Village Of The Damned (1995) |
17 reviews |
Film rated 2.4 / 5
(Chick rating: 2.5 / 5)
(Guy rating: 2.4 / 5)
Carpenter remake? Cuckoo idea! |
Reeve's final before falling. |
Aliens date rape village. |
Reeve: Those Damned Kids! |
Children: Nightmare, Alley. |
Napping barbecuer smells delicious. |
Remade kiddies kill village. |
Albino Progeny terrorize town. |
Sleepy little town impregnated. |
Aliens impregnate unconscious townies. |
Pink-eyed children terrorism spreading. |
Carpenter's imacculate conceptions. |
Extraterrestrial children eye village. |
Carpenter rebuilds California clones. |