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 Avatar contest #368 - China

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
bife Posted - 05/26/2011 : 14:05:03
China, and all things chinese, interpreted as loosely as you like

It's getting harder by the week to find topics not already covered!
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
MguyXXV Posted - 06/02/2011 : 02:12:01
Humbled I am to gracious accept this trophy.

Now all your base are belong to us!
Cheese_Ed Posted - 06/01/2011 : 23:36:45
For such a populous country so few entries! ...

This week: 8 entrants and 7 voters.

In second place, with 8 points (233) ...

A Sino things to come ...

bife !!

In second place, with 8 points (233) ...

Not for all the chocolate in China ...

ChocolateLady !!

And in first place, with 11 points (31232) ...

A smashing entry ...

MguyX !!!

Mguy, you won (ton)!

How about getting us a new theme, chop-chop (sticks).

Koli Posted - 06/01/2011 : 21:14:47
I'd like to vote for you wall, but I had to Macau my choice. No Peking unless you're Cheese_Ed.
MguyXXV Posted - 06/01/2011 : 15:26:28
Number 1 son voted.
BaftaBaby Posted - 06/01/2011 : 12:20:16
voted in character

bife Posted - 06/01/2011 : 12:05:12
ChocolateLady Posted - 06/01/2011 : 09:10:48
MguyXXV Posted - 05/31/2011 : 06:41:35
Break it.
ChocolateLady Posted - 05/28/2011 : 11:45:03
The Great Wall of Ch...ocolate!
Koli Posted - 05/27/2011 : 05:43:48
Tell it like it is... Chinglish may offend.
Improper Username Posted - 05/27/2011 : 03:39:42
Originally posted by BaftaBabe

Zoo hopes panda porn inspires mating.

And that is why Pandas are in danger of extinction and humans aren't. Libido--we gotz it.
Sean Posted - 05/26/2011 : 23:45:33
Improper Username Posted - 05/26/2011 : 20:47:56
I decided to use this theme as an opportunity to memorialize one of my favorite artists, Edward Marshall Boehm. I knew of his very refined and elegant "china" (aka porcelain) bird and flower sculptures, but I was tickled to find that he had done one of a saddle bronc rider. I combined it with one of his birds to show his versatility.

He was not a "nice" man. He'd had an Oliver Twist childhood and grew up to be quite narcissistic, as I understand. He eventually became reunited with his estranged father, but his emotional wounds never healed. Despite that, it seems that his marriage was satisfactory and his wife Helen's sales and PR savvy was instrumental in the international success of their business.

He was an extreme perfectionist who was as hard on himself as he was others. His work was wonderful to behold, but what a miserable way to live. He died of a heart attack at the age of 56 in 1969. Helen Boehm passed away a few years ago and their china-porcelain company continues.

When I was an art student, I became interested in dabbling in porcelain sculpture, so I taught myself how to work in that medium. I studied Boehm's work for inspiration.
BaftaBaby Posted - 05/26/2011 : 16:21:43
Zoo hopes panda porn inspires mating.

Cheese_Ed Posted - 05/26/2011 : 14:21:54

I found the Cheese in Chineese, with some liberal spelling.

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