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 Avatar Contest #370 - Wieners

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
MguyXXV Posted - 06/09/2011 : 07:19:52
The word won't stay out of U.S. news lately, and one of them apparently won't stay in a certain politician's pants. But it's not all just buns and mustard either!


Do it.

And don't be lewd! We've already been getting assaulted with twitter photos, so show some class will ya?
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Improper Username Posted - 06/17/2011 : 02:16:33
Originally posted by BaftaBabe

Okey dokey B-B-Q fans, apart from whl, the votes have been grilled to perfection, rotated, dressed with relish, and stuck in a toasted bun. So bite this!

In third place, with a succulent 8 points
[3, 3, 2]
reminding us of the POTUS reflux

it's wildheartlivie

and, just for the record, even had I been cruel enough to deduct 3 points, she'd still be in third place.

So moving on to the next on the menu

In 2nd place with a bun-busting mouthful

it's MguyX with 11 tasty points
[2, 3, 1, 2, 3]
So, Mguy, that oral fixation therapy didn't quite work then, eh?!

Which leaves room on your plate for the wiener of champions, with a wiener whopper, the likes of which they just don't serve at MickeyD's!

Yes, it's the clean and wonderful improper username who scrubs up pretty darn good with 13 long-doggie points
[3, 2, 3, 2, 3]

Take a bow-wow, duh, and take us away from these dogs, please!!

Back in a bit with a new theme.
BaftaBaby Posted - 06/16/2011 : 11:13:34
Okey dokey B-B-Q fans, apart from whl, the votes have been grilled to perfection, rotated, dressed with relish, and stuck in a toasted bun. So bite this!

In third place, with a succulent 8 points
[3, 3, 2]
reminding us of the POTUS reflux

it's wildheartlivie

and, just for the record, even had I been cruel enough to deduct 3 points, she'd still be in third place.

So moving on to the next on the menu

In 2nd place with a bun-busting mouthful

it's MguyX with 11 tasty points
[2, 3, 1, 2, 3]
So, Mguy, that oral fixation therapy didn't quite work then, eh?!

Which leaves room on your plate for the wiener of champions, with a wiener whopper, the likes of which they just don't serve at MickeyD's!

Yes, it's the clean and wonderful improper username who scrubs up pretty darn good with 13 long-doggie points
[3, 2, 3, 2, 3]

Take a bow-wow, duh, and take us away from these dogs, please!!

Chris C Posted - 06/16/2011 : 10:37:54
Originally posted by BaftaBabe

Originally posted by wildheartlivie

Sorry guys. They are on their way to BB even as I type.

Sorry for the delay, guys.

I've waited overnight, but still haven't received whl's votes. I've sent two PMs - and there's nothing pending on my mail server. Shall I give it a few more hours?

She has probably forgotten, or sent direct to Cheese_Ed, but if you have a winner, post the results.
BaftaBaby Posted - 06/16/2011 : 08:20:17
Originally posted by wildheartlivie

Sorry guys. They are on their way to BB even as I type.

Sorry for the delay, guys.

I've waited overnight, but still haven't received whl's votes. I've sent two PMs - and there's nothing pending on my mail server. Shall I give it a few more hours?

w22dheartlivie Posted - 06/15/2011 : 23:23:12
Sorry guys. They are on their way to BB even as I type.
Chris C Posted - 06/15/2011 : 23:17:33
Lurkers needed here please
Koli Posted - 06/15/2011 : 22:40:26
I just slipped mine in. Hope I was in time.

Apologies for my tardiness. Been away.
BaftaBaby Posted - 06/15/2011 : 22:30:44
Still just waiting on two votes. I'll pm them.

Improper Username Posted - 06/15/2011 : 15:11:28
Originally posted by TitanPa

Last minute entry.

The last time a weiner made headlines this lady was a part of it. A Weiner? Not if she has anything to do with it.

Meet Lorena Bobbit

TitanPa Posted - 06/15/2011 : 14:26:26
Last minute entry.

The last time a weiner made headlines this lady was a part of it. A Weiner? Not if she has anything to do with it.

Meet Lorena Bobbit
ChocolateLady Posted - 06/15/2011 : 12:52:39
Done (and I'm glad I read through the whole thread before sending in my votes, since what kind of a stupid wienie would I have been had I sent them to the wrong person and address!).
BaftaBaby Posted - 06/15/2011 : 12:02:35

ChocolateLady, WildheartLivie, Koli

Grill up those wiener votes and gettem to me ... Please!

Sean Posted - 06/15/2011 : 00:26:53
voted with my sausage
Improper Username Posted - 06/14/2011 : 16:03:27
Stuck a wiener onto a stick and into the flames and voted.
BaftaBaby Posted - 06/14/2011 : 09:55:33
Originally posted by MguyX

Voted on weiners with relish. VOTES GO TO BAFTABABE THIS WEEK!!


[email protected]

(MguyX - please vote again please)

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