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 Avatar Contest #376 - Telephone

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Sean Posted - 07/21/2011 : 01:30:27
Telephones have been in the news a lot this week, principally due to those grubby parasites at News International...

There's nothing grubby about a penguin mobile phone cover though.

So folks, this is TELEPHONE week in avatar land.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Improper Username Posted - 07/28/2011 : 02:11:53
Thanks everyone, and thank you, Baffy. I'll think on it and be back with the next theme.
BaftaBaby Posted - 07/27/2011 : 22:26:07
Well, fellow fwfrers --- everyone pick up for a conference call.

We had ten entrants, but sadly only nine voters - koli must have had his mobile stolen!

Without the Big Cheese's inimitable witticisms here are this week's listings in the Avatar Directory.


On the third page, with her talented and talkative cat and picking up 7 votes, it's wildhartlivie! (3,1,3)


Coming in at a very popular 11 is protein on the phone -- bife! (3,3,1,2,1)


But putting everyone else on hold, with a whopping 12 rings to the dozen ... a ringing endorsement! and reminding us that no matter how far away you are, it's good to keep in touch with home. Yup, it's duh (improper username). We've got your number! (2,2,3,3,2)

Please make a wee speech before you hang up, and don't forget to choose another delightful avatar category

Wouldn't you know it - just minutes after I posted this I got koli's votes - with apologies. But, however you slice it - it doesn't make a bit of difference to the results. All three top places are the same!

Go duh!!
Koli Posted - 07/27/2011 : 22:20:56
Originally posted by BaftaBabe

Thanks, TPa!

If Koli send in his b4 I've totalled I'll include him. Otherwise - that line will be disconnected

Back soon-ish!

Dang. Could have sworn it was Tuesday. Back soon. Very soon.

Line was engaged, but I persevered. Profuse apologies for being dazed over dayz.
BaftaBaby Posted - 07/27/2011 : 20:54:02
Thanks, TPa!

If Koli send in his b4 I've totalled I'll include him. Otherwise - that line will be disconnected

Back soon-ish!

TitanPa Posted - 07/27/2011 : 19:07:32
Originally posted by BaftaBabe

Originally posted by TitanPa

I was called on the RED phone that my votes were needed. Where do I phone in my votes?

Check your pm!

(ring ring) pick up your phone Bafta, Its my votes!!
BaftaBaby Posted - 07/27/2011 : 18:15:46
Originally posted by TitanPa

I was called on the RED phone that my votes were needed. Where do I phone in my votes?

Check your pm!

TitanPa Posted - 07/27/2011 : 16:39:30
I was called on the RED phone that my votes were needed. Where do I phone in my votes?
BaftaBaby Posted - 07/27/2011 : 09:53:13
Thanks peeps for your votes. Waiting for two ...

koli, TPa - you know who you are! And so do we

I am under strict Cheese instructions to post winners by the deadline. No more Ms NiceBabe! And, when he returns - C_Ed will melt all over you ... not a pretty sight!

MguyXXV Posted - 07/27/2011 : 05:21:16
I phoned it in. My votes, that is.
Sean Posted - 07/27/2011 : 02:31:10
Votes sent to Baffy.
bife Posted - 07/26/2011 : 12:34:26
voted to baffy
ChocolateLady Posted - 07/26/2011 : 10:54:56
I called in my votes.
Improper Username Posted - 07/26/2011 : 01:36:28
Ernestine at the switchboard, passed my votes along to Baffy.
BaftaBaby Posted - 07/25/2011 : 22:04:06
Don't forget, everyone, to phone in your voties to me this week!

w22dheartlivie Posted - 07/24/2011 : 02:59:36
The cat says: Keep it down, I'm on the phone!!!

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