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 Avatar Contest #359 - Japan

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
bife Posted - 03/24/2011 : 13:07:19
Having just returned from a fantastic 10 day trip around southern japan (far away from nuclear reactors, earthquakes and tsunamis), and having enjoyed the surprising warmth and friendliness of a japanese nation in a state of shock, I figure it may be an opportunity time to honour (or lampoon) them with a japan avatar round.

So ... Japan ... nation of sushi, samurai, temples, islands, manga, and ... Sumo. And apparently, top Sumo wrestlers are born not bred ...
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Sean Posted - 03/31/2011 : 00:29:39
Well I guess that's what happens when an avatar comes with a cool story about a cool penguin!

Thanks for the votes, new penguinisable topic coming up when I think of one.
Cheese_Ed Posted - 03/30/2011 : 23:30:47

This week: 9 entrants and 8 voters.

In second place, with 7 points (3211) ...

I Geiger counted her votes carefully ...

duh Improper Username !!

In second place, with 7 points (2221) ...

A Japanese whaler ...

bife !!

And in first place, with 8 points (233) ...

Ichi ban ...

Se�n !!!

OK, you won. Stop fishin' for compliments!

Now, for the sake of the fwiffers, please post a new topic.

Koli Posted - 03/30/2011 : 18:24:18
Oh how times change. These days a Kamikaze is a cocktail made, I believe, using lime juice, triple sec and Vodka.

And.. er... voted.
Improper Username Posted - 03/30/2011 : 17:49:43
Tossed a cherrybomb of votes into the mailbox.
bife Posted - 03/30/2011 : 15:30:55
threw my weight around in the voting ring
Larry Posted - 03/30/2011 : 13:02:45

Played it koi, voted discreetly.
BaftaBaby Posted - 03/29/2011 : 11:33:45
I tied a bow on my obi, bowed, voted, bowed out.

MguyXXV Posted - 03/29/2011 : 02:23:38
Voted, most honorable sir.
Cheese_Ed Posted - 03/28/2011 : 12:47:43

I yen for your votes
MguyXXV Posted - 03/27/2011 : 08:16:28
Yakuza, babe.
Koli Posted - 03/25/2011 : 19:16:11
Originally posted by Cheese_Ed

Originally posted by Se�n

Lala the King Penguin lives in Japan; here's a pic of him with his penguin backpack on the way to the fish market to collect some fish to take home to his human family.

Here's a two minute TV spot if you don't believe me.

I see your one video and I raise you to two!

I think 'appetising' would be the wrong word. Marvellous ads. Interesting that the silly, screaming girl is non-Japanese.
Koli Posted - 03/25/2011 : 19:11:31
Originally posted by Se�n

Lala the King Penguin lives in Japan; here's a pic of him with his penguin backpack on the way to the fish market to collect some fish to take home to his human family.

Here's a two minute TV spot if you don't believe me.

TitanPa Posted - 03/25/2011 : 15:37:08
I'll take his word on it.

Never heard of this guy...but as you know Im into superheroess.
Cheese_Ed Posted - 03/25/2011 : 12:09:40
Originally posted by Se�n

Lala the King Penguin lives in Japan; here's a pic of him with his penguin backpack on the way to the fish market to collect some fish to take home to his human family.

Here's a two minute TV spot if you don't believe me.

I see your one video and I raise you to two!
Improper Username Posted - 03/25/2011 : 00:31:10
Originally posted by Se�n

Lala the King Penguin lives in Japan; here's a pic of him with his penguin backpack on the way to the fish market to collect some fish to take home to his human family.

Here's a two minute TV spot if you don't believe me.

He is so cute!

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