Avengers, The (1998) |
48 reviews |
Film rated 1.4 / 5
(Chick rating: 1.6 / 5)
(Guy rating: 1.3 / 5)
Macnee wisely chooses invisibility. |
Audience aPeel for refund. |
Someone avenge this travesty. |
Connery in colossal crap-fest. |
Watch something else inSteed. |
DeWynter wants deweather. |
Not Avengers' Fiennest moment. |
Avengers served luke-warm. |
Connery & Thurman weatherbeaten. |
Original show goes un-Avenged. |
Connery should be ashamed. |
Fiennes: fella with Umabrella. |
Feinnes disgraces the bowler. |
Wynter changes the weather. |
Uma sprouts unaPeelable Emma-tator.. |
Connery fucks up weather. |
Uma un-controls the weather. |
Uma unaPeeling, Sean un-bear-able. |
Steed weathers the storm. |
Connery wants weather control. |
Thurman, Connery travesty. Ugh! |
Emma Peel's name disgraced. |
Original Avengers need avenging. |
Teddy bears' final picnic. |
Izzard chews - doesn't speak. |
Broadbent's Mother smokes constantly. |
Connery tries selling weather. |
Connery's bear faced cheek. |
Scientist reverses global warming? |
Connery takes God's power. |
Connery's Teddy Bear humiliation. |