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T O P I C    R E V I E W
randall Posted - 03/22/2013 : 02:42:43
Here's one which should be screened by anyone who cares to peek behind the curtain and see what technology is doing to the movies. [It's streaming on Netflix.]

There are those who stick with film above all [Christopher Nolan is the most prominent example] and those who fully embrace the digital incursion [e.g., George Lucas]. But for an hour and a half you get to listen to directors and DPs argue both sides of the emulsion/digital divide. They're sought out by Keanu Reeves, who has been on the business end of several of their cameras, and who provokes the discussions. It might sound boring in the reading, but each point is illustrated by magnificent images from movies which are made even *more* heavenly as you come to understand the artistic intention of their creators.

I guess I can understand anybody being bored by this piece. However, I was enthralled.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
lemmycaution Posted - 03/25/2013 : 16:38:54
Originally posted by randall

Yeah: the IMAX prints!

randall Posted - 03/25/2013 : 15:01:12
Yeah: the IMAX prints!
lemmycaution Posted - 03/22/2013 : 03:51:48
Originally posted by randall

Here's one which should be screened by anyone who cares to peek behind the curtain and see what technology is doing to the movies. [It's streaming on Netflix.]

There are those who stick with film above all [Christopher Nolan is the most prominent example] and those who fully embrace the digital incursion [e.g., George Lucas]. But for an hour and a half you get to listen to directors and DPs argue both sides of the emulsion/digital divide. They're sought out by Keanu Reeves, who has been on the business end of several of their cameras, and who provokes the discussions. It might sound boring in the reading, but each point is illustrated by magnificent images from movies which are made even *more* heavenly as you come to understand the artistic intention of their creators.

I guess I can understand anybody being bored by this piece. However, I was enthralled.

Well, sure, but does anyone get blowed up real good?

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