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T O P I C    R E V I E W
BaftaBaby Posted - 12/08/2013 : 21:51:40
Random thoughts on this delightful film -

You needn't have seen the first two of the trilogy to "get" this one

Yes, it's essentially about middle-class angst but unfolds with such richness of character and naturalness of wit that you not only feel you know these people [or perhaps could even be these people], but that you don't mind at all spending a few hours in their company.

The Greek island setting, replete with ruins and tranquil coves forms the ideal backdrop to a relationship under the scrutiny of decades together.

It's honest.

Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy have never been better.

The guiding hand of director and co-creator Richard Linklater steers the relation-ship safely into harbor.

Go see it.

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
randall Posted - 12/10/2013 : 14:25:09
It's a series of episodes...long conversational scenes [driving, driving, driving; walking, walking, walking] that remove you from the innate artificiality of filmmaking and invite you to hear [not see] something recognizable as real human interaction. As with GRAVITY, you don't stop to ponder "how'd they do that?" as in "what does it say on the page?" You just wander along with the protagonists. I can thoroughly understand why some viewers might find this turgid: if you didn't like any of the previous ones, don't waste your time. But this is really the only film series of its kind, the three key players really understand one another, and I hope it keeps going, just as Michael Apted has renewed the "-Up' flicks over the years. Now that a few worry lines have begun to appear, it'll be fascinating to see these characters stripped down ever more in the future.
BaftaBaby Posted - 12/09/2013 : 10:39:16
Originally posted by Sean

I saw this a couple of days ago. I disliked it even more than I disliked the first two, pretty much for the same reasons:-

a) I didn't like the characters (self-obsessed, shallow and unhappy), and,
b) The movie seems to think it has something to say about life, but I have no idea what.

It's for essentially the same reasons I dislike BRIEF ENCOUNTER, MANHATTAN, ANNIE HALL etc; I remained fundamentally disinterested in their irrelevant, uninteresting and sometimes pitiful lives.

The only part I liked was Julie pretending to be a bimbo (hilarious ).

So I guess I'll skip "Before Lunchtime" (or whatever they call the next one).

5/10 (I gave the first two 6).

You forgot to mention the lack of penguins!

Sean Posted - 12/09/2013 : 03:32:38
I saw this a couple of days ago. I disliked it even more than I disliked the first two, pretty much for the same reasons:-

a) I didn't like the characters (self-obsessed, shallow and unhappy), and,
b) The movie seems to think it has something to say about life, but I have no idea what.

It's for essentially the same reasons I dislike BRIEF ENCOUNTER, MANHATTAN, ANNIE HALL etc; I remained fundamentally disinterested in their irrelevant, uninteresting and sometimes pitiful lives.

The only part I liked was Julie pretending to be a bimbo (hilarious ).

So I guess I'll skip "Before Lunchtime" (or whatever they call the next one).

5/10 (I gave the first two 6).

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