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 Avatar Contest #325 - Fanatic

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Cheese_Ed Posted - 07/28/2010 : 23:44:30
Just did my second 'dictionary finger plop' to find a contest theme. This week the word is:

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Falken Posted - 08/05/2010 : 00:14:32
What can I say? I'm blown away!
Cheese_Ed Posted - 08/04/2010 : 23:07:27
All right you hooligans, time for results ...

In third place, with 8 points (233) ...

Penguins with outies ...

Se�n !!

In second place, with 13 points (221332) ...

Cheese nut ...

Cheese_Ed !!

And in first place, with 14 points (3133121) ...

Propelling himself into first ...

Falken !!!

Hopelessly dey-voted for you, Falken, well done!

All of your groupies are waiting, throw us a scarf or a new topic quick!

Koli Posted - 08/04/2010 : 20:52:29
Too knackered to come up with even a truly crap pun, so I'll just mention that I voted. Wake me late tomorrow.
ChocolateLady Posted - 08/04/2010 : 05:39:27
I voted. I had to. I can't see how anyone wouldn't vote. It would just be wrong. People must vote. It is the most important thing for them to do....
TitanPa Posted - 08/03/2010 : 17:54:56
Painted FWFR one one side of my face and Cheese Ed on the other side before I voted. Excuse me while I go do the wave!
BaftaBaby Posted - 08/03/2010 : 16:18:57
I'm a fan of voting for fans.

MguyXXV Posted - 08/03/2010 : 07:39:14
I voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted, and voted. Do you think that's too much?
Improper Username Posted - 08/02/2010 : 18:03:27
Typed out my votes whilst holding fingers in Vulcan live-long-and-prosper shape.
Cheese_Ed Posted - 08/02/2010 : 12:40:15
I'm a fan of complete galleries:
Cheese_Ed Posted - 07/31/2010 : 15:03:02

I'm a fervent, if not fanatical, follower of the fromage faith!
Koli Posted - 07/31/2010 : 15:01:35
I frequently find, when defining terms, that it helps to provide an example or two.

One of these people is a fanatic. The other's an evil Saudi twat who lives in a cave.
MguyXXV Posted - 07/31/2010 : 07:59:16
NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition!

Our chief weapon is surprise! ...Surprise and fear...fear and surprise.... Our two weapons are fear and surprise...and ruthless efficiency.... Our three weapons are fear, and surprise, and ruthless efficiency...and an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope.... Our Amongst our weapons.... Hmf... Amongst our weaponry...are such elements as fear, surpr.... I'll come in again.
Sean Posted - 07/30/2010 : 00:24:08
Originally posted by TitanPa

Originally posted by Se�n

Only a fanatic would decorate themselves with their favourite operating system.

How long you been keeping that Av for the right moment?

No idea, but probably a few years. I've got hundreds of penguins awaiting avatarisation.
TitanPa Posted - 07/29/2010 : 17:27:01
Originally posted by Se�n

Only a fanatic would decorate themselves with their favourite operating system.

How long you been keeping that Av for the right moment?
Wheelz Posted - 07/29/2010 : 13:58:19
Here's a film about a film that inspires much fanaticism...

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