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 Avatar contest #367 - Royal weddings

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
w22dheartlivie Posted - 05/19/2011 : 05:30:45
I so wanted to do this topic a few weeks ago, but, alas, I had to wait. In any case, let's see what tasty tidbits you all can come up with for the Royal weddings topic. For me, the top of the royal wedding heap is that of Grace Kelly and the Prince of Monaco. How regally gorgeous was she!
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Koli Posted - 05/26/2011 : 18:46:58
Originally posted by Improper Username

Originally posted by Koli

Unlike the traditional bride, I was on time - just. Voting completed.

So, when I was 30 minutes late to my own wedding, I was upholding a tradition? Is that a British tradition? BTW--I'm usually late to everything. Except supper.

I have consulted my wife who (obviously) was once a bride, and she advises that 5 minutes is about right and in line with British custom. 30 minutes might be considered a bit or a lot unfortunate depending on e.g. the temperature of the wedding venue, the hardness of the seats, and how long since the congregation last ate anything. All this is clearly set out in Britain's (unwritten) constitution, I think in chapter 17 and appendix XXII.

PS - congratulations Bife
Cheese_Ed Posted - 05/25/2011 : 23:35:38
Since we are sick of the whole thing I'll make it quick ...

This week: 11 entrants and 10 voters.

In third place, with 13 points (23323) ...


Chris C !!

In second place, with 15 points (233322) ...


Larry !!

And in first place, with 16 points (32121313) ...


bife !!!

Kingly effort, bife!

The honeymoon is over, on with a new theme.

Improper Username Posted - 05/25/2011 : 21:50:34
Originally posted by Koli

Unlike the traditional bride, I was on time - just. Voting completed.

So, when I was 30 minutes late to my own wedding, I was upholding a tradition? Is that a British tradition? BTW--I'm usually late to everything. Except supper.
Koli Posted - 05/25/2011 : 21:01:08
Unlike the traditional bride, I was on time - just. Voting completed.
Improper Username Posted - 05/25/2011 : 16:53:34
Don't like to go to weddings, so sent my votes in a card instead.
ChocolateLady Posted - 05/25/2011 : 08:33:16
bife Posted - 05/25/2011 : 00:39:14
BaftaBaby Posted - 05/25/2011 : 00:13:16
I now pronounce you voted

Larry Posted - 05/24/2011 : 02:25:41
Sent my votes down the aisle.
MguyXXV Posted - 05/24/2011 : 02:08:28
I'm wedded to my votes.
Chris C Posted - 05/20/2011 : 18:40:38
Originally posted by Koli

Pippa Middleton, for it is she, has a Facebook page devoted to her (rather splendid) arse and has been a magnet for photographers since the big event.

And here is that rather splendid arse...
MguyXXV Posted - 05/20/2011 : 17:24:38
Originally posted by Cheese_Ed

Don't know why they didn't wait to snap a photo after Kate's face was finished.
Maybe because it was too cheesy.
Cheese_Ed Posted - 05/20/2011 : 13:41:08
Great to see so many entries this week!
Cheese_Ed Posted - 05/20/2011 : 12:41:09
Don't know why they didn't wait to snap a photo after Kate's face was finished.

Chris C Posted - 05/19/2011 : 22:47:21
Originally posted by bife

The Royal Wedding was one of the best reasons I can think of to be living in singapore instead of Britain, although even here I couldn't fully get away from it

Reading my friends' facebook updates from home during april, it did feel as though i was the only englishman in the world that didn't follow it gushingly.

Even my (dutch) wife watched it - screened live at Singapore's "Dutch Club"

I saw about five minutes of it before going outside and lighting up the barbecue. My next door neighbour spent the entire day rebuilding his racing-pigeon loft.

P.S. For a change, I'm entering the Avatar comp this week. They said it was a fairytale wedding. Here's the (spooky) proof, courtesy of Disney. If you can't see it, here's the original.

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