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 I spent 2013 writing about old, weird movies.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Joe Blevins Posted - 12/12/2013 : 01:42:27
Hello, one and all.

Sorry I haven't been more of a presence on FWFR. So little time these days. I've been involved in at least two massive movie-related projects that I'd like to tell you about.

One is to make it through a pack of 100 public domain comedies, mostly from the 1930s and the 1940s (though they range from 1918-1970). I use these movies as a jumping-off point for all kinds of topics. I'm 68% of the way done. You can catch up here if you'd like.

The second project is called Ed Wood Wednesdays. It started out as merely a series of reviews of movies which involve Edward D. Wood, Jr. in some way, but the project has greatly expanded and is now half-biography/half-critical appraisal. All kinds of political, historical, artistic, and social topics have come up in these articles. I'm very shy and sheepish about contacting people involved with these movies. A few have contacted me, though, which has been nice. In any event, here is the project as it stands right now.

The classic comedy project is updated whenever I get the chance. Ed Wood Wednesdays articles come out every Wednesday evening. (I may have to skip Christmas Day if I'm traveling.) If any of this sounds appealing, please do check these out. If not, thanks for reading and have a lovely day.

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
randall Posted - 12/13/2013 : 22:45:16
Keep 'em comin', Joe!
lemmycaution Posted - 12/13/2013 : 18:12:12
Good to hear from you, Joe. thanks for dropping in. Criswell came to me in a dream the other night and said that you would be checking in.
BaftaBaby Posted - 12/12/2013 : 14:08:31
Originally posted by Joe Blevins

Hello, one and all.

Sorry I haven't been more of a presence on FWFR. So little time these days. I've been involved in at least two massive movie-related projects that I'd like to tell you about.

One is to make it through a pack of 100 public domain comedies, mostly from the 1930s and the 1940s (though they range from 1918-1970). I use these movies as a jumping-off point for all kinds of topics. I'm 68% of the way done. You can catch up here if you'd like.

The second project is called Ed Wood Wednesdays. It started out as merely a series of reviews of movies which involve Edward D. Wood, Jr. in some way, but the project has greatly expanded and is now half-biography/half-critical appraisal. All kinds of political, historical, artistic, and social topics have come up in these articles. I'm very shy and sheepish about contacting people involved with these movies. A few have contacted me, though, which has been nice. In any event, here is the project as it stands right now.

The classic comedy project is updated whenever I get the chance. Ed Wood Wednesdays articles come out every Wednesday evening. (I may have to skip Christmas Day if I'm traveling.) If any of this sounds appealing, please do check these out. If not, thanks for reading and have a lovely day.

Joe how wonderful to see you here again. Always welcome!!! Your projects sound amazing and I look forward to shoving aside some of my own stuff to peruse over the next week or so.


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