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T O P I C    R E V I E W
benj clews Posted - 09/24/2010 : 10:52:06
Here's me working on the new fwfr at London's first ever Night Owls session (late-night coworking club) a couple of nights back...

(I'm in the dark grey T-shirt in the first couple of photos)

It's a nice, productive night out/ in if you have any personal projects to work on. My only complaint would be that it finished at 2am- I'm normally just getting warmed up at that time in preparation for the magic/ inspiration hour (3am to 4am), so I still had to put in a few more hours when I got home afterwards
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Salopian Posted - 11/02/2010 : 17:38:39
Originally posted by benj clews

Shame we don't have a 24hr Apple Store here in London

Apart from having to withstand their toxically smug rolling adverts, that would be a godsend. I spend many an hour there when I'm passing through London.
benj clews Posted - 11/02/2010 : 17:16:00
Originally posted by Cracovvian

It's a good idea, although 2:00 a.m. is the time for starting work, not finishing! Someone is trying a similar thing here in Cracow.

I agree. In fact, 3am seems to be when the more interesting ideas start to come to me- don't know if it's a sleep deprivation thing or what. I'll likely head home and carry on for a few hours more after going to this. Shame we don't have a 24hr Apple Store here in London
Salopian Posted - 11/02/2010 : 17:11:35
It's a good idea, although 2:00 a.m. is the time for starting work, not finishing! Someone is trying a similar thing here in Cracow.
benj clews Posted - 11/02/2010 : 15:52:25
For anyone interested (or who knows someone who might be interested) in attending a Nightowls session, I just got an email off the organiser with details of the next one (it's not yet been updated on the official website yet)...

Thanks again to everyone who attended the first London Nightowls, and those of you who expressed an interest but couldn't make it, now is your chance!

The second London Nightowls will be on Wednesday 1st December and will once again be held at eOffice in Soho.

We will be Nightowling a little earlier this time around, starting at 7.00pm and finishing at 1am.

If you would like to attend please drop me an email back to book your place.

Just a reminder that the meetup is completely free, wifi and refreshments are provided but you will need to bring along your own work equipment.

We have 30 places available this time, and we really need to fill them if we want to make Nightowls a more regular event. So if you could please help us spread the word too we would very much appreciate it!

It would be great to see you back again if you came along last time. Likewise if you are new to Nightowls we hope you can make it.

Best wishes
[matt] Posted - 09/26/2010 : 19:40:50

That's awesome. I might well go to one so I've followed them on Twitter.

Hope you made some good progress with the new fwfr!

benj clews Posted - 09/26/2010 : 14:32:57
Originally posted by [matt]

Wow this is a really cool idea. Cheers for the link, benj.

Does it cost anything?

Nope- absolutely free. Well, we paid for the pizzas, but the refreshments, office space and wifi were all provided by our host- eOffice. I think the only thing currently holding up the next meet is finding another venue, but going off the success of the NY Night Owls I suspect this won't take too long.

Details of all upcoming such meets around the globe are here:
[matt] Posted - 09/26/2010 : 14:24:24

Wow this is a really cool idea. Cheers for the link, benj.

Does it cost anything?
BaftaBaby Posted - 09/24/2010 : 11:02:04
Originally posted by benj clews

Here's me working on the new fwfr at London's first ever Night Owls session (late-night coworking club) a couple of nights back...

(I'm in the dark grey T-shirt in the first couple of photos)

It's a nice, productive night out/ in if you have any personal projects to work on. My only complaint would be that it finished at 2am- I'm normally just getting warmed up at that time in preparation for the magic/ inspiration hour (3am to 4am), so I still had to put in a few more hours when I got home afterwards

WOW! What a fab idea, and thanks for showing it to us, benj.

Uhm - does this mean we get free pizza when we join fwfr, the Platinum Membership?

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