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Judge Dredd (1995) |
54 reviews |
Film rated 1.9 / 5
(Chick rating: 2 / 5)
(Guy rating: 1.9 / 5)
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Audience Dredds Sly's performance. |
Stallone's Grime and Gunishment. |
Stallone is Judged Dreddful. |
'Judge Dreadful' more like. |
Ill-advised helmet removal. |
Dredd locks criminals' cages. |
Helmet removed, law undone. |
Sidekick Schneider dredds kicking. |
Bad judgement by Stallone. |
Movie deserves bad judgement. |
Imprisoned Judge gets revenge. |
Sly administers instant justice. |
Dredd's dumbed down Slyly. |
Sly's 'Judge' loses appeal. |
'Judge'? Jury: executioner. |
Battle with non-identical clone. |
Finally Dredd's face! Disappointed. |
Sibling rivalry over ethics. |
Twins loophole, Schneider asshole. |
Stallone's Judgement Day. |
Rambo bastardizes comic book. |
Stallone finally gets translator!! |
Sly's favorite word: 'LAAAWWWW!' |
Annoying Schneider. Comic monstrosity. |
Futuristic framing infuriates Dredd. |
Comical attempt, quite Dreddful. |
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