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 Avatar Contest #345 - The Internet

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
TitanPa Posted - 12/16/2010 : 12:49:53
Pac-Man has Facebook Pests

Here is a larger view:
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
MguyXXV Posted - 12/23/2010 : 04:09:49
I hope you guys are happy: the Panamanian government just closed the small loop hole we were using to transfer the money. Your vote and account information could have helped me save that Nigerian family!
Cheese_Ed Posted - 12/23/2010 : 01:05:29
Who inter-netted the most votes? ...

This week: 8 entrants and 6 voters.

In third place, with 6 points (21132-3) ...

He needs an antivirus power pill ...

TitanPa !!

In second place, with 9 points (2223) ...

Keepng the woold wide web errerr free ...

Koli !!

And in first place, with 12 points (33321) ...

More kitty porn ...

Larry !!!

Christmas came early for you Larry!

What will the Fwiffers be uploading for the next contest?

Chris C Posted - 12/22/2010 : 21:51:56
Lurkers needed here please.
Improper Username Posted - 12/22/2010 : 05:26:00
I went to a great deal of effort to type out my votes, complete with detailed analysis of how I arrived at each choice, and much more. Then the Fourum ate them when I clicked Post.
Koli Posted - 12/21/2010 : 20:16:20
The World Wide Wait is over - I've voted.
MguyXXV Posted - 12/21/2010 : 18:55:55
I need just 3 more accounts to complete the MONEY SCAM TRANSFER! In the meantime, I voted. I knew I could count on you guys: a starving Nigerian family needs your help!
BaftaBaby Posted - 12/21/2010 : 15:47:36
I cast my net wide and voted.

Larry Posted - 12/21/2010 : 13:03:50

Did my social networking for today and voted.
Koli Posted - 12/17/2010 : 20:21:59
Many a true word spoken in jest.
Cheese_Ed Posted - 12/17/2010 : 15:51:43

The 'net is where I find all of my whey cool avs.
MguyXXV Posted - 12/16/2010 : 21:01:37
Not just email, but Nigerian scam email has proved to be a hallmark of the internet. Here is the sad tale of just one such entrepreneur who lost all of his life's stealings to that notorious and evil Wall St. huckster, Bernie Madoff.

Better view here.

Please help me to send money to this guy's family so they don't have to suffer because of Wall St. greed. I already have it to give in a bank account in Panama, but I need help getting it out. It got tied up there after Panama strong man Manuel Noriega nationalized the banks. In the decades since then, influential politicians have made great headway in getting the government to release seized funds. While they charge no money directly, they respond to donations made to their campaign funds. Luckily, I am in touch with one of those politicians (whom I cannot name, because s/he wants to avoid public scrutiny over the matter). What I will need is to have another person act as mediary, with the funds ($417,000,000.00) being transfered in 10 transactions to diferent accounts, which will be reduced by certain varying tariffs, taxes and fees. I will have no trouble sharing some of this money with you, as I know that fellow Fwiffers are a trusworthy bunch. All I will need you to do is tell me how much was withhld (no need for paperwrok, since we are friends), and you can keep 1% as a fee.

If you can help, please send me the following:

Bank name and routing number (from your checkbook)
Bank Account #
Social Security # (for U.S. beneficiaries)
email address
Mother's maiden name
Favorite password (which shouold match your bank PIN, because it will be easy to remember)

I will need at least 10 volunteers/accounts. Sorry: only one per family, so if the last names match, I will have to ask for another one. Thanks! A needy family awaits your good deed.
Sean Posted - 12/16/2010 : 20:53:30
The Socially Awkward Penguin meme is about #873 of about #1647 memes on the Internet.

Check out some more here.

Improper Username Posted - 12/16/2010 : 19:10:41
I might choose a different image later.

Who among us hasn't occasionally gone trolling on the interwebz to entertain oneself?
BaftaBaby Posted - 12/16/2010 : 14:45:44
A screenshot from Web Therapy, perhaps the funniest thing on the Internet.

In this episode Meryle Streep guests on therapist Lisa Kudrow's web show. Spare pair of knickers recommended!

Larry Posted - 12/16/2010 : 13:40:18


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