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 Happy twenty-second birthday F.W.F.R.!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Salopian Posted - 11/08/2021 : 18:04:14
And happy birthday to MguyX too.

Belatedly for 26th October in both cases.
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Beanmimo Posted - 01/01/2022 : 23:28:06
Originally posted by Salopian

Remember the good old days when there were all kinds of different websites like this with their own structures and ways of doing things rather than just a few social-media sites and even fewer companies owning them? I miss even just Yahoo! groups. I was in some really dedicated ones back in the day, e.g. for communities interested in certain far-flung islands. Facebook groups are just not the same as those or other sites that weren't intrically involved in much wider-ranging parts of people's lives.

Agreed, even though I have made my living from running twitter accounts (mainly) for the past ten years I do miss the niche community feel to the internet pre-social media.
Salopian Posted - 01/01/2022 : 21:37:53
Remember the good old days when there were all kinds of different websites like this with their own structures and ways of doing things rather than just a few social-media sites and even fewer companies owning them? I miss even just Yahoo! groups. I was in some really dedicated ones back in the day, e.g. for communities interested in certain far-flung islands. Facebook groups are just not the same as those or other sites that weren't intrically involved in much wider-ranging parts of people's lives.
benj clews Posted - 12/31/2021 : 14:37:50
Thanks for sticking with the site folks! I know I'm not around as much as I should be but rest assured I'm determined to keep this running as long you want to keep adding to it
lemmycaution Posted - 12/09/2021 : 19:10:36
Originally posted by TitanPa

Damn! I missed it. Happy 22 years fwiffers! It was my 17th year. These years have gone by fast. heres to 22 more!
Happy belated MGuyX!

My first review approved was for Bridget Jones's Diary on Nov. 6, 2003.
TitanPa Posted - 12/07/2021 : 20:28:41
Damn! I missed it. Happy 22 years fwiffers! It was my 17th year. These years have gone by fast. heres to 22 more!
Happy belated MGuyX!

Beanmimo Posted - 12/04/2021 : 23:08:49
A belated Happy Birthday wish Fwfr!

Some of my best memories of discovering the internet come from here.

Thank you Benj.
lemmycaution Posted - 11/10/2021 : 00:09:52
Congratulations, benj.

What a long strange trip it's been.
Cheese_Ed Posted - 11/09/2021 : 13:55:42
Happy Birthday FWFR! Hope 22 went off with a bang!
MguyX Posted - 11/09/2021 : 08:00:00
FAAAAAAAAAWK! I have an excuse for forgetting -- I'm old -- but not the rest a youse guys and gals!! Thank you, Salopian, for wishing me a happy 22nd birthday.


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