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 Avatar Contest #352 - Gong Xi Fa Cai

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
bife Posted - 02/03/2011 : 01:16:59
As I sit here unshowered, unbreakfasted and not properly dressed at 9.15 on a Thursday morning, I realise the joy of Chinese New Year - two extra days off work

For the chinese it is a more meaningful occasion, i'm just happy that they're happy and that i am not going to work :-)

So - Gong Xi Fa Cai, Happy New Year, goodbye to the Year of the Tiger and welcome to the Year of the Rabbit!

Edit/'clue': acceptable for this round - anything to do with chinese new year, which includes, for 2011, anything to do with rabbits!
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
MguyXXV Posted - 02/10/2011 : 01:40:23
Cheese_Ed Posted - 02/09/2011 : 22:57:22
Hares to another great week of entries ...

This week: 9 entrants and 9 voters.

In second place, with 9 points (1332) ...

Stripey and Hutch? ...

Larry !!

In second place, with 9 points (2232) ...

A cottontail of terror ...

Wheelz !!

And in first place, with 10 points (3232) ...

The Big C = Carrot? ...

MguyX !!!

And I thought you didn't know jack(rabbit)! I'm hoppy for you Mguy.

Have you got a new theme yet? We're all ears.

Wheelz Posted - 02/09/2011 : 18:06:27
Gong Xi Fa Cast my votes.
Larry Posted - 02/09/2011 : 13:24:22
TitanPa Posted - 02/09/2011 : 12:53:16
bife Posted - 02/08/2011 : 23:19:20
Koli Posted - 02/08/2011 : 21:14:38
Voted. Now to catch up with Big Fat Gypsy Weddings on TV.
MguyXXV Posted - 02/08/2011 : 19:55:14
Silly rabbit: votes are for kids! I made 3 kids happy.
BaftaBaby Posted - 02/08/2011 : 12:50:32
Voting? I hopped to it!

Cheese_Ed Posted - 02/07/2011 : 12:39:06
Get off your buns and vote!
Koli Posted - 02/05/2011 : 18:05:36
Originally posted by BaftaBabe

Originally posted by Koli

They're sure to be popular over the next 12 months. Chinese Bunny Girls!

This one appears to have got the wrong idea.

Actually, this picture and what followed caused huge outrage in China. Can anyone tell me why, for 3 points?

Who knows if it's true or a sick scam but apparently there's a fetish group called Crush Fetish featuring young Chinese and Japanese women wearing very high heels standing on and killing small mammals including baby rabbits. They're photographed doing this with great big smiles. They also put glass sheets on the animals and sit on them, crushing them to death. The Festish group is apparently under the aegis of a commercial site which offers vids of the killings to international buyers; it also sells S&M clothing and - as described by some websites as "used shoes." So - snuff vids for bunnies.

Cripes - the decline of Rome had nothing on us!

That's got to be worth 3 points. Spot on. Yes, it's said that the vids were posted for just a few hours at a time, at nighttime, so that the Chinese authorities wouldn't see them. But one or two of the perpetrators have been identified and forced to apologise for their actions. They said that the director got them started with vegetables and they worked their way up via invertebrates to kittens and baby rabbits... Yuk.
BaftaBaby Posted - 02/04/2011 : 20:10:38
Originally posted by Koli

They're sure to be popular over the next 12 months. Chinese Bunny Girls!

This one appears to have got the wrong idea.

Actually, this picture and what followed caused huge outrage in China. Can anyone tell me why, for 3 points?

Who knows if it's true or a sick scam but apparently there's a fetish group called Crush Fetish featuring young Chinese and Japanese women wearing very high heels standing on and killing small mammals including baby rabbits. They're photographed doing this with great big smiles. They also put glass sheets on the animals and sit on them, crushing them to death. The Festish group is apparently under the aegis of a commercial site which offers vids of the killings to international buyers; it also sells S&M clothing and - as described by some websites as "used shoes." So - snuff vids for bunnies.

Cripes - the decline of Rome had nothing on us!

Cheese_Ed Posted - 02/04/2011 : 19:14:24
Originally posted by Koli

They're sure to be popular over the next 12 months. Chinese Bunny Girls!

This one appears to have got the wrong idea.

Actually, this picture and what followed caused huge outrage in China. Can anyone tell me why, for 3 points?

She bites the bunny's head off?
Koli Posted - 02/04/2011 : 17:04:43
They're sure to be popular over the next 12 months. Chinese Bunny Girls!

This one appears to have got the wrong idea.

Actually, this picture and what followed caused huge outrage in China. Can anyone tell me why, for 3 points?
TitanPa Posted - 02/03/2011 : 14:20:03
Happy New Year!

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