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Posted - 08/06/2013 : 21:01:12 I think you might like this taut, well-made little thriller. Halle Berry is a Los Angeles 911 operator who, despite her best efforts, fails to prevent a horrible crime in Act I. Then she becomes an instructor to 911 newbies, just as a creep kidnaps a young girl [Abigail Breslin] and the terrified teen dials 911 from his trunk ["boot," to Brits]. The newbie can't handle this, so Halle takes the headset. I will stop right there with the story.
The next 80 minutes are a model of modest-budget filmmaking, literal edge-of-your-seat stuff. There are echoes of other serial-killer stories, such as SILENCE, but the script [Richard D'Ovidio] and direction [Brad Anderson] are much hipper than the pulpish milieu might suggest. The baddie's face is kept from us at first, of course, but pretty soon Michael Eklund gets to go full throttle, and I hope he gets some quieter roles soon before he's typecast. [Not enough people saw this one to hand him that fate, methinks.]
Heart-thumping, breath-holding, screw-tightening suspense. And not a computer-generated image in the joint, except for a fanciful "911 war room" set that can't possibly exist. [Maybe some of the blood is CGI; I dunno.] A definite rental that I assumed was just a B movie. Maybe so, but it's the A game.