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T O P I C    R E V I E W
randall Posted - 10/19/2009 : 22:26:25
I don't care one half of a dog's diddly squat about boxing. So, like most people, I assumed Mike Tyson was a monster. But this picture reveals the monster inside. It's a monologue by the champ, and you don't have to watch all that much boxing. But you do get to see a 19-year-old kid who was mentored by the legendary Cus D'Amato, and then was left alone when the only person he realy trusted, died. Tyson himself guides you into his nether behavior. He fucked up, repeatedly, as he tells you himself. I don't know what else I picked up from this illuminating film, except that monsters are human too. Where the wild things are? Right here. See it.
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
duh Posted - 10/20/2009 : 19:01:11
Originally posted by damalc

Originally posted by duh Improper Username

Originally posted by damalc

from minute to minute, [insert name here] can be despicable, sympathetic, foolish, brutish, wise, compassionate, malicious.

For a moment, I wondered why you were talking about (me / any other human being -- except, apparently, Robin Givens).

yeah, i thought about that later -- that pretty much describes everyone. but in Mike's case, it's surprising, because he was presented as one-dimensional in public for so long.

I found comments here interesting, because I was lamely uncritical of the traditional media view.
damalc Posted - 10/20/2009 : 16:59:51
Originally posted by duh Improper Username

Originally posted by damalc

from minute to minute, [insert name here] can be despicable, sympathetic, foolish, brutish, wise, compassionate, malicious.

For a moment, I wondered why you were talking about (me / any other human being -- except, apparently, Robin Givens).

yeah, i thought about that later -- that pretty much describes everyone. but in Mike's case, it's surprising, because he was presented as one-dimensional in public for so long.
duh Posted - 10/20/2009 : 06:56:27
Originally posted by damalc

from minute to minute, [insert name here] can be despicable, sympathetic, foolish, brutish, wise, compassionate, malicious.

For a moment, I wondered why you were talking about (me / any other human being -- except, apparently, Robin Givens).
damalc Posted - 10/20/2009 : 06:24:07
what i like so much about "Tyson" is that from minute to minute, Mike can be despicable, sympathetic, foolish, brutish, wise, compassionate, malicious. this was somebody who was completely unprepared for success, but probably would have been dead or in jail for life without boxing.
MguyXXV Posted - 10/20/2009 : 03:19:01
I saw this film. Twice. Tyson's personal tour is illuminating, and I applaud his brutal candor (especially his exacting description of the fucking reprobate viper that is Don King [with apologies to all and even the most vicious of snakes around the world]). Well worth the watching.

randall has hit the nail on the head with the chicken that crossed the road to save nine, as has livie. I still find Tyson to have been one of the greatest boxers of the 20th Century. I'm not sure whether I can rank them, but I place him among a crowd including Ali, Frazer, Dempsey, Jack Johnson and Marciano (with no offense meant to Joe Louis, Graziano and Sugar Ray Robinson, whom I also prize). Tyson was simply electrifying, and I would love to have seen the legacy he could have taken to greater heights if Cus had lived another 5 years.

Don King is a virulent cancer. Robin Givens is not human. And Desiree Washington is only barely so. Tyson is a beautiful man with a frightful monster inside him.
Sludge Posted - 10/19/2009 : 23:10:57
Agreed. Actually it somewhat redeems him as a fighter and a human being. There is no excuse for the behavior but a plausible explanation that moves beyond all the pit bull analogies.

You also get a look at what a learned and calculating fighter he was by the time he had come into prominence, thanks to Cus D'Amato.

And yes, Robin Givens is human too.

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