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Posted - 12/16/2013 : 11:23:31 It's always going to be hard to get the 'Wow' factor from the middle part of a trilogy; it doesn't begin, it doesn't end, it simply continues.
It suffers from no Gollum, it was a good idea adding a strong female character (Tauriel, an elf who kicks arse), and the addition of material that ties it strongly to LOTR was a good move (but purists would say the new storyline is a distraction from the main story). I'd have liked to have seen it slowed down a bit in the middle (less orc action, and let us get to know some of the new characters in Laketown a bit better). [The addition of such material made the Extended Cut of LOTR: The Two Towers much more satisfying than the cinematic version.]
I'm left wondering what is going to be in the third installment, there's not much of Tolkien's book left. More from the LOTR Appendices? More LOTR-prequel material?
LOTR is inherently a better story (it's better than all fantasy stories ever written) and was always going to be a hard act to follow. The Hobbit so far is simply a good, rollicking action-fantasy adventure; nothing more, nothing less.
I gave Hobbit: Part One 9/10, this one gets 8/10 (not that that matters, you already decided a year ago whether you were going to see this or not). Needless to say, see this in 3D:HFR.
3 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First)
Posted - 01/17/2014 : 22:23:02 I was so disappointed with the pacing in Part 1, I went into this with very low expectations.
I was pleasantly surprised.
Posted - 12/16/2013 : 20:56:00 I've been reading that this one is a step up from #1. I still think I'm gonna save it for DVD: I have to make cinema dates for AMERICAN HUSTLE and HER.
Posted - 12/16/2013 : 11:24:51 Here's the main Hobbit: Part One thread.