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 #370 - Roles you'd like to see MguyX's brother in

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Improper Username Posted - 06/17/2011 : 02:33:34
Avatar Contest #370:
Roles you would like to see MguyX's brother cast in.

I would like to see him with his own TV series, wherein he is cast as a detective much like recurring character "Lance White" of Rockford Files, played by Tom Selleck.

Lance White took himself very seriously, was very handsome, suave, attractive to both ladies and men, extremely lucky, and way overestimated his own abilities to a hilarious degree. Much like Old Spice Guy!

I was disappointed when Magnum PI was first televised, because I had hoped it would involve the Lance White character. Lance White was so beautiful, so awesome, and so fortunate, that it was great fun to hate him. Poor Rockford would be working on a case in a very down-to-earth, practical way, and here came Lance White to rush in full bore ahead and mess things up--and still get credit for solving the case.

(Full size view.)
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
MguyXXV Posted - 06/23/2011 : 18:45:12
LOL! I though duh was a shoo-in this week. Thanks everybody! Let's giddyup.
w22dheartlivie Posted - 06/23/2011 : 04:36:08
Seems totally appropriate, doesn't it? We looked at his brother, then looked at him, back to his brother, NOW back to him. And yes, he's riding a horse!!!

Backward in at least one ad.
Cheese_Ed Posted - 06/22/2011 : 23:31:08
All good things Mustafa end ...

This week: 9 entrants and 9 voters.

In third place, with 7 points (331) ...

Mguy's brother probably isn't wilder ...

ChocolateLady !!

In second place, with 12 points (113223) ...

Wonka and then Saddles? What's next Haunted Honeymoon? ...

TitanPa !!

And in first place, with 15 points (3313131) ...

With the old spicey/cheesey one ...

MguyX !!!

Who should be more honored? Mguy for winning, his bro for being the theme or me for being the av?
(or Sean Penn?)
Regardless, you earned the right to choose, Mr. X.

Koli Posted - 06/22/2011 : 20:50:08
What did I just do?


Does that answer your question?
Improper Username Posted - 06/22/2011 : 15:57:11
I voted for that thing(s) (avs) I love.
TitanPa Posted - 06/22/2011 : 14:07:26
Made my votes smell like Old Spice and sent them in.
ChocolateLady Posted - 06/22/2011 : 13:32:02
I put my votes on a horse.
BaftaBaby Posted - 06/21/2011 : 22:34:47
Look at my votes
Now look at me
Back to my votes
Back to me ...

MguyXXV Posted - 06/21/2011 : 20:38:08
A chocolate Willy Wonka!
Yes, and Israel has now claimed its rightful place among the geoglobal phenomenon that is my uncanny reknown (sorry about the oversight ).

With all of that said, I voted for my brother three times (but each was different).
ChocolateLady Posted - 06/21/2011 : 12:02:36
You know, if they can do it with The Wizard of OZ, why not with Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory?

By the way, can he sing?

Never mind. That doesn't matter. Neither could Gene Wilder!

(Sorry, I don't know how to photoshop his face on this picture. Use your imagination.)

ChocolateLady Posted - 06/21/2011 : 11:45:45
Originally posted by MguyX

Originally posted by Cheese_Ed

I say put that hunk back in storage so Mguy can return to being the most famous Mustafa!

Yes, I am indeed known the world over: I am known in Singapore (bife), Canada (AC), Poland (the black box), England (benj), New Zealand (Sean), Australia (Conan), Wisconsin (Cheese Ed), and by extension EVERYWHERE THEY HAVE GONE. Top THAT Isaiah!

(The World: "Um ... I'm pretty sure he already did, Mguy." )

And Israel. Don't forget Israel!
MguyXXV Posted - 06/20/2011 : 19:28:28
Originally posted by Cheese_Ed

I say put that hunk back in storage so Mguy can return to being the most famous Mustafa!

Yes, I am indeed known the world over: I am known in Singapore (bife), Canada (AC), Poland (the black box), England (benj), New Zealand (Sean), Australia (Conan), Wisconsin (Cheese Ed), Israel (Chocolate Lady), and by extension EVERYWHERE THEY HAVE GONE. Top THAT Isaiah!

(The World: "Um ... I'm pretty sure he already did, Mguy." )
Cheese_Ed Posted - 06/20/2011 : 12:59:11
I say put that hunk back in storage so Mguy can return to being the most famous Mustafa!
Cheese_Ed Posted - 06/20/2011 : 02:40:59
Originally posted by MguyX

I would love to see Isaiah in a dramatic portrayal of my personal hero: Cheese Ed.

He does have a very similar build to my own.

Koli Posted - 06/19/2011 : 20:29:16
Robin needs a new companion.

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