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 Matrix Resurrections

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
w22dheartlivie Posted - 12/23/2021 : 05:12:53
I have been trying to add Matrix Resurrections but it keeps giving me error messages. It is the newest Matrix film so it isn't obscure by any means.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
lemmycaution Posted - 01/04/2022 : 21:26:15
Next time, try telling us how you really feel.
MguyX Posted - 01/04/2022 : 00:34:28
While on the topic ...

I begin with a giant "so fucking what?" So, now, all of the Matrix depends on whether Neo and Trinity get back together? Is this some bits and bytes version of The Notebook? Who really gives a flying fuck whether Neo and Trinity get back together??? Are they some kind of super batteries??? (And if they have children, will they be size AAA -- oh, yeah: I STILL got it, ladies and germs; take my wife, please!)

I watched this dud with an open mind, which eventually gave way to a bottle of wine and then into sleep divine (because I fell asleep. Get it? Get it??? And notice the rhyming thing I did?? It's classic!!)

If this is the digital equivalent of rolling the boulder away from the mouth of the tomb of Jesus, I say "Wait! Stop! Leave it alone!! Let it be; step away. Just step away. There's a whole religion at stake here, so don't fuck it up by opening that tomb, because that part of the story gets kinda, you know." (Forgive me, Christians, for appropriating your hallowed imagery for my own obviously nefarious purposes. Here's a drawing of Muhammad to kind of even things out


We good? Charli Hebdo my ass!)

(Forgive me good people of the world for appropriating the tragedy of the Charli Hebdo massacre for my own obviously nefarious purposes. By the way, that drawing looks nothing like Muhammad.)

Anyway, where was I? Right here, at my computer, straining to be clever, just like this shit-brick of a movie.
w22dheartlivie Posted - 01/02/2022 : 04:47:30
Thanks Benj!!
benj clews Posted - 12/31/2021 : 14:34:42
The issue might have been that it was already on the site (albeit as Matrix 4) or just the general import problems of late. I've re-imported it now with the correct title anyway:

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