Paul Rudd, Tim Matheson?

My guess for the second half of that question is that all have portrayed a Kennedy. I know Dempsey and Sheen played JFK for telefilms, and Petersen played his pop, Joe, for another telefilm. . . . and while I'm at it, Costner appeared in "Thirteen Days as a Kennedy confidante. Right track, or wild string o' coincidences?

correct... Ford, Gibson and Woods turned down or were considered for the role of Jim Garrison in JFK, the role that eventually went to Costner...and the connection from him to all the others is Kennedy: they all played Kennedy in various movies and TV movies.

redPen Posted - 05/14/2009 : 15:41:12
Bueller? . . . . Bueller? . . . Bueller? . . .

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