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T O P I C    R E V I E W
w22dheartlivie Posted - 08/04/2009 : 09:01:53
Did I say no? Stephen Spielberg has lost his mind. I propose that he be thrashed soundly.
14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Beanmimo Posted - 08/06/2009 : 15:03:10
Originally posted by ChocolateLady

Originally posted by Salopian

Yeah, that might not have helped. I'll watch it again some more normal Christmas.

You know, just because its a popular film, doesn't mean you have to like it. If it was a dissappointment to you when you needed cheering up, I have a feeling watching it in a different situation might not change anything.

De gustabus...

I don't know if i totally agree with you the first time i watched Broadcast News it made no sense to me at all, and the second time it was very clear and enjoyable.
(Come to think of it I was blind drunk the first time. )
Demisemicenturian Posted - 08/06/2009 : 11:35:36
Originally posted by ChocolateLady

You know, just because its a popular film, doesn't mean you have to like it.

I didn't say I disliked it.
ChocolateLady Posted - 08/06/2009 : 06:10:52
Originally posted by Salopian

Yeah, that might not have helped. I'll watch it again some more normal Christmas.

You know, just because its a popular film, doesn't mean you have to like it. If it was a dissappointment to you when you needed cheering up, I have a feeling watching it in a different situation might not change anything.

De gustabus...
Demisemicenturian Posted - 08/05/2009 : 09:54:44
Yeah, that might not have helped. I'll watch it again some more normal Christmas.
Beanmimo Posted - 08/05/2009 : 09:22:46
Originally posted by Salopian
It's a Wonderful Life, which I found a bit of a disappointment.

In a needless effort to defend this excellent movie Sal i think you may have pinned to much on the feel good effects of it, the last thing I would want to see when parted from my family at christmas is this enduring and uplifting family drama set at christmas.

Demisemicenturian Posted - 08/05/2009 : 07:51:40
I really enjoyed it when I saw it. I really felt that it had verve, and I much prefer Stewart in this to It's a Wonderful Life, which I found a bit of a disappointment. (I was in a perfect situation to be cheered up by the latter too. I had bought the 60th anniversary edition in the run-up to Christmas with the plan of watching it on Christmas Day. I had a first-floor/attic flat and the cats would go in and out via a skylight onto the roof. My cat Aria is very, very, very stubborn and would not come in on Christmas Eve. I missed the train I was going to get... then the last fast train... then the last train. So I unexpectedly spent Christmas alone -- not properly alone, of course, but the only one I've had away from my family. At least I had the film to watch! In all honesty, it fell a bit flat. )
ChocolateLady Posted - 08/05/2009 : 06:22:55
Originally posted by MisterBadIdea

Call me a hard-hearted cynic if you must, but I have a hard time believing that my life would be enriched by a blithe crazy man with an imaginary friend (and I'm a Forrest Gump fan, for the record). And in any case, the comedy is much too broad and labored for my tastes -- after the scene where Vera tries to get Harvey committed and herself is locked away, man, I just checked right the fuck out of this movie.

It was a simpler time, a quieter time when this movie was made. A time when comedies actually had intelligent dialogue and not just slapstick and toilet humour. If you watch it with that in mind, the movie is totally charming.
MisterBadIdea Posted - 08/05/2009 : 04:43:33
Call me a hard-hearted cynic if you must, but I have a hard time believing that my life would be enriched by a blithe crazy man with an imaginary friend (and I'm a Forrest Gump fan, for the record). And in any case, the comedy is much too broad and labored for my tastes -- after the scene where Vera tries to get Harvey committed and herself is locked away, man, I just checked right the fuck out of this movie.
Demisemicenturian Posted - 08/04/2009 : 22:30:19
Originally posted by MisterBadIdea

Can I say that the original Harvey isn't a good movie in the first place?

You can say it but it isn't true!
MisterBadIdea Posted - 08/04/2009 : 19:29:32
Can I say that the original Harvey isn't a good movie in the first place?
RockGolf Posted - 08/04/2009 : 14:22:32
And is there the remotest chance that the entire film will unspool without the audience actually seeing Harvey? I think not.
Demisemicenturian Posted - 08/04/2009 : 13:55:58
How many times does that article say that Harvey is a rabbit?! He's not!
BaftaBaby Posted - 08/04/2009 : 10:35:32
I love the way the LA Times describes the JS character as a "crack-pot" ... he was an alcoholic!!! Betcha that's not in the remake.

In fact, it seems to have been excised from the Wiki and imdb summaries. But there are still refs online if you look. It's part of the point of the story. Author Chase, herself no stranger to the demon drink, often wrote about characters which today we'd call magic realism, e.g. Mrs McThing. In Harvey she's providing alcoholism as the logical explanation of odd behavior. Then the twist is that the pooka-bun exists after all. A light-hearted way of dabbling in matters of the real and the spiritual.

I never saw the several US TV adaptations. If anyone here watched one/any, do you recall whether Elwood P Dowd was an alkie?

ChocolateLady Posted - 08/04/2009 : 09:24:59
Originally posted by wildheartlivie

Did I say no? Stephen Spielberg has lost his mind. I propose that he be thrashed soundly.

Sounds horrible. And for some reason, the combination of DreamWorks Studio and 20th Century Fox collaborating on this makes me think "animation" (which I'm sure it isn't, but still...) and that makes me think of the worst animated film I've ever seen, Anastasia. I don't know if I could ever get past that to give this movie a chance, especially after loving the Jimmy Stewart version.

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