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Santa Clause, The (1994) |
44 reviews |
Film rated 3.3 / 5
(Chick rating: 3.1 / 5)
(Guy rating: 3.4 / 5)
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Allen gains holiday pounds. |
Killer gets community service. |
Jingle bells, Santa fell. |
Tim Allen commits ho-ho-homicide! |
'Tool-man' becomes Toy-man. |
Allen kills, replaces Santa. |
Allen's DIY Santa, ho-ho-hum. |
Kringle killer's contractual obligation. |
Killer becomes Santa Claus. |
Santified, jelly-rolled Timster. |
Allen's Clause for celebration. |
Legal disclaimer saves Christmas. |
Allen completes Santa duties. |
Allen replaces dead Santa. |
Santa's Clause adds weight. |
Santa's Workshop seeks Toolman. |
Denny's becomes holiday feast. |
Allen becomes santa, freaky. |
Christmas Eve replacement manages. |
Allen's ho-ho-ho call-up. |
Santa's Clause guarantees replacement. |
Dad becomes Father Christmas. |
Tim, the 'Yuleman' Allen. |
Allen turns grey overnight. |
Allen doesn't read fine-print. |
Clumsy santa: Allen santa. |
'Santa Curse' snares Allen. |
Calvin conjures Kris Kringle. |
Killing Santa=Business opportunity. |
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