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 Spectre - iMax or 2D?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Chris C Posted - 12/05/2015 : 01:39:49
Mrs C and I are blitzing the Christmas shopping today, leaving us free to catch up with the latest James Bond on Monday. The local flea pit is showing in both iMax and 2D.

1) I've not done an iMax movie before (yeah, I know...). Is it worth it?
2) Which format would be better for watching Spectre?
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BertramB Posted - 06/12/2017 : 22:14:00
Originally posted by Sludgee

If you're gonna put Monica Belluci in 3D, do use this for Mal�na.

Oh! This reminds me I still haven't seen Spectre.

Whitejack Posted - 09/05/2016 : 15:43:43
Originally posted by Chris C

Mrs C and I are blitzing the Christmas shopping today, leaving us free to catch up with the latest James Bond on Monday. The local flea pit is showing in both iMax and 2D.

1) I've not done an iMax movie before (yeah, I know...). Is it worth it?
2) Which format would be better for watching Spectre?

waching in iMax movie is i preffered most. the quality really is outstanding and incomparable. but personally, format is not an issue as long as the movie is good i can still enjoy it and appreciate it.
Sludge Posted - 12/07/2015 : 13:55:37
If you're gonna put Monica Belluci in 3D, do it for Mal�na.

Chris C Posted - 12/07/2015 : 11:53:29
Went to see it in 2D at the 1pm showing this afternoon, and we shared the theatre with about 20 others.

In the canon of Bond movies, this isn't bad. Above average, but not brilliant. IMHO it ranks behind Casino Royale and Skyfall but waaayyy ahead of Quantum of Solace.

Special effects & action sequences - good
Storyline - a bit thin at times, bordering on the unbelievable when the plot twist is revealed. (Really???!!! somebody has serious issues). But it carries on the new-Bond timeline quite nicely.
Monica Belluci - wasted in this. I do wish that the producers had kept her to back to use as a villain, perhap in the next film.
Music - extremely obvious at times, ramping up to "too loud" just before the dramatic bit.
Theme song - didn't like it a first, but it's growing on me.

If you like Bond, and Daniel Craig, go and see it. It's two and a half hours of escapism where you can just switch off and enjoy.

Chris C Posted - 12/06/2015 : 12:57:12
Advice duly noted.

demonic Posted - 12/06/2015 : 11:14:06
Your local flea pit has an IMAX screen?

Personally I feel much the same way about IMAX as I do about 3D, it's an excuse to take more money from the audience regardless of the limited benefit. Bigger doesn't necessarily equate to better in my general experience, and an average movie won't feel any more thrilling three storeys high or prodding you in the face with special effects. Specifically for Spectre I'd stick with the standard screening and leave the IMAX for something visually stunning.

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