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T O P I C    R E V I E W
BaftaBaby Posted - 09/28/2009 : 19:38:43
I'm SO behind posting about new films, but just HAD to spotlight two performers who totally stole the show. I didn't know Collins Pennie was from the Brooklyn projects where I spent some of my childhood, but it doesn't surprise me.

Though he shows masterly control for one so young, he makes his raw roots work for him in his acting, rapping, and singing. I haven't seen any of his US tv work ... if any of you has, does he shine there too?

Truly amazing is Naturi Naughton. She needs to extend her acting range, but anyone who can play classical piano so deftly and sing herself off the screen and into your heart like that deserves to be a star.

The film itself is okay though a bit too hokey for my taste. Even though it's based on the 1980 flick, it hasn't got Alan Parker's sure directorial control, and the revised script has made it a far blander experience. Emotions are in the soap opera box of tricks, and there are lots of wasted opportunities for some real humor.

But the overall impression is that there are a hell of a lotta talented young performers out there. Let 'em shine!

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Airbolt Posted - 10/06/2009 : 23:03:33
Originally posted by silly

It's interesting, this is the second letter from an 'anonymous crew member' that I've seen in the past couple of weeks (the other being, of course, the Transformers crew bashing of Megan Fox)

LOL! I hadn't read the full comment until i saw this link but they certainly give her the works !
silly Posted - 10/01/2009 : 04:23:23
It's interesting, this is the second letter from an 'anonymous crew member' that I've seen in the past couple of weeks (the other being, of course, the Transformers crew bashing of Megan Fox)

Is this some kind of new trend? Or are these the norm, and I just happened across a couple in a short period of time?

It does, indeed, offer an interesting view of a picture, kind of like the commentary track you might find on a DVD or one of those HBO pieces they make to promote a film by talking to the cast about how great it is to work for so-and-so, but these are different because they are (I suppose) crew members, much lower down on the totem pole and not glammed up like the promotional features.

Joe Blevins Posted - 10/01/2009 : 03:40:37
On his website, Roger Ebert shared this fascinating letter from a Fame crew member on how the film was botched.
ChocolateLady Posted - 09/30/2009 : 07:24:52
I was afraid that this remake would go that way. Still, if only to watch the talent, I'll probably go see it.

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