King Of Kong: A Fistful Of Quarters, The (2007) |
33 reviews |
Film rated 4.4 / 5
(Chick rating: 5 / 5)
(Guy rating: 4.4 / 5)
Arcade games. Quarter Finals. |
Hail the Kong-quering hero! |
Weibe beats Mitchell. Kong-ratulations. |
Billy Mitchell: Donkey's ass! |
Donkey poseur proves chicken. |
Wiebe whoops wimpy Mitchell. |
Mullet outlives '80s record. |
Wiebe's Mario outscores Mitchell's. |
Mulletted loser loses crown. |
Arcade addicts attack records. |
Wiebe topples ennobled Kong. |
Tournament: Barrels o' fun! |
Wiebe's score erased, celebrated. |
Wiebe wants world record. |
Wiebe challenges geek overlord. |
Wiebe wins. Billy broods. |