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 I'm So Excited ("Los amantes pasajeros")

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ChocolateLady Posted - 05/05/2013 : 11:36:42
Okay, so people aren't happy with Almodovar going back to his comic roots, and people aren't happy with how silly this film is, but I'm sorry, it really is a fun romp! And why shouldn't Almodovar have some fun once in a while?

What's more, there are some really touching bits to it as well, even though there are just about as many off-color parts, and a few that border on the tasteless, but never fall into the totally disgusting (unless you're homophobic, and then avoid this one like the plague). I'd call it kitsch without being cliche and just cute enough to keep it from being totally crude.

Is it great film making? No. But you know what? Who cares! Compared to some of the films that call themselves comedies that have come out of the US lately which are nothing more than a bunch of slightly woven together scenes of overly graphic, toilet humor that only prepubescent teenagers find funny, this is practically classy.

If you ask me, despite any artistic drawbacks, the lip-sync performance of title disco song by the three gay Business Class flight attendants makes it worth the price of admission. Watch that and tell me it didn't make you laugh, and I'll call you a liar!

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
randall Posted - 05/06/2013 : 02:50:37
Beany got there first, which is why I'm bumpin him up.
lemmycaution Posted - 05/05/2013 : 17:46:46
I'm so excited! There are two threads for this film!
BaftaBaby Posted - 05/05/2013 : 15:18:44
Originally posted by ChocolateLady

Okay, so people aren't happy with Almodovar going back to his comic roots, and people aren't happy with how silly this film is, but I'm sorry, it really is a fun romp! And why shouldn't Almodovar have some fun once in a while?

What's more, there are some really touching bits to it as well, even though there are just about as many off-color parts, and a few that border on the tasteless, but never fall into the totally disgusting (unless you're homophobic, and then avoid this one like the plague). I'd call it kitsch without being cliche and just cute enough to keep it from being totally crude.

Is it great film making? No. But you know what? Who cares! Compared to some of the films that call themselves comedies that have come out of the US lately which are nothing more than a bunch of slightly woven together scenes of overly graphic, toilet humor that only prepubescent teenagers find funny, this is practically classy.

If you ask me, despite any artistic drawbacks, the lip-sync performance of title disco song by the three gay Business Class flight attendants makes it worth the price of admission. Watch that and tell me it didn't make you laugh, and I'll call you a liar!

Nice one, CL! You've really whetted my appetite for this one. Thanks mucho.

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