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T O P I C    R E V I E W
MguyX Posted - 12/27/2021 : 17:52:23
Total clickbait: I've had no success for several months, but apparently some people have, since new films are getting onto the site AND (sometimes) their IMDB links work.

If you are able to add a film, please leave a message here so we can all try to figure out what is different for you.
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
demonic Posted - 01/01/2022 : 07:52:16
I added it - but I didn't submit a review at the same time, so you'll be fine I have no doubt.
TitanPa Posted - 12/31/2021 : 17:45:41
I�ve been trying to add Being The Ricardo's for a week now. Thanks to whomever added it. Though I�m sure they thought of the same reviews I did lol
benj clews Posted - 12/31/2021 : 14:00:54
I've fixed the import (worked with C'Mon C'Mon at least). Let me know if you're still having issues with any other films however...
demonic Posted - 12/31/2021 : 07:54:38
I was sure that it was sorted - two new additions went straight through, but going back to my list of pending adds they are still not working. Nearly there...
lemmycaution Posted - 12/30/2021 : 23:30:43
Originally posted by demonic

I've been keeping tabs on all the films I've not been able to add on the thread below, oddly some have been going through, but probably only something like 1 in 6.

In the positive I messaged Benj last night about it, and he's aware and looking into it - should be a straightforward enough fix, just a bit fiddly as one dodgy link can have a knock on effect.

Thanks for geting in touch the FWFRmeister.

he has been able to deal with this in the past.
demonic Posted - 12/30/2021 : 19:27:42
I've been keeping tabs on all the films I've not been able to add on the thread below, oddly some have been going through, but probably only something like 1 in 6.

In the positive I messaged Benj last night about it, and he's aware and looking into it - should be a straightforward enough fix, just a bit fiddly as one dodgy link can have a knock on effect.
lemmycaution Posted - 12/30/2021 : 16:51:04
unable to add this using three different browsers

It has been a while.

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