Pok�mon The First Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back (1998) |
17 reviews |
Film rated 1.6 / 5
(Chick rating: 3 / 5)
(Guy rating: 1.4 / 5)
Pikachoose a better film. |
Pokemons induce cinema seizures. |
Psychic powers pulverise Pikachu. |
Photo-sensitive epileptics beware! Unfathomable. |
Self-referential mutant creatures attack! |
Genetically engineered Pok�mon mellows. |
Cute cartoon cock fighting. |
Sickening morals ruin plot. |
Attack of the pokeclones. |
Advertisment to buy cards. |
Mewtwo long, Mewtwo boring. |
Pokemon fighting feels Mewtwo-al. |