Wicker Man, The (1973) |
87 reviews |
Film rated 4.3 / 5
(Chick rating: 3.7 / 5)
(Guy rating: 4.2 / 5)
Copper's melting point investigated. |
Conservative cop singed, sings. |
Christian's baptism of fire. |
Island living means sacrifices... |
Pagans prepare roast pig. |
Scary sacrifice toasted copper. |
Original Burning Man Festival. |
Woodward becomes sacrificial 'pig'. |
Woodward dies for apples. |
Roast pig? Woodward wouldn't. |
Ekland smacks double's arse. |
Islanders roast visiting cop. |
Edward Woodward wouldn't succumb. |
Highland copper feels heat. |
Hippies worship Wicca, man. |
Visiting cop plays kindling. |
Summerisle seeks solstice sacrifice. |
Policeman warms to Islanders. |
Virgin cop's burning passion. |
Woodward fooled into death. |
Cop killed by basket-case. |
Britt seduces through wall. |
Christian copper gets fired. |
Ekland sizzles, Woodward burns. |
Woodward gets hot, bothered. |
Islanders cackle, coppers crackle. |
Sexy sixties pagan wierdness. |
Edward Woodward is flammable. |
Basket cases are Wick(er)ed. |
Islanders fool gullible Christian. |
Argumentative cop receives roasting. |
Woodward hunts Rowan ghost. |
Ritual burning wicker, Woodward. |
Happy pagans, sad copper. |
Summerisle secretly sacrifices Sergeant. |
Lee scary Woodward prayery. |
Pig populates pagan pyre. |
Cop attends own cremation. |
Nosey cop becomes kindling. |
Flaming fuzz, pagans buzz. |
Howie helps Pagans party! |
Pagans pique prudish policeman. |
Willow wicked. Woodward wicker. |
Weird, spooky, burning, screaming. |
Bobbies, boobies and burning. |
Scottish sacrifice Christian detective. |
Weird islanders' burnt offerings. |
Shaffer's Summerisle sacrifice story. |
Ekland entrances Christian copper. |
Woodward hot for justice. |
Woodward in wooden phallus. |
Evil Ekland entrances Edward. |
Pagan arsonists meet Equaliser. |
Yokels burn virgin. Haunting. |
Woodward gets warm reception. |
Woodward calls Mayday, fired. |
Virgin Woodward burns basket. |
Highland island fertility cult. |
Sergeant tours Highland hotspot. |
Mayday for Constable Howie. |