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 Top Ten Films of the 2015

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
GHcool Posted - 12/31/2015 : 15:54:43
Its that time of year again. These are my top ten favorite films that I saw in 2015:

1. Room ("Room with no view.") - An incredibly emotional experience that grabs you from the first minute and does not let go. Brie Larson and Jacob Tremblay give the best performances of the year as the captives. The screenplay keeps you guessing the whole time.

2. Inside Out ("Pixar's most emotional film.") - The is not only great entertainment, funny, and emotionally moving, but it also has brought out conversations in many American households and in the media about growing up and the balancing of competing values. It is therefore an extremely moral and positive film. The design of the world and characters is extremely appealing. The animation is part realism, part Chuck Jones. The screenplay is among Pixar's best.

3. Mad Max: Fury Road ("Theron, the Road.") - The year's most visceral film. The film editing, musical score, and sound design will be studied (and no doubt copied) for years to come. As one friend said upon seeing it, "Mad Max melted my face off!"

4. Straight Outta Compton ("Band of Brothas.") - The most timely film of the year. F. Gary Grey wisely chose to make this relevant work of art rather than act as a hired gun for a Captain America sequel. Paul Giamatti gives a complex performance as NWA's manager. The screenplay is epic in its scope, but the characters are beautifully rendered and feel personal.

5. Star Wars: The Force Awakens - The visual effects are fantastic and balance the wonders of new technology and the look of the older films. The sound design is on par with the other films.

6. The Martian - An epic, genre film that has engaging, well-rounded characters. Ridley Scott and his editor Pietro Scalia do an excellent job of balancing suspense, dialogue, and geography and to make the film, its world, and the stakes crystal clear.

7. An Honest Liar - The best documentary of the year is a biography of the famous skeptic James Randi. The movie is funny, entertaining, and philosophical.

8. Southpaw ("Rocky Darko.") - Creed has stolen much of the thunder from this excellent boxing film, which is less about boxing than it is about grief. Jake Gyllenhaal gives one of the greatest performances of his career. Oona Lawrence plays his daughter in a performance that should get much more notice and accolades than it so far has.

9. Ex Machina ("Sex Machina.") - Domhnall Gleeson and Oscar Isaac of The Force Awakens fame give excellent and chilling performances as techies who play mind games on each other. Alicia Vikander (who is having a great year) plays the robot.

10. Bridge of Spies ("The Common Cold War.") - The production design beautifully suggests both high Hollywood gloss and Cold War back channels. Steven Spielberg continues to make essential films that are beloved by the public and are formally flawless.

11. The Gift ("Gordo sews doubtful seed.") - Rebecca Hall gives an engaging and empathetic performance as a woman caught between two male personalities. Joel Edgerton is creepy and pitiful as Hall's stalker.

I have not yet seen Beasts of No Nation, The Big Short, Black Mass, Carol, The Hateful Eight, Joy, Love & Mercy, Room, Sicario, Son of Saul, or Trumbo. If I see any of them and think they are deserving, I'll amend the list.

What are your choices???? :)

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