Conspiracy Theory (1997) |
58 reviews |
Film rated 3.1 / 5
(Chick rating: 3 / 5)
(Guy rating: 3 / 5)
Mel Gibson is unbelievable. |
Cab riders captive audience. |
Jerry's crazy, but right. |
Mel bonkers, bites honker. |
Assassins have three names. |
Mel Gibson: insane? Never! |
Gibson believes unlikely conspiracy. |
NYC cabbie battles conspiracy. |
Paranoia becomes reality. |
Schitzo trips over truth. |
Many theories. One accurate. |
Paranoid's proof positive. |
Mel's hyperbole comes true. |
Paranoid Gibson loves Julia. |
Crazy cabbie castigates 'Catcher'. |
'Taxi Driver' for retards. |
Paranoid cabbie cries wolf. |
Paranoid conspiracy theory legitimized. |
Cabbie stabbed by wheelchair. |
Gibson has many theories. |
Cabbie's crackpot conspiracy: cogent! |
Murderous brainwashing upsets Mel. |
Mel sees conspiracies everywhere. |
Pre-programmed stalker fesses up. |
Mel plays perfect paranoid. |
Just because Gibbo's paranoid... |
Gibson eats cold tapioca. |
Gibson touts different conspiracy. |
Pre-programmed killer botches job. |
Paranoid cabbie vs everyone. |
Mel knows who's responsible? |
Schizophrenic cured by truth. |
Paranoid nutso proved correct. |
William Wallace drives cab. |
Mel/Julia fight conspirators. |
Picard trains killer psychos. |
Cabbie follows NASA assassins? |
Paranoid schizophrenics have enemies. |
Picard dispenses truth serum. |
Mel babbles, Julia helps. |
Manic McCarthy-esque Mel! |
'Catcher' collector conspiracy theorist. |
Mel's irrationality proved rational. |
Gibson's first psychotic signs. |
'Catcher' readers are suspect. |
Under siege? Chute works! |