Asteroid misses Hollywood unfortunately. |
Asteroid, audience bored. |
Ben and Liv Arma-get-it-on. |
Affleck drills Liv + asteroid. |
Willis driller, comet killer. |
Buscemi off his rock(er). |
Wrinklies drill asteriod. |
Boring machine outperforms Bruce. |
Fuckwit rigger saves world. |
Earth saved, physics doomed. |
World applauds exploded Bruce. |
Rock movie with Aerosmith. |
Asteroid twats Paris, hurrah! |
Boring beyond this world. |
Pointy room provokes paranoia. |
Willis goes ballistic, literally. |
Asteroid splits; audience too. |
Owen Wilson, Ben stellar. |
Willis falls on as-teroid. |
'Deep Impact' sans ennui. |
Earth savers? Tax-exempt! |
Bruce flies, cries, dies. |
Preventing the Great Depression. |
Kiss your asteroid goodbye. |
Affleck drills Bruce's baby. |
Willis drills, flies, dies. |
Affleck drills asteroid, Tyler. |
Armageddon my money back. |
Bruckheimer's Big Asteroid. |
Asteroid, eardrums destroyed. |
Willis finally die's hard. |
Animal cracker foreplay? Ew. |
Earth threatened? Send yahoos! |
Made 'Superman' look realistic. |
Buscemi pastiches 'Strangelove' strangely. |
Bruce's boys kick asteroid. |
Tyler, Minor. Affleck, Miner. |
America saves world... again. |
Bruce battles big boulder. |
Drillers' 'boring' asteroid film. |
Oil riggers rig asteroid. |
Meatheads meet meteor metier. |
Engineers tested for 'steroids. |
Buscemi gets 'Space Dementia'! |
Earths saviour is Willis. |
Willis, Comet: Close Shave. |
Buscemi humps nuclear weapon. |
Doomsday delayed by miners. |
'Deep Impact' with Aerosmith. |
Aerosmith saves the movie. |
Willis dies, Earth survives. |
Affleck dates boss' daughter. |
Animal crackers are sexy. |
Bay's, Bruce's, Ben's blockbuster. |
Willis dies. Affleck lives. |
Hotties blow up asteroid. |
Asteroid doesn't deep impact. |
'Deep Impact' with laughter. |