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 Avatar Contest #372 - Exceptions

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
MguyXXV Posted - 06/23/2011 : 18:49:17
Except for this topic, I think we've done EVERYTHING else.

Have fun!

Here's an exceptional pair ... of people. (Magnificent full-size here.)

P.S. SOMEBODY insidiously screwed up the AV contest numbering system several weeks ago by failing to number the contest properly. I'm pretty sure it started with that *$%^#$ "Peace" theme, which caused the trusting Improper Username innocently to number last week's contest as 370, when in fact it was contest 371 -- not her fault!

Numbering system now fixed, and contests 369 and 370 renumbered, but not before

"I took by the throat the circumcised dog
And smote him, thus."
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Sean Posted - 06/30/2011 : 00:11:20
Wow, that was exceptionally unexpected! !

Here's an update on this exceptional bird, looks like (s)he'll end up back in the Southern Ocean at some stage, as long as the rest of the sand and sticks in the digestive track pass through or are removed. I don't think Emperors are programmed for life in temperate zones with sandy beaches...

Flippers crossed for a happy ending.

New topic coming up when I think of one...
Cheese_Ed Posted - 06/29/2011 : 12:41:35
Normally I wait until after work to post results, but... because votes are in, this time I'm going to make an Exception ...

This week: 9 entrants and 10 voters.

In third place, with 0 points () ...

Because of the exceptional showing in second ...

None !!

In second place, with 9 points (333)(22113)(22113) ...

Ditties, Kitties and Titties ...

Koli, BaftaBabe, MguyX !!

And in first place, with 16 points (2212333) ...

The exceptionally topical ...

Se�n !!!

I crown you Emperor of the Avs for a week, Se�n!

Keep us on course with a new topic.

ChocolateLady Posted - 06/29/2011 : 11:56:15
I take exception to the fact that people may have thought I didn't vote.
w22dheartlivie Posted - 06/29/2011 : 11:55:26
An exception to the rule that wildheartlivie never gets her votes in on time.
w22dheartlivie Posted - 06/29/2011 : 11:49:56
Originally posted by Se�n

Topical this week is the Emperor Penguin who chose to leave the frozen southern ocean and head north for a beach holiday in NZ. He/she'll have an exceptional tale to tell about an exceptional holiday if he/she ever heads back south.

Was glad to hear that the poor lil penguin found housing.
BaftaBaby Posted - 06/29/2011 : 08:47:54
Please don't take exception to my votes

Koli Posted - 06/29/2011 : 07:36:45
By my standards, this was voting exceptionally early.
TitanPa Posted - 06/29/2011 : 03:04:41
I voted for all the Avs, except the ones that didnt make the cut.
Improper Username Posted - 06/29/2011 : 02:08:17
I voted for a full three exceptional avs.
MguyXXV Posted - 06/29/2011 : 01:35:35
Voting is the rule: no exceptions!

I voted.
Koli Posted - 06/27/2011 : 22:10:01
Here, the exception is Tommy.

Sadly, Johnny, Joey, and Dee Dee Ramone have all died in recent years. Tommy Ramone is the only surviving original member.

I have been a fan of the Ramones since 1977 1976. Unfortunately I only saw the original line up live once (Stoke, Christmas 1977).

Gabba gabba hey.
w22dheartlivie Posted - 06/26/2011 : 10:25:51
An exception to the standard that you can't beat a good pair of shoes. Not according to Alexander McQueen, anyway.
Cheese_Ed Posted - 06/24/2011 : 18:20:56
Originally posted by Improper Username


P.S. SOMEBODY insidiously screwed up the AV contest numbering system several weeks ago by failing to number the contest properly. I'm pretty sure it started with that *$%^#$ "Peace" theme, which caused the trusting Improper Username innocently to number last week's contest as 370, when in fact it was contest 371 -- not her fault!

Not merely "trusting," but also numerically challenged.

A quick edit and none will be the wiser!
Improper Username Posted - 06/24/2011 : 18:17:44

P.S. SOMEBODY insidiously screwed up the AV contest numbering system several weeks ago by failing to number the contest properly. I'm pretty sure it started with that *$%^#$ "Peace" theme, which caused the trusting Improper Username innocently to number last week's contest as 370, when in fact it was contest 371 -- not her fault!

Not merely "trusting," but also numerically challenged.
Improper Username Posted - 06/24/2011 : 18:15:43
Nobody goes full exceptional.

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