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 Avatar Contest #328 - Totally Unexpected

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Angry [:(!] Approve [^] Big Smile [:D] Black Eye [B)]
Blush [:I] Clown [:o)] Cool [8D] Dead [xx(]
Disapprove [V] Duh [7] Eight Ball [8] Evil [}:)]
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Moon [1] Nerd [18] Question [?] Sad [:(]
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Smile [:)] Tongue [:P] Wink [;)] Yawn [29]

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
BaftaBaby Posted - 08/19/2010 : 08:13:44
There are two three things ...

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
bife Posted - 08/26/2010 : 13:11:30
Wow, that's not a win, it's a landslide! I thought i was in with a chance this week but that there were a couple of entries that were going to push me close.

Thanks guys n gals, back soon
Cheese_Ed Posted - 08/26/2010 : 12:44:32
Originally posted by TitanPa

wow 29 points. is that the most?

Turns out it is tied for the top score! At least during my reign.

In #200 I also had 29 pts, but that was a contest with 30 entrants and the top three places all had over 20 pts.

Way to go bife!
Improper Username Posted - 08/26/2010 : 07:36:11
Originally posted by Koli

Originally posted by Improper Username

Originally posted by Koli

How predictable am I?

Very. If you were an American, you'd be offensive. As it is, you get a pass because "that's just the way Europeans are."

I'm also feeling slow, or 'dumb'. Is this an inter-continental cultural dissonance observation prompted by my predictability, or is it a (probably well-justified) comment on the prurience of my current avatar? (Or something else entirely that I haven't even thought of?)

Whenever I see your latest avatar, I smile, nod, and say, "Ah, Koli!"

TitanPa Posted - 08/26/2010 : 04:48:03
wow 29 points. is that the most?
Cheese_Ed Posted - 08/25/2010 : 23:27:19
It's shocking how lazy I am this week ...

In third place, with 10 points (22213) ...

Wedged into third ...

Cheese_Ed !!

In second place, with 10 points (3313) ...

I was personally stunned by this non-choc av ...

ChocolateLady !!

And in first place, with 29 points (32333223233) ...

Showered with votes ...

bife !!!

You quacked up the voters with that one bife!

Now pull back the curtain on the next theme.

MguyXXV Posted - 08/25/2010 : 14:36:02
Originally posted by Koli

I'm also feeling slow, or 'dumb'. Is this an inter-continental cultural dissonance observation prompted by my predictability, or is it a (probably well-justified) comment on the prurience of my current avatar? (Or something else entirely that I haven't even thought of?)

lemmycaution Posted - 08/25/2010 : 14:25:53
Voted as expected.
Koli Posted - 08/25/2010 : 09:36:43
Originally posted by Improper Username

Originally posted by Koli

How predictable am I?

Very. If you were an American, you'd be offensive. As it is, you get a pass because "that's just the way Europeans are."

I'm also feeling slow, or 'dumb'. Is this an inter-continental cultural dissonance observation prompted by my predictability, or is it a (probably well-justified) comment on the prurience of my current avatar? (Or something else entirely that I haven't even thought of?)

Improper Username Posted - 08/25/2010 : 08:15:56
Originally posted by Koli

How predictable am I?

Very. If you were an American, you'd be offensive. As it is, you get a pass because "that's just the way Europeans are."
Improper Username Posted - 08/25/2010 : 08:14:08
I coughed while voting; that was unexpectortant.
Koli Posted - 08/24/2010 : 20:18:10
Welcome back Stalean.


How predictable am I?
BaftaBaby Posted - 08/24/2010 : 19:40:52
No, I'm not expecting. I'm just fat.

But I voted anyway

Larry Posted - 08/24/2010 : 18:09:23

I spit on these avatars! I bet you didn't expectorate that.
(And I voted.)
TitanPa Posted - 08/24/2010 : 15:03:20
Remembered to vote. Now thats unexpected.
ChocolateLady Posted - 08/24/2010 : 10:35:46
I hate to be predictable, so I voted early.

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